What will his legacy be?

What will his legacy be?

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Bad economy
Perpetual war
Drone strikes
No transparency
Broken promises
Ruined the improving race relations

Increased crime rates and 8 years of fuck all.

First and last muslim.

he closed guantanamo
he withdrew the troops from oversees
he strengthened the US democracy
he destroyed corruption in government, banking and industry
he mended race relations

you know they don't give out the nobel peace prize for nothing

Bombing children and


so you sayin

we was presidents and shit?


What were children doing hanging out with terrorists??


your step-brother

'The leader of the retreat'

Just another nigger living in government housing.

if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if uh uh uh if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if if

only potus in history to go to jail for forging a document

An unprecedented expansion of Executive power.
Unrestricted, unlimited war. The war powers act and the declaratory cause are dead and buried.
First Black president.
Blowback from the middle east that we will be experiencing for decades.

You described Bush's presidency with the exception of the black thing.


The only president that dindu nuffin.

i think that, whether deserving or not, every aspect of his tenure will be stained by some kind of negative counter-point, which is fair. books will reflect on the divided/entrenched political atmosphere of the last decade and going forwards


>What will his legacy be?
To bring back racial division when we thought it was over.



Bush did that when he refused to give a damn about the victims of Katrina.


Poor Mexicans call all track phones Obama phones now, regardless if they are government issues or not.
That's his legacy, Obama phones

no he didn't
sort of
no he didn't
no he didn't

first black president

Because of this schools will never teach his failures and he will be remembered as a hero even though he was pretty shit.

Jfk put a man on the moon
Obama put a man in the women's restroom

First Black Female Muslim President
Married to the First Tranny
Fake birth certificate
Ruined race relations
Tanked the economy
Destabilized the Middle East
Created, funded, and trained ISIS
Was complicit in the Clinton/DNC/Bernie shitshow
Campaigning for the 2016 election while still in office
His adopted kid caught smoking pot on camera
Thug niggers coulda been his kids

Why does no one mention this nig smoked Osama Bin Laden?

Despite all the bullshit and broken promises that's one positive thing we can associate with Obama


legitimizing this.

Inviting his friends to the white house.

He did a fine dame job considering the level of obstruction he was facing.

The White House will smell like fried chicken and lysol for years to come.

Holy shit the autism and racism here is next level. I kinda feel sorry you're filled with so much hatred.

Being the first black president and setting back race relations 50 years.

The worst fucking unending stupid fucking "what will this niggers legacy be" threads.

we wuz presdentz n sheeeiiit

i kinda wish youd find someplace else to be a faggot, but here we are.

Cool Clock Ahmed
Fake News
Urging illegals to vote Democrat
Pardoning felons to let them vote Democrat
The nickname "King Nigger"
Pushing through all his shit on executive order
--PLANNED-- Having all his shit repealed and replaced with a working version inside a year

Because there's zero evidence of it

He'll be lionized by progressives for the next 50 years no matter what.

Sober assessments of what he really was, a continuation of business as usual for the most part who's signature domestic policy was overwhelmingly flawed from the outset with its pro-corporate slant will unlikely be widespread for a few generations.

First black president will be what they teach in American schools and the media will try to remember him as an idealist who couldn't turn America into a shining socialist utopia because the mean Republicans wouldn't let him.

Syria, Libya and half the Middle East will remember the chaos and death he brought to their countries by funding terrorists and launching random drone strikes.

The intelligence community will remember him fondly for the power he gave them and the lies who told at their behest.

And we'll all feel the impact of the $12 trillion he added to the national debt although the left will do their best to blame it all on Bush somehow.

Those who study history will see him as a failure and a hypocrite. Those who accept what they are told will remember him as President Rosa Parks.

Seal Team Six smoked Bin Laden using intelligence the CIA found by running a phony vaccination program. Obama just gave them the go head to launch the mission into Paki land, which was an obvious decision since he wanted to get reelected.

Creating ISIS kind of cancels that one out though.

Katrina was such a cluster fuck because

1.New Orleans is a shit place, it honestly is. Only ignorant "LOL I'm a Cajun becuz I live in Louisiana" Americans think it's a wonderful place. When my friend arrived there for his first week of college, some nigs had overpowered the police guarding a tour group, took them hostage long enough to rob everyone there, (including the police's M-16s) and blended back into their shit neighbourhood.
2.The people voted to put money into Mardi Gras for tourism money, rather than update their levee system that was 30 years overdo.
3.Many if the black people were screaming on TV that the hurricane evacuation was a government plot to take their homes, that as soon as they left, the government would secure the area and not let them back in.
4.They were absolute fucking animals to all relief efforts. Ripping toilets out of busses evacuating them, preying on the weak at evacuation centers, destroying and stealing supplies, bitching at people who brought them food that they wanted liquor and cigarettes. They hindered the progress of many relief efforts and even caused some to fall apart completely. There is a reason only north Louisiana took in anyone evacuating from New Orleans, because everyone around them knows New Orleans is a cancer and so are their citizens.

Easily one of the top 5 worse things to ever happen to the U.S, an I'm not even kidding.
This evil traitor donkey faced nigger is a signal, a marker, a check point on the slide we're slipping down.

He hated the police, the public, never worked with any of the government to do anything.
Worse of all he kisses the worse foreign asses.
>angela merkel is perfect
>d-don't do brexit, you fucking island dwellers
>Nigs dindunuffin rioting is OK you racists
>muslims good 2

I said once and I'll keep saying he's main legacy will be

Think just for a moment in a hundred years from now what's the first paragraph you'll read from contemporary history book?
This :
"Barack Hussein Obama was the xxx president of the USA, he's remembered for being the first african american president"

That will be his most enduring legacy

First and last HNIC.

race relations have gone to absolute shit.

Only north Louisiana and neighbouring states to Louisiana I meant. South and central Louisiana did not want any of them in their communities.

I feel sorry for the sick and elderly who were not able to evacuate, they deserve pity. The rest who bix nooded on TV about how they aren't leaving and then cried about GWB being a racist, while saving their t-shirts from the roof of their homes, can go fuck themselves. They cried the evacuation was a white ploy to keep the black man down and destroy their communities, and ended up demanding whitey risk their lives to save their stupid asses.

First black president of the US. That's it though.

first nog president. nothing more than a novelty

I understand most point about Obama's failure but how is he to blame for the current state of race relations? I'd sooner point the finger at uneducated white folks in flyover states.

>Black president n sheit
>Yes we can n sheit
>ISIS and Rukies pls no
>Horrible normie memes

"If i had a son he would look like Trayvon T_T"

Pretty much this.

You really think that spic didn't kill that kid in cold blood? Also what does that instance have to do with white folks?

He'll be known as the man who gave birth to ISIS. It'll be accepted by the mainstream once there's a terror attack against Americans on a large scale. Unfortunately, it's bound to happen, as it happened when we tried funding and arming the mujahideens in Afghanistan. That backfired, and so will arming and funding the rebels in Syria. Once it does backfire, he'll be painted as the president who armed terrorists that eventually attacked America. What makes it even worse is that he didn't learn from history and decided to try this play again.

Proof that the country both can AND can't be run by a nigger

1st black president, nothing more nothing less.

He dindu nuffin

this. also massive surveillance apparatus, created and funded isis, and added 12 trillion to the national debt

He legitimized BLM and basically told them its okay to hate white people, destroy property, and kill cops.

what legacy

nigger detected