Post Governors that run your state
Bonus points if they're cucks
Post Governors that run your state
Bonus points if they're cucks
>this is my state governor
>notice the dead eyes
I want a state uprising to over throw this dike from office and murder and purge the hipster liberals who elected her.
And it's only gonna get worse
Mn is fucking clown sometimes
Ventura was a good governor. Our next one will not be good (pic related)
Dahnald, the UN.
Fuck no, I live in Washington State, and I'm not saving a picture of that faggot Inslee for the time it takes to post.
He's a race mixer but he beat cancer and has been a decent governor.
same, this x100. i'm pretty sure it doesn't get more cucked than inslee.
>Nixon lost the governor race to this cuck's father
>this cuck has an aqueduct named after him
>lieutenant commander
>navy seal
Tom Wolf, he's ight. I voted democrat for everything but president since PA republicans are bumbling cunts who fuck their own mothers and the state.
bud pierce 4 life
feels good to have voted for trump and greitens on the same day
People need to start saying what state they are from in this thread, I don't know who these fucks are
>Missouri Gov. Greitens announces $146 million in cuts; higher education takes biggest blow
We literally did this exact same thing in PA just we kicked democrats out of office in 2010, have fun having to vote for cucks in the next election because republicans rape the state.
Gov.Larry Hogan
Save me from this state.
New Jersey is so cucked, and Christie was meh tier, ju legislature is full of leftists.
mostly based frenchy ruffian
*NJ legislature
What a guy
Nathan Deal is based. Still says "colored people" and pisses off lefties like no tomorrow.
hey portland here, where are you?
Governor Kate Brown, she likes to swing both ways
Can you explain why this works? My intuition tells me that a disabled man doesn't fit well with the whole "texas" thing and that it would be difficult to win there. How did he do it?
Get ready for your next governor
whats the difference between people of colour and coloured people. jesus fuck
I went to high school with his daughters. Lived a block away from me.
He's a good ol' boy and a strong conservative, what's to get?
Governor Kate "if you are not a dike you deserve the spike" Brown
>just fuck my shit up senpai, I hate this bitch
Also, ever hear of this awesome tool called "reverse image search?"
I voted for Bud. Fuck that lesbo. At least we got Dennis Richardson in there to audit their ass.
Actually trying to get an accounting job in Maine at the moment, why tf does everyone want 10 years experience for shit jobs?
It takes more time to reverse search an image than for you to type the state.
No Illinoiscucks here? I wanted to lend my support to the sorry fuck who thought he could fix your state.
Based Greitens
Ah Supreme Chancellor of the people's republic of California, Jerry brown.
I know that feel Cali bro, I live in the same state on the east, it's called New Jersey. Our gun laws are cucked, high property taxes, high cost of living. At least we got Krispy Kreme but he didn't do much
And? What were they like?
He basically fucked up the Dems shit and told the degenerates to get the fuck out
get ready for your next governor
First state governor in history to win a recall election. Leftists still anally annihilated about it to this day.
>millennial popularity contest
ez win 4 cuckberg
I won't post a picture, but Hickenlooper from Colorado is a massive cuck.
>not having based ice cream man Ducey as your gov
are other states even trying?
>tfw you realize Wisconsin Republicans are literally unbeatable
>Presidential election
>Speaker of the House
>Senate re-elect
>White House Chief of Staff
He is probably going to run for President someday. He acts like someone who sees state politics as a stepping stone and not a calling to serve. I voted for him, but he wasn't my first choice.
They are both really cool, relatable girls. Most people liked them. Actually they both had a lot of self respect too, and did not get caught up in bullshit. Both hot too.
Pic related: the younger sister
Reminder that Greitens is a corporate shill puppet and total corrupt scumbag.
You voted for the swamp, morons.
And the older
>file deleted
he's watching
> (You)
>Get ready for your next gover
More diversity in Georgia goyim
Isn't he from York? I'm from Lancaster so it's pretty cool that someone from so close won
Mass surveillance for everybody except the illegals! Hooray.
Gavin Newsom (Brown's likely successor) will be just as bad if not worse. There's truly no hope for this state unless the eastern and northern parts bail and form separate states.
Yeah york. Mount wolf actually
Based Kentucky bro. It's hilarious how salty the dems have been since he was elected and it's only getting better with the house now in republican hands.
Way better than our previous fucking stupid libtard governor.
Hey fellow KY user. Bevins is pretty based and it's funny to watch liberals cry over the things he does. Also that thing he said about Clinton.