Nobody understands China. But I do. I fucking understand China. So listen to me.
In the next 2 minutes, I'm going to red pill the shit out of you about China. I'm gonna open your eyes. I'm gonna give you a motherfucking epiphany.
On my previous thread, some dummy posted that China has a history of never being occupied.
The last dynasty in Chinese history was the Qing Dynasty. It lasted about 300 years. The rulers of the Qing Dynasty were not Chinese. The rulers were a "barbarian" race called the Manchus. This dynasty successfully lasted for 300 years. China was OCCUPIED and ruled by a foreign race for 300 years.
Why? Why did the Chinese kowtow to the barbarians for 300 years?
Answer: Because of the alternative. Because Chinese people are deathly afraid of shit hitting the fan, because every single time shit hits the fan in the Middle Kingdom, tens of millions of Chinese people die of slaughter or hunger. Therefore, the Chinese people are inherently willing to tolerate bullshit from their authoritarian government in order to stave off the inevitable disaster that is the Chinese dynastic change.
Right now, the same thing is happening. China is on the verge of collapse, but Chinese people are tolerating their bullshit government because they're so terrified of the inevitable. But, trust me, there WILL be a dynastic change. It's absolutely inevitable. It's the nature of China to collapse, again and again and again. China has had 83 dynasties in its history. No. Make that 84, including the PRC.
China is a DOMINO, just waiting to fall and trigger a chain reaction of nonstop ass fucking.
This is the future. Be prepared.
Levi Wilson
Camden Baker
Mason Lewis
What dynasty is available to replace the current one op?
Landon Young
OK but WHY is it going to collapse this time?
Jonathan Martinez
Because of its economy, dummy.
Grayson Hill
Real estate bubble
Thomas Powell
Well go on lol, you made the thread faggot answer the question.
Why is the Chinese economy about to catastrophically fail?
Logan Hall
Christian Jenkins
Is this nigga serious?
James Davis
I don't know a fucking thing about the Chinese economy
Joshua Cook
Then read a newspaper, dweeb.
Brody Smith
Lol fucknuts this is a discussion thread and your low level trolling isn't funny
Cameron Nelson
Dude you made the thread so post some information or resources. You can't just throw out nonsense like this without anything to back it.
Right now you're buzzfeed tier fake news
Christopher Reed
>its another episode of butthurt Vietniggers being butthurt about China
Fuck Napalm. They should have just nuked Vietnam.
Jose Miller
Housing bubble
Automation will replace manufacturing
Trump's incoming trade war with China
China's GDP is propped up by building ghost towns
Everybody is leaving China for Vietnam and Indonesia
Christian Russell
Learn to read faggot.
Luis Powell
Op is a faggot
Jeremiah Taylor
Won't that cause problems globally? They essentially are the manufacturing powerhouse, and if that shit goes down, what happens? Who will make my products?
Mason Lopez
>inb4 link to CNN quoting """"China expert""" and """analyst""" Gordong Changs opinions
Thomas Sanders
Hopefully the vast majority of chinks will be wiped out, leaving only the female cuties to serve as sex slaves.
Ayden Fisher
Economy is slowing and ironically enough for a communist state there is virtually no safety net But that's something that could be stemmed pretty easy, problem is Xi is basically pulling a Gorbachev by trying to not be Gorbachev. His "Corruption Campaign" has been used to gain popularity but primarily to purge the party of any dissent and crush any opposition so that he's trying to become the strongest Premier since Mao. He's concentrated power in his hands but has yet to lay out a succession plan, while at the same time he's managed to either piss off his communist party comrades or scared them stiff. So now you have a potentially toxic mix of a slowing economy with little protections if it really shits the bed combined with a party that has been shown to be riddled with corruption and a state at its most authoritarian in terms of dissent since Tiananmen. It's a tinder box and we better pray that Trumps protectionism doesn't accidentally crash their economy or they'll drag us all down
Matthew Fisher
Nathan Cooper
Good to know. I wonder how gold prices will react to all this.
Adrian Torres
Do you realize that Chang is not the only one?
Liam Foster
>same butthurt chinaman working in germany from the last thread >oh keks
Hunter Morgan
that and the fact that most mainlanders dont give much of a shit beyond their family.
if their family is ok they dont really give a shit
Jacob Edwards
Nicholas Kelly
Daily reminder that the legitimate government of China is still in Taipei.
Noah Adams
How much sesame credits do you have?
John Gonzalez
China's too big to fail, dumbass. US wouldn't allow it since they're a money source.
Jaxson Thomas
>too big to fail
Dummy. China will fail BECAUSE it is too big and authoritarian.
Luke Hill
Under that overall goal what are the sub-objectives of the Chinese race and government?
1. Lebensraum. China doesn't have enough of it and by their standards other races aren't doing much with their living spaces. This particularly applies to Africa and Australia. So take them. What 'moral sense' would inform the Chinese not to do this?
2. Resources of energy and raw materials. The biological survival aspect in the context of high energy industrial civilization is obvious.
3. Individual Women for Individual Mating. This sounds like a throw back to ancient times. It will come within the practical experience of many reading these words. A confluence of several white technologies in other species' hands has produced an historically rare situation. When China was weaker it dealt with its lack of Lebensraum by limiting family sizes to an objective one child. The specific means used were infanticide, abortion and later birth control and government laws limiting families to one child. This westernized attempt at population limitation collided with an older Asiatic racial preference for sons over daughters. That's because in Asia daughters literally 'join' their husband's extended families and are a dead economic loss to their parents' families. This racial attitude is so deep it's even expressed in a language that uses different words to describe paternal and maternal grandparents.
Michael Johnson
>Everybody is leaving China for Vietnam and Indonesia This is when I stop reading.
/toy/ here. My transformers used to be made in China. They were probably built using extremely toxic materials, but they were solid toys and I was okay with paying 10 dollars for them.
Then they moved the factories to Vietnam.
Holy fuck, they can't get a single thing right. None of the parts fucking fit properly, and the plastic cracks if you stare at it for too long.
They're actually moving out of Vietnam and into INDIA now.
China may be bad but SEA is a shithole on a whole different level.
Caleb Wood
The next white technology factor is prenatal pregnancy testing to determine the sex of the child. After this became available females were far more commonly aborted than males under the constraints of the racial patterns of 'family' and a government population limitation policy. China will soon have an excess of military age males in the range of 50-100 million over the available number of female mates. These males are pre-doomed demographically to -0- hope of ever finding a Chinese bride. The civilizing influences of a good woman upon a man (feminist 'wymyns' don't count in that process) will thus be absent upon this vast pool of potential soldiers. Their only hope for biological propagation is to literally conquer a bride.
From the perspective of the Chinese government there are three theoretical options and one practical option for dealing with this demographic time bomb.
a. Do nothing and let China dissolve in internal chaos.
b. Immediately begin mass normalization of homosexuality as a socially acceptable lifestyle.
c. Arm and send these unpaired males forth to conquer.
Blake Rodriguez
I predict option (c) will be the choice because of unconscious racial imperatives and a conscious calculation by Chinese leaders that these males will be safer the further away they march. As a French politician once said during the Judeo-Masonic Revolution in France (called the French Revolution), "Peace is out of the question. We have 300,000 men under arms. We must make them march as far as their legs will carry them. Otherwise they will return and cut our throats."
Zachary Smith
Aiden Hall
>Everybody is leaving China for Vietnam and Indonesia boi, i'll take mainland niggers over sea niggers anyway us probably has some stake in vietnam, nobody else does lol indonesia
>most companies looking for cheap labour are moving to/ already in india
Jaxson Baker
What do you mean by "drag us all down"?
Brandon Green
Is this why my foreign exchange chinese gf wants to get married so bad because shes terrified as fuck of going back home?
Colton Clark
This nigga is so butthurt because changs are buying all the mansions in Beverly hill and stealing all his qts driving Maseratis in downtown LA. stay cucked white boi its asian century now cracker.
Lincoln Russell
>drag us all down funny guy. It'll definitely screw with the world market but it's not going to be THAT bad, least not where I live
Jaxon Rodriguez
reading kingdom right now and I can agree with this.
Modern Warring state conflict when?
Asher Hernandez
They said the same about the 1b+ dollar Shillary campaign in this election.
Logan Foster
The Chinese economy finally popping would without a doubt mean a general global recession. It would have massive ripple effects on the global economy. I think the US with proactive care could probably keep in a mild one but that's best case scenario >commodity exports the country >wouldn't be that bad you guys would be one of the worst hit if their economy genuinely shit the bed
Evan Stewart
>implying there's not a reason Chinks are investing so heavily outside of china
hint: it's because expectations are better outside of China :^)
Anthony Green
>>commodity exports the country Mainly electronics, plastics and other shit I can do without.
>you guys would be one of the worst hit if their economy genuinely shit the bed Our economy only needs them for imports of luxury goods now, it wouldn't be that bad
Nathaniel Evans
That's exactly like saying the German race occupied the French race you dumbfuck. /THREAD.
Christian Butler
>China will surely dollars this year! >t. China "experts", 60 years running
John Wright
We wuz Changz!
James Cruz
pffft haha changs may buy property but the only white chicks they can score are progressive feminist airheads. meanwhile we devirgin their women and never meet their parents.
Oliver Garcia
the funny thing is crackers have no idea how china actually works.
Parker Scott
How the fuck does it autocorrect collapse to dollars? Duck this samsung piece of shit.
Wyatt Nelson
What about their military though? Is it as big a meme as I think it is?
>t.Want Trump to declare war but don't want to die in nuclear hell fire or be drafted
Jason Richardson
Yuan dynasty was Mongolian. They were "foreigners". Biggest empire in history was Mongolian.
Asher Gutierrez
it's a sign of what is to come
Jayden Morgan
She shuld just be friends
Carson Garcia
Billions of Chinese will starve. Cannibalism will be rampant.
Alexander Davis
Are you agreeing or disagreeing? This is what a 12 year old child with no valid arguments would say.
Liam Scott
drink hot water, shit in the street, rip off as many countrymen as possible and then fuck off to vancouver with ill gotten gains.
book to the left tells you everything you need to know.
Elijah Young
faggot in disguise
Alexander Brooks
also agree with op, lived there a bit and speak chink so
David Peterson
The people of China are not the same as races previous to them and at one time China was populated with Caucasians.
Jason Walker
>using autocorrect on a phone >being a phoneposter
Brody Nelson
Oh right I forgot, this is one of those breakthrough discoveries from Alex Jones. Learned something today.
Parker Williams
coming soon to a rapefugee shelter near you
Ryan Walker
>Australia You would probably be one of the worst hit.
Kayden Nelson
You posted this exact same thread a few hours ago. You must be very upset.
Leo Sanders
>Mommy look I posted it again
Dominic Thomas
if they collapse how are they going to collect
Joshua Garcia
>Housing bubble Literally a media hype bubble. Its obviously nowhere near as dramatic as shills, Viet monkeys and U.S. propaganda make it out to be and not like housing bubbles don't and never existed in various developed nations as well.
>Automation will replace manufacturing Retarded conjecture. Its a risky situation any developing nation has to go trough, not a liability. Happening for years already and some industries are already on similar automatition level of America and yet nothing imploded whatsoever, because the shift to a market economy is working.
>Trump's incoming trade war with China Will never happen. Just like Clinton will never be arrested and the millions of illegal Mexicans will never be deported. Its just saber rattling for the press.
>China's GDP is propped up by building ghost towns Literally Fakenews produced by CNN tier reporters walking around 2/3 finished construction sites that where not expected to be inhabited and forcing the myth of ghostcities. Not just is the economic gain real either way, most of them are actually decently or near fully occupied by now and success stories and reputated economic papers had to admit that while MSM just ignored it.
Even the so called "biggest ghost city in China" Zhengdong or whatever its spelled featured a trillion times in U.S. MSM and spammed a trillion times by shills, has almost most twice the population density of LA just 5 years after the Fakenews took its round, after the infrastructure was actually nearing completion and industries given time to move in.
>Everybody is leaving China for Vietnam and Indonesia First Chinese prices are rising and they go for the cheaper niggers like you. Even Chinese employ you for cheap labour. That just means the passed you and Vietnam is still a shithole. Congratulations! But reality is since Vietniggers produce at such low quality even compared to China many are moving out again to India and other poor nations.
Luis Reed
>My playthings give me an accurate perspective on geopolitics
Alexander Morales
No, he goes on about the reptilians and the ancient aliens and sheeiit.
Leo Roberts
>not shitposting on the go
Nicholas Cooper
Nicholas Hill
Basically what I think.
Also nice boot leg Chinese flag.
Leo Sanders
>These males are pre-doomed demographically to -0- hope of ever finding a Chinese bride.
why do you think duerte is getting so cozy with xi? xi is going to dump boat loads of RMB over for good relations and unfettered access to their markets. once ties are cemented with the mainland you'll likely see a huge exodus of filipinas leaving for "better opportunities." these migrants will end up with chinese men.
sure flips won't be their first choice since they aren't han and their skin is dark but it beats jizzing into a sock for the rest of their lives.
Levi Scott
can't screencap so i just copy-pasta in my notepad
this is good m8
Aiden Watson
Enjoying that gutter oil juice Chinese nigger?
Gavin Ramirez
Chinese apes shitting in public
Aaron Ross
Ethan Rogers
That was the demographic reality of the last two decades though, the one child policy has been removed and cultural attitudes toward daughters have already started shifting.
In any case consider the female availability for marriage in the West, the current zeitgeist is that we are culturally dismissive of traditional family roles for women.
Leo Williams
why you so mad? did zhang cuck you out of your sister? you so mad little white boi.
Daniel Wilson
Remove commies
Nathan Sanchez
RIP little guys. Sayid and the gang will have their asses for breakfast.
Parker White
OP is a dumb nigger
Oliver Foster
Liam Martinez
Yall fucks forgettin something. The way the collapse will fall.
If the commie chink government predicts is gonna collapse, then Xi and his buddies are going to invade the senkaku isles and other shitty rocks in the sea. Then they can't be fucked outta office by a military coup since the military's bein regulated tight cause of the war. So mister Xi and his friendos fuck off to go in hiding. This is why chinks backed shillary because if the US parners with the ruskies it means bad shit for china
America is protectin the japs and korea and other slanty or brown slanty countries so if china does that shit then the US gotta go in to defend. Might not be WW3 scale but chinks did a similar set of shenanigans in the sui dynasty and it fucked over the whole east asian coast
This is the chaos that OPFAG said the chinks are scared of. Chinks had to set up a whole philosophy system to stop having emperors that were total sacks of shit and only half sacks of shit. Commis rekt traditional chink culture and so now you got a fuckin mess again cause the government has 0 moral-ethical standards beyond the toilet rag of maoism.
Hopefully the collapse can be intervened with so its only a controlled blast and not turd in a blender levels of shitstorm and then taiwan can take over again.
Fuckin commies ruin everything,
Tyler Ortiz
What will happen to Hong Kong? I've got a job interview coming up there for a career position?
Jeremiah Hill
>itt: maximum salt over china's success >vietcucks proxying hard >China will surely collapse if we repeat ourselves ad nauseam!
Julian Edwards
China really is a shit tier country.
Over 1 billion people, 78% classified as living in 3rd world conditions, with the majority of the country being a bunch of provinces that really don't give a fuck about an empire.
The only thing keeping the fake paper tiger working is the Government and even that is about to fail.
There are so many obvious signs that China is going to hit a fucking wall very soon and it will most likely destroy the Communist Peoples Republic for good.
That of course would have consequences on the world economy but will recover.
The largest problem with the collapse of China is 1) North Korea is going to be a fucking ticking time bomb and will need to be taken care of immediately. 2) The alternative to what the current China is. Will the provinces stay together? Will Hong Kong make a run for Independence?
There are many different scenarios but the one scenario you can count on is the collapse of China and it's power structure. It's going to get really, really fucking ugly. We could see a civil war in China that would make Syria look like fucking child's play. Millions of Chinks slaughtering each other. It would be glorious to witness.
Lucas Nelson
Jackson Powell
You've described how it will fall. What will actually cause the fall?
Eli Rivera
Why is China so bad at wars? They always outnumbered all their enemies but they always lose. It seems that China got wrecked by Vietnam a lot.
Brandon White
> China's success
Hello, Chang. Shilling overtime for your master? Or maybe the government threatend to kill your family if you didn't shill for them. (Your government loves killing its own people). And you have been for quite a long time! Sad!
Michael Fisher
Justin Ramirez
Usually the dynasty falls because it's corrupt and the central government loses control over the provinces and warlords spring up all over the place. I don't see that happening right away. Anyway, Chinese don't care about politics. As they say, we don't care who holds the cow as long as we get to milk it. Anyone who thinks China is backwards should visit Shenzhen. It's geek heaven and all the smart guys from all over the world are going there to make geek inventions.
Nathan Murphy
With the demographics issue - excess 50-100m of men, the solution to this problem is time. As other posters have pointing out, Philipines will act as a male demographic pressure valve, as will the social normalisation of homosexuality.
China faces the 4-2-1 problem. 4 grandparents, 2 parents, being supported by 1 male.
Jack Flores
my favourite insult. why dont more people use this?
Nathan Kelly
Nothing will happen to HK. It's just noise. HK is awesome, with no crime, good food, serious partying, and super hot Cathay stewardesses running around everywhere in bikinis.