/rpg/ Red Pill General - Traditionalism Edition

Continue posting the redpills here.


Other urls found in this thread:

cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/occult.conspiracy.and.related/Dennis - The Coming American Fascism-The Crisis of Capitalism (1936).pdf



Doesn't the video and posts talk about the cost? Video says build the thing for $475 billion. Sounds high as fuck but at the same time we just bailed out banks for $700+billion. Meanwhile the space elevator is a 1 time cost that slashes expoentially the price of all future movement of material to space and allows the creation of upper atmosphere solar platforms that generate clean energy and pay back initial investments relatively quickly.

If the costs are around what the guy estimates, the US could build one within the next 10 years easily. Between the bank bailouts and Iraq the US spent enough to build the whole space ring twice and several solar panel setups.

Bumping to learn



That pic is too good for words, almond activated
>yfw donald trump builds a space elevator with the money we spend on NATO and goes down as the greatest president of all time

Space elevator:

Someone objected in:

We can decide whether your post has any merit as follows:


(cost of space elevator + cost to space of everything we'd like to send given space elevator) < cost to send everything we'd like to send on rockets


build space elevator


When is this condition satisfied?

Let X be the cost of space elevator, RETARD_ROCKET be the cost per kilogram of using rockets, GENIUS_ELEVATOR be the cost per kilogram using the elevator, and EPICFUCKLOAD be the amount of mass we'd like to send to orbit.

The condition we need to satisfy is then:


or, rearranging,


Now we can plug in values of X ($430B), ROCKET_RETARD (say $2000/kg for the Falcon Heavy) and GENIUS_ELEVATOR of about $1/kg to get


215 million kilograms < EPICFUCKLOAD


build space elevator


We are thus brought to the last question - is there any reason we might want in excess of 215 million kilograms of payload in space?

To put this number in context, each of the world trade center towers weighed about 450 million kilograms, so even a single modest industrial outpost in space is more than twice the weight condition required to make a space elevator a rational project.



cdn.preterhuman.net/texts/religion.occult.new_age/occult.conspiracy.and.related/Dennis - The Coming American Fascism-The Crisis of Capitalism (1936).pdf

An American fascist book

How do we show this to normal folks and get them to distrust Jews?

Here are a bunch from another thread

Even though people get angry about newfags, I feel like events where masses of normies get pulled in because the news mentioned Sup Forums actually leads to a ton of new redpilled people. That's why when pissgate happened and Sup Forums was behind it, almost exclusively alternative media mentioned Sup Forums by name, CNN does NOT want people even KNOWING that this place EXISTS much less get redpilled by it

Still doesn't answer my question. Should we go "here's a list of crimes a bunch of nutcase Jews did over the course of history that were pretty much identical and really makes me think?"


but the jew shit is kinda next level redpilling to be honest desu. When you start out with that kinda shit it makes people get shook up, like oh no they're one of these kinda crazies who think one set of people are the problem.
The best bet is always the beginning redpills, make people be aware, realists, and then they'll soften up to the idea of harder stuff. Do the race shit, women, government, then get into the kalergi plan type shit

Alright but it hurts not to tell them.

Posting some more redpills faggets

Redpill General type threads makes sense to include stuff in, i just meant in the case that normies walk in here after something big, it'd be better to redpill with the more obvious shit that is simply in their mind as "racist" or "sexist" whatever kneejerks their newspeak corrective-ism. Get them exposed, if they stay they'll learn shit eventually, it's almost wrong to do because a blue pill life seems alot more comfy

Well shoot. Well I need to sleep. I swear if I have dreams of the happy merchant trying to drink my blood I'm blaming you guys. I already had a dream of a vampire Soros so it probably will happen.



Why is redpill always cuckpill?


Current sociaist safetynet was unsustainable from the word go and must eventually collapse.


i guess he really did know that wetworks didn't mean a pool party at the vineyard

anti-slide bump


The old paid into the system thou. Properly invested, it covers their retirement + services.

There is only one true redpill




The timing of Red Pill General showing up could not be better.

Today my 17 yo sister took a day trip to Philadelphia with friends, and just told me she unironically joined a BLACK LIVES MATTER march going on. Now I can put some of these together and redpill her until it hurts. Thanks Sup Forums :D





Wasting time arguing with a leaf.







>it's almost wrong to do because a blue pill life seems alot more comfy

The truth is never wrong to tell.
















this is fucking rich. This hilarious revisionism coming from a country that was basically built by black bodies without labour compensation.


lsd nigger hunting glory












Jews are not gods chosen people














>doesnt look up how much we have spent in welfare since the 60s

go back to leftpol


Look I hate it when leftists mention slavery and the Jim Crow era, but yeah that pic seems to forget that part of the white-black relationship in the US.







