Let's settle this once and for all
Can white people be niggers?
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Yes. Slavs prove that it is possible.
Trailer trash = nothing but white niggers
but we are not niggers
we are white
Yes just look at talcum x
Slavs exist
Every country has a white minority who act's like niggers, but you call them trailer trash/chavs/slavs whatever. To be a nigger you have to be black.
Never met a properly nigger-tier slav. But they're meme-typically Polish, and I've never been there. Closest I've seen to white niggers are chavs
No, we can have white trash, but they will never be niggers. Nigger is a term designated for the black species.
No. only niggers are black. We call retarded white people liberals and hilljacks/trailer trash.
Do we call spics niggers if they can't read? No, we call them spics.
Beat me to it
How you doin my 57% friend?
white people are albinos. they came from niggers.
No. A white person can act like a nigger, but a white cannot be a nigger. "Nigger" is a term that refers specifically to black people, based on the Latin word for "black." The term didn't even originally have negative connotations; it was just a neutral term to refer to black people. Of course, black people at some point in history decided that they didn't like the term and decided that it was racist.
i will steal this pepe
What's it like to have your women cucked by our president?
feels good
>"slav" is a race meme
No wonder why pol is so retarded
You mean like Shaun King? Sure I guess
How are slavs not a race...what are you then, a species of white skinned niggers?
Great minds, user.
It's just jewish D&C
Niggers are niger-congo/bantu people.
Can humans be dogs? No. Can they act like a typical dog? Yes. #notalldogs
yeah check out analbia it's a mess there
Poorest whites do as well as richest blacks. Your "based" richest "educated"/affirmative actoined blacks are white trash tier, i.e., not so bad.
Yes. Being a nigger is not about skin color, its about how you carry yourself. By this definition you can be un-niggered.
>Poorest whites do as well as richest blacks.
*on standardised tests
Pill heads are as bad as niggers
They can be something far worse then a nigger.
Haha ohhh leaf.
I'm sure white trash tier could do the stuff ben carson has done right?
Yes they can, plenty of them here.
Every country has niggers, alought blacks in the US are essentially nigger niggers (aka double niggers)
Slavs have dresy/gopnik, U.S. has rednecks/white trash, U.K. has chavs, Aus has bogan, etc.
Niggers exist everywhere but only blacks can be double niggers.
I deliver and repo stuff.
You would be so ashamed of the people I encountered.
Im from south western PA, most of these people have houses that smell of their dogs piss and shit, roaches, bed bugs, complain about the smallest things that in reality do not matter at all.
Ive had less trouble delivering to niggers ripleysbelieveitorfuckingNot.
We wuz french
Uniontown area? Somehow SW PA is worse than my WV homeland for white trash.
Pennsyltucky is thankfully the best kept secret in the US. Some of the worst white genes in existence and dumb like caricatures of southerners.
Holy fuck yes i deliver in uniontown, masontown, smithfield, new salem, this area is awfully gloomy, im personally from hopwood myself, would much rather move to chalkhill. i love the mountains.
White people invented the word nigger.
Whites are the only niggers.
Who is the Nigger? -James Baldwin (clip)
I have nothing against slavs nor considered them as a race. It's not a derogatory term here.
Slavs is a language group
yes, pikeys are the white equivalent of niggers
White niggers voted in their king nigger in 2016.
but affirmative action helps whites
Fisher v UT-Austin : 42/47 low scorers admitted were white over 138 black/latinos
Harvard vs Asians: 50% white campus due to affirmative action, unlike caltech/berkeely which are 60%/40% asian because no AA
yes. source: am a white spaghetti/potato nigger aka rich white trash. damn proud of it too. suck my ass basement dwelling mischlinge