Japan need you

Why don't you move to Japan yet?

Japan need you.(and other 199.999 immigrants) per year!

Frig off randy, i just got a nippon cell phone

japan is too fucking cramped for a texan

sorry, i have big white cock not good for Asian women.

This is how to kill a nation y'know

u changed up ur pasta

No country needs immigration except those populated by subhumans.

Make me crown prince I will come

ok im coming. pic related is me

Sounds legit do you cunts speak English yet?

I would move but japan has shit food

I wish Japan would get rid of the US military bases. So many Jap flags would disappear

This is how you guys stock pantie vending machines.

forgot the pic

While I know, that Russia is not perfect, I still love my Motherland.
Also, Japanese people have very organized way of life, they are overly polite and indirect.
And though I consider myself polite person, I am still Russian and would not feel comfortable living there.

Do you accept NEETs? I don't care about your women as long as I get internet access and free rice.

Plz, this is the real deal right here.

Because you faggots don't speak the 英語 and make even my autism seem like a minor disposition.

As much as I enjoyed my 2 years in Tokyo. Japan can and never will be a home to me. It belongs to the Japanese folk. As it should eigo sensei kun

How long did it take you to learn moon runes?

>Why don't you move to Japan yet?
Because japans job market and job satisfation is some of the shitties around

I hear your porn industry needs a lot of male performers. Too bad Asians have no tits

I am upvoting this with my dick Canada san
And Shekels for your digits

Do you really want?

If you dedicate yourself properly not all that long. It's not particularly hard either.
The oral language is pretty easy, once you've got the hang of it.

Daily study of your kanji (moon runes) is recommended, however, since you need to know at least too of them to function on a very basic level.


1. Do you nips mostly know how to speak American?

2. Will I be issued a few qt3.14 waifus when I get there?

3. Do you have burgers or is it all raw fishheads and tentacles over there?

4. Have there been any gorilla sightings recently?

5. Can I live somewhere that isn't radioactive?


Will i get a free hug and kiss? If no i will go to Germany instead.

I appreciate you sharing your knowledge.

hey hey its Second China. First China says no

Bloody Hell.
>400 of them

You are asking us to be the mexicans of the US but in japan. Undercut wages,nobody likes you, dont speak the national language, girls are the most conservative around.

Nice try buddy,


Pretty much this.
Only learn Japanese if you're a hard-core Animu addict or if it gives you an advantage in your trade.

Unless you want to sign up for a life of hardship don't even think about moving to Nipland permanently

i have thought about that, but since i am not a native english speaker moving there will be difficult (wouldn't mind start learning japanese though). Also, i don't know how they will react to my presence since i am not a white as snow (not a manlet and light-skinned, but still not a snowflake)...

>got degree and experience

>thread - t. gook

What about Okinawa to study with Martial Arts Sensei? And gather spare 女

offtopic, but
People in III season were really dumb to not suspect that she was from water tribes.
like seriously, literally nobody had blue eyes in fire nation and suddenly some blue eyed (main trait for water tribe) girl appears. isn't that a bit suspicious?...

I don't speak Japanese even though I'd have super easy time pronouncing it, since they have similar sounds to Spanish and sometimes straight up copy/pasted words but written differently, yet sound the same in Spanish.

Also, I don't think I'd fit in. The Japanese aren't too into people expressing their true feelings and such. If I had to bottle up shit to fit in where I am now, I'd end up killing myself in Japan.

Their island is way better than mine, though. And no offense to 'Muricans, but US isn't on my top list of places I'd move to thanks to all the Jewery, niggery and SJW shit going on there in general so I may end up living there if this shit place ends up sinking due to garbage government (again).

Ivan, can a Pajeet come and live in your country?

1) I'm self-employed (kinda) so work neither but I don't know how much of a problem your govt will have with that.

2) Do you have good heating in houses? I can't stand cold.

3) I can cook but it's a recently acquired ability and once in a while I'd like to go out- do you have vegetarian places to eat?

4) How easy is it to get by with English? I guess I can learn Russian (I started once but stopped later) but still want to know.

I'm looking to live in a country where people are self-respecting and honorable.