MemeWar 2017 Master Thread GET IN HERE

I am the Weaponized Autist Commander, head of comfy operations.

I am calling all autists back to the trenches, back to the battle lines.

This is not a drill.
This is not a LARP.
This is our time.

Inauguration Protest threads are being slide, and hard, and there are many angles to this that are being spread out across Sup Forums

>not your personal army
Then don't come.
This is for those who are already in it.

United brothers and sisters, bring forth the meme magic of Kek and Thoth and whoever the fuck else.

now is the time to put ourselves to use in service of The God Emperor.

Hail Trump!
Hail Victory!

Other urls found in this thread:

Returning veteran of the Great Meme War honorably reporting.

Get jews to stop their own from promoting white genocide. "Jewish Radical Influence".

Sup Forums Reporting in with the dank fucking themes.

There is a purpose to American life. Do not let those who would tear it down out of blind vanity destroy it.

I am but a simple user on the west coast, what can I do to help?

Info dump from The White Elephant in regards to coming protests

somebody bring it over?

Reporting in.
Anybody heard about protests in your local areas? I havent even heard anything about DC. Its too quiet...




Project Veritas exposes Anti-Fa using terrorist means to gas those at Trump Inaguration.

We must create a Great Meme War Gen (GMWII) for future tracking of AntiFa movements and the damages they may cause.
Previous thread is: 107466796

If you have any information, please report in and post it so we can get /memeint/ and disseminate information quickly.

MAGA, and good luck lads.

Eyy boss


Have a bump from leaf land. I'm eagerly awaiting the twentieth. Godspeed, America.

Forgot greentext.

Dumping will commence shortly.


Most info is coming from this thread user:
Info about Al Sharpton bussing in protesters for the Inauguration and more.



a certain mr. carl dix is identified as one of the intiators of this refusefascism movement

carl dix is the founding member of the revolutionary communist party of america

their website is currently edited to show refusefascism propaganda, and checking the waybackmachine will show that these were recent edits made but a few weeks ago, and that otherwise the website has changed very little through the years

according to the website of this organzation, its goals are to:

>achieve an inspiring vision, and concrete measures, for the building of a new society, a socialist society, aiming for the final goal of a communist world, where human beings everywhere would be free of relations of exploitation and oppression and destructive antagonistic conflicts, and could be fit caretakers of the earth. But to make this a reality, we need revolution. In order for revolution to be real there must be: a revolutionary crisis, and a revolutionary people, numbering in the millions and led by a far-seeing, highly organized and disciplined revolutionary party.

one of its core principles is dedication to bob avakian, who is, according to the site:

>the Chairman of our Party, we have the kind of rare and precious leader who does not come along very often. A leader who has given his heart, and all his knowledge, skills and abilities to serving the cause of revolution and the emancipation of humanity. Bob Avakian came alive as a revolutionary in the 1960s—taking part in the great movements of those days, and especially working and struggling closely with the most advanced revolutionary force in the U.S. at that time, the Black Panther Party. Since then, and while many others have given up, Bob Avakian has worked and struggled tirelessly to find the way to go forward, having learned crucial lessons and built lasting organization that could continue the struggle, and aim to take it higher, while uniting with the same struggle throughout the world.


Do not engage violently.
Let them be violent.

RoE puts us at disadvantage, but we prefer to call it evening the odds (even though they're still in their favor)


If you're there, be willing to get hurt, not to fight, but to take a hit.

I cannot and will not ask you to sacrifice your life, but if you are ready for that then keep alert.

Nothing would hurt the image of these terrorists more than making heroes of us and martyrs of us.

If they start a fight, get between them and whoever they're beating, doesn't matter who, bonus points if a black guy.

Do not go on camera and say "Gas the kikes race war now" we cannot show our power levels...yet.

and lastly, if you do get a chance to be interviewed make sure to get teary eyed and talk about the neo-marxist terrorists who attacked you. Talk about how violent and dangerous they are.
We need a MemeStorm and an InfoStorm.
any/all information relating to intel about protests, post it.
Any memes we have that can mock the protesters, post em.

I love you all, thank you for joining me on this en devour.

I had not realized that the thread was at 252. Hopefully we can get a migration to here to create a Anti-Fa Observation General.

Here's the Project Veritas Thread for anyone looking to gather info on what's developing.

Outstanding work gentlemen, bring info into this thread to focus our collective austimo.



Thank you.

AntifaObsrvGen comes after this times out

Meme War just gets people's attention better

They're indoctrinating our children. Spread this far and wide.

Agreed. They're trying to gas us. MEME WAR NOW.



Advice from an user on how to do basic haxxoring and help


Yep. Live in LA. Know at least about 3

White guy is the only one not hiding.

Don't forget that Rev Jesse Jackson is helping bus in protesters to DC, and we have ROCK SOLID evidence of this.

Reminder to do any questionable shit on public wifi with Kali Linux on public wifi with a spoofed mac address

HIGHLY recommend watching this in regards to far left indoctrination in schools and college campuses. Duke Pesta explains how and why (((they))) are doing it.

Hahaha, I didn't even catch that.

Do you have any VPN recommendations? I can't into 16 skeletons to be safe about shutting down those who would hurt those who think for themselves.

How do I into outside normal channels?

feels standing by

Wasn't it announced a few weeks ago that the FBI wanted to be able to investigate anyone using a VPN?

Whatever happened with that? I read about it for like 2 days and then no one ever talked about it again.

Unfortunantley im a pleb when it comes to such issues, but im sure some anons on here will have some good recomendations m9

Already seen it, also highly reccomend Jordan Peterson as he drops horse sized redpills to normies and chooses his battles well. He's a college prof taking on SJWs and does a great job at it.

Here's a link, highly recommended, and great to show to normie friendsd for perspective to bring them into the fold:

Pic Related is our targets; they are the ones spearheading this ENTIRE THING. Sitesucker can help with this. Anyone with more technical knowledge than me could probably help in planning an organized reaction to AntiFa's shenanigans with this information.

Twitter link: >
>Surname: Iron Eyes

>Joe Rogan

Safrica fag ready to shitpost

Born to Feel, also on Standby.

Here's what you can do:
>Bump AntiFa-related threads
>Create Anti-Fa related Fashwave/CNN memes
>Link dying threads and sliding threads here to stop JIDF/BIDF/CTR/Anti-Fa pricks from undermining Sup Forums
>Inform yourself on Anti-Fa and their tactics such as weapons caches in the downtown DC area and meeting up at (((Comet Pizza)))

These fucks are desperate for attention. Make them wish they never had it.

I said it was for normies for a reason. Plus, I've never seen him so silent throughout an interview. He gives Peterson breathing room, and pretty much asks only good leading questions.

Pic Related is why we need PSYOPS and COINTEL units on this.

>tfw want to learn Afrikaans

kek be with you

second easiest language to learn bro, swear words are the fucking best

I've already watched a few tutorials but I still study it.

I just love the language. It's great.

still need*

OP from last thread made a new thread.


dankie maat ek waardeer
if you are interested check out some movies:
-vir die Voëls- and -vrou soek 'n boer- not hollywood quality but simple enough to help learn

Thanks lad.

Sometimes it sucks because some vids in Afrikaans don't have subtitles.

Like this

How would an ally leaf stir dissent in toronto?


Why tho ?
I use NordVPN and that stuff comes from Panama. Fuck the NSA.
Just need to turn off to post here.