Finland NO!

Finland NO!

Seems like someone casually drove to refugeecenter. fired a shot and left. Fortunately no one was injured.

appreciate the enthusiasm, but this person did it wrong. more bullets. more bullets on targets. sustained rampage. an hero finale.


Just scare tactics, what it seems to me.

lol vodka

You mean unfortunately, cuck.

Sorry burgerbro, bit drunk and was too busy to check which one it was.

Can't even shoot up a refugee center right

So.. another Comet Pizza-style false flag? I wonder what kind of draconian legislation Finland will draft up, next.

>Stay tuned for the next episode of Eurozone Gets Cucked Z

This is most likely a false flag op, prepare to receive massive anti-right propaganda.

Prepare for, 'We must fight hate with tolerance by accepting diversity.' style speel.

Counter: Actually don't be racists, argue instead that Islam is racist, sexist and anti diversity and tolerance. Even if you're actually racist pretend your not anyways if you actually care about your race.

There's literally a 'Viper club" on Hollywood Blvd. Right next to a Hookah place.


imply we dont receive this propaganda every day allready

this will help make it more believable.

it's like with pg, no normies have heard of the evidence, but everyone knows about the "shooting"

>Counter: Actually don't be racists, argue instead that Islam is racist, sexist and anti diversity and tolerance. Even if you're actually racist pretend your not anyways if you actually care about your race.
This. This. This. Everyone read this.

It's just reverse terrorism.

chill out


It's eye for an eye. Those Arabs themselves walk around like they own the place.

>This is most likely a false flag op, prepare to receive massive anti-right propaganda
>Prepare for, 'We must fight hate with tolerance by accepting diversity.' style speel.
So nothing is going to change

Mongols can't do shit. Wtf! Why fire a single shot just to put your ass behind the bars. Mongols are true niggers with low IQ and even lower itsevarma

Should have been farther away putting rounds into the roof.

Bleed them of money, the people will get tired of paying for their shit eventually.

Should've burned it down and let winter chan deal with the survivors

Talk about being a weirdo and mentally ill.

The funny thing is, the arrogance clears completely once they are singled out and alone. They are just a pack of ferals.


Those are Americans. Americans confirmed for non-white.

Is fucking stupid. They aren't going to listen.

'The essential English leadership secret does not depend on particular intelligence. Rather, it depends on a remarkably stupid thick-headedness. The English follow the principle that when one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it. They keep up their lies, even at the risk of looking ridiculous.'
- Goebbels
