If you're funding these scums in any way, it's about time you cut the support.
If you're funding these scums in any way, it's about time you cut the support
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I know they're cunts, but have they done something in particular to earn your ire?
Okay, so like any desperate millennial, I sign up for any job that isn't on "JUST NO" Tier.
Two weeks ago, I had a chance to start a job as UNICEF ''''''intern'''''''. I singed up because the me of two weeks ago was a fucking idiot.
Yes, why give money to Africa or wherever money jews take this money to.
Let the Africans take care of themselves. They need to adapt and evolve, white man can't help them with everything
Of course I imagined it to be boring desk job or doing stuff for kids. Mediocre job is still a job and it counts as experience, amirite? So I said yes to the call.
And literally *TWO* days later they called me to come for an interview. Huh. And to my surprise the interview location was NOT the UNICEF Korea HQ; It was some seedy HR contractor office.
Was there a casting couch?
Fuck, I can't even believe I'm saying this- But If the UNICEF really did send some shit for dem poor dindus, I wouldn't be posting now. Like all boomer leaded, something berg something stein managed group, UNICEF managed to be worse.
So the money jew take it all?
and what about those videos, the water?
is this some sort of story? why is the op not posting any story what the fuck is this thread
No, but we had +20 casting classroom chairs of "We don't give a fuck who you are. Just sign."
And my supposed "Competitors" were definitely community college types. In case you were wondering, community colleges in Korea is so shit that a college gets shut down every other year.
Should have backed out at that very moment. I did not. Worst, mistake, ever.
I was out for dinner. Will keep posting.
what the fuck are you doing not posting the story in the first place
But they are trying to teach Indians to poo in loo.
...And it turned out that it was the '''first''' interview. The interviewer didn't give shit about my licenses or language skill, nor did they asked me about my knowledge about "Dem poor kids."
He read me the terms, asked me if I'm okay with them, then had me sign some papers. And five hours later, they sent me a message about "Second interview which will take place in UNICEF HQ".
So I went there. Different interior, Similar interview. Hours later I got a call that I am recruited through and through.
For day 1 and 2, I had to read '''''educational materials''''' and watch propaganda videos. None of those bullshit got to me, nor I was forced to learn them by the heart.
On day 3... I got to get a taste of F2F campaigning. According to guys back at HQ it was supposed to be a fun and interesting experience.
It wasn't.
Unicef are literal sjw scum. Probably one of the worst of all the UNs offshoots. Responsible for bringing millions of muzzie adults into this world who would've died in their first few years if left to their circumstances.
Good thread op. Will be monitoring.
Good thread, fuck the Unicef.
God damm it can you hurry up with this you fucking gook
You nice fuck
They fuck little kids
Remember FBI user said pretty much every charity claiming to be about children was involved in the pedo/child trafficking ring.
The campaign took place at some department store. We were asked to "Spread the word" about dem kids and eventually... Well, you know, lead them to sign up for monthly support.
I'm from BA so I tried to use my brains. Boomer males are no go. Kids are no go. Old people too senile to remember their bank account? Definitely no go. Contractors were mostly 20~30ish females.
Then I was approached by this girl, who is supposed to be my superior (But forced to act friendly 24/7 because of contract extend evaluation)
She asked me how is the job. I told her that it's quite difficult and especially finding possible contractor was a pain in the ass. Then she snapped.
>Mister Kim, we are not some used car dealership. This is not about getting contacts. This is about spreading the word, about making people take interest in those poor Syrian kids!
Which meant "Go bug everyone you see like stupid newcomer you are meanwhile I get contracts."
Speaking of co-workers, during lunchtime, I noted that they have this "Staring into forever" eyes and have low to zero morale. (Except for that girl I mentioned)
They made this, that earns them some slack.
After all the work (9:30 to 20:00. Seems fine!) I got a chance to talk with one of my co-worker. He was veteran in this field, and was on job jumping train he really wished to get off.
>See, Kim. I think these guys are squeezing us. I've seen dozen people quitting this job; Both from conflict and tiring out. You got a job here with 7 other guys, right? That means 8 guys just quit this job. Let that sink in.
>They talk all the shit about being good. But in fact they are forcing us to get more contract AND don't get caught doing that in open.
>Don't tire yourself out. Just stay in the middle line. Don't let them use you.
I agreed with him, and I was in right mood to quit the job thanks to my fucked up leg- But being usual born-slave gook worker, I chose to stay for few more days.
On the first day I had to work in a big team at the crowded area; On the second day I had to work in 4 people team in much smaller place.
It was nine-to ten hours work much like the first day. Our team managed to :
>Contact about 750 people
>Stop about 100 people
>Have 30 people consider about supporting
>3 actual contracts (Cheapest support program)
First I was shocked about pointlessness of this whole F2F bullshit. We got a promotion zone in one of Seoul's most hot spot- And yet we only managed to get 3 contracts in a day.
Consider this:
>Korean minimum wage : 6470 Won / Hour
>Cheapest support program : 30000 Won / Month, which is 1000 Won daily
If someone in HQ had a brain it would be better to give that place to some shop and get 1% of daily margin. It was pointless waste of money and time.
I asked for how long they maintained promotion booth at there. Answer was more than a year. Yeah- UNICEF was willing to squander money on one of most customer-rich place on this nation. Why? WHY? And that opened my eyes.
This thread stinks you Asian faggot. And how did I know you're name would be Kim? You are the most worthless asians. And very unclean peoples. And why the fuck do youz have such big pubic hairs and don't even trim them. When you get out of the shower you shouldn't have to be forced into scrub the walls clean WTF is wrong with you dirty little peoples?
Yeah the thread has gone a little AWOL. Pity that, coz I was looking forward to seeing some good ripping out on unicef. Will check back in 20 mins and see if its improved.
I looked up some old news. It turns out that charity groups including UNICEF rushed into South Korea since 2012, and spontaneously started building F2F gibe mone pls booths everywhere.
From field day 1 to 3, every campaign I took part ended up with red letters; And according to old time worker, there is not a single case when the campaigners managed to get more money than they use.
And I picked up this news telling me that relief effort expenditures can't be reviewed at all- So if they say "We fed dindus" and hold back the money, no one can accuse them.
So I concluded that UNICEF is either :
>Squandering money like no tomorrow
>Getting more money somehow by seemingly losing it
Then I found out middle management (The place I took the first interview) take portion of my rightful wage. At this point, I was quite sure that all these F2F bullshit is hotbed for corruption. Think about it... If you're not responsible for budget decisions you make, and you're in a position to decide contractor, you are literally a bribe magnet.
UNICEF and other similarly large charities run sort of similar scams here. They get backpackers and the like who don't know better to go get people to sign up to give donations where they get a commission based on sign-ups. You see plenty of these cunts around the city and shopping centres harassing people, and of course they get next to no interest and the people working are just wasting time. The charities however, get heaps of exposure, effectively for free, whilst knowing full well that no one is going to donate, especially when asked by some foreign stranger.
>I noted that they have this "Staring into forever" eyes
Isn't that the result of having no soul? Look in the mirror you worst gook
Those shitty bulbs are what we handed out to people 3 days ago. We ran this "Bluelighting campaign" to tell people about poor Bolivian kids, let them mess with some stuffs, and eventually bug them into signing the contract. Contracted singed or not, we were instructed to hand out the bulbs to people took time to listen.
I got a look at those blue bulbs... Well, they turned out to be a cheap Chinese bulb keyholder with usual Chinese quality. Even worse, we ran out of them really fast. We handed out 50 of them and then we had nothing to give.
At this point you'd expect we called in someone and got new box of fresh Chinese bulbs. No, that didn't happen. We had no spare bulbs- We just stopped handing them out. Of all organizations, fucking UNICEF had to cut back budgets on handout.
> Bluelighting campaign
> not bluepilling campaign
Posting only parts of your blog every few minutes is smart if you want the thread to be alive longer and want more people to see it. If that ricenigger had dumped it all at once, this thread would have 404ed hours ago.