We are under ATTACK!

We are under ATTACK!

I repeat we are under ATTACK from within!

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't this very old news?


we are already in a constant state of disruption

>in summer well raid them
Literally teenagers ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhah

Kill yourseld op for taking anytime with this, they will be drowned out by shit posting and then become red pilled.

we're always under attack, user
truth will always make it

Joke's on them: There's no order here to disrupt.

Pissing in an ocean of piss
>we have names
LOL You mean tripfags, dumbasses
>we're gonna get you guys to like polyamory!
LOL good luck getting fucking nazis to buy your degeneracy
Seriously though, stay vigilant, fuck these tryhard asswagons

we are always under attack and we always win.

we've beaten hillary clinton for fucks sake.

They get BTFO every time they come here. Also I have seen their threads. They all parrot the same points we repeatedly BTFO. In the end nobody will change their views except them.

>it's another "Sup Forums shits itself because two reddit cucks talk about 'raiding' their website" episode

She's not in prison or on the end of a rope yet, user.

>we already have a few agents with names in that board. Some of them have gatherd quite a big fanbase.

so namefags

also >fanbase
>on Sup Forums

confirmed for wannabe jew

>enemies are strengthening our arguments every day
Nothing new lad.

I said we beat her, i didn't say we're done with her.

It won't change anything but draw out the normies to get redpilled by the autists who argue with the bait.
literally this

>we are being attacked from within
>says the swede

thats SO 2016


We are always under attack. That's how we like it. When they come here, they lose. When they do come here, they lose.

The truth does not care about your feelings or your reasoning.

Your country has been under attack deal with that first

i fucking hate the internet now

everything went shit since smartphones and reddit

good old days in 2001

Wasn't this posted in /r9k/ in November 2016? Also, no one can raid Sup Forums, look what we did to CTR

>pours poison into lava
I'm sure this will work


Im thinking that mems will come out of this
Just like the black hand holding that white chick

Who are these child geniuses and what is it they want?
Can we pay them to go away?
Have they issued any demands that we can capitulate to?
Where do we paypal the ransom?
God, I just want them to leave us alone so we can go back to hating everything good in this world!

As if all the black dicks suddenly popping up didn't make that obvious -.-

This is almost a year old, faggot.

just means its time to move on and live life irl brother.

That picture is over a year old and their plans completely fucking failed.

Trump won, get over it.

Yes it is. It's from last year. Those faggots really made my filter list long. But that's about it lol.

>Why having more partners is a good thing

Oh boy, if they think they can somehow win with shit like that they have no idea what they're in for.

>redditors larping as super secret agents who are going to raid Sup Forums
Man these guys need to finally grow up. You don't poke the hyperaggressive hive without getting stung. The only thing that will happen is that Sup Forums will spread further.

Sup Forums has never not been under attack. Most of the people that come here end up red pilled. Its why Sup Forums has gotten so big.

Gay men in particular are drawn to it lol.

But what if they wanted Sup Forums to see that image? What kind of chess is it then?

Lol, let them come

I am tired of seeing BBC on my nazi meme dealer image board though.

It is

LOL I browse regularly that website, they're harmless

and asians.

japs love Sup Forums, they don't even seem to realise it's for white people as their thought matches ours exactly.

Why the fuck do you cucks blackout the names?

What is it called?



Ledit or something like that

We neee to redpill the bots befor the jew gets to them.

Furthermore, I think Israel should be glassed.



Wait did i walked in to 2016 summer again?

Svede this board is thrive by war. We are the Roman empire of the internet.

All I see are 2 black penises on OP's picture

What's /robot/?

Sup Forums is subversion proof. Weaponized autism is unbreakable and its hilarious to see them try.
it never fucking works.

/r9k/ even more so. Even the notion of normalizing, let alone polyamorous relationships will be met with REEEEEE!

if Sup Forums is weaponized autism, the /r9k/ is a nuclear wasteland polluted with autistic fallout. Everyone is irradiated with cancer inducing autism.


god this shit is so old.

and it happens multiple times every single year. when will these waterheads learn

>how to win people over to the left
>spam nigger dicks

Lefties everybody



No, really?

I didn't need anyone to tell me that.

And it isn't Americans, most of us are just starting our work day.

>shills pls go

>this beautiful exchange brought to you by the former british empire, god bless you guys

Yes. Muy yes. Shadilay

Silly leftists.

This is not new. Sup Forums has been infiltrated for a long time now. Nobody takes any post here completely seriously, so I guess they win.

We have to be vigilant. Do your own extreme vetting.

>lgbt attacks Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is attacked from within

What did they mean by this?

>they win
How many people became liberals because of nigger dick spam on here?

Thats the thing, they don't realize that unlike everywhere else Sup Forums isn't a safe space. We shut ourselves off from different opinions. This place is a non stop war zone of different people arguing for different ideologies.

What makes the fascist/nat soc/right wing eliments so resilient and strong on this board is precisely the fact it's constantly "raided" by leftists who get blown the fuck out, it's like a military kept constantly in action. Sup Forumss maxism/commie generals are pathetic.

The irony is if they stopped trying to raid Sup Forums, and just forgot about it Sup Forums would tear itself appart under "racial purity" threads and the alike. By trying to raid Sup Forums they unite Sup Forums and fuel Sup Forums... but that can be said in general bewtween the regressive left and the new wave right, the former only fuels the latter the more it tried to do what it does.

Remember what happened when Tumblr attacked Sup Forums?

>Lol don't worry about Sup Forums, they're just losers
>Which is why we need to raid them en masse and steer the influence of their boards in another direction

Please, tell me more.

Let the faggots try, this place is a meat grinder for social battles...

I predict real life will become the new "underground". We'll go back to hand written burn-after-read communication. It's pretty easy to spot like minded people too, they're the ones not shout generalised political opinions at the top of their lungs

This is several years old.

>Sup Forums has been infiltrated
>extreme vetting

nigger, you are on a free anonymous board. Most of the time you get "raids" is because something has happened and people want to see the immature racists reactions to it or to troll them over it. Sure, stuff like leftypols random thread spam happens too or the TRS / 8cuck shit but that's more that people make a concentrated effort. Most people read a lot of different boards ,not like there's some mystical aryan Sup Forums prime going on.

They think that they can subvert us and fancy themselves as some "behind the lines" soldiers but the truth is they will end up like Voltaire : eating up their own feces while spewing bullshit.

Contrary to reddit where dissenting opinion is burried by downvotes and the stalinist moderation, dissenting opinion on Sup Forums get replies, replies that point the stupidity of the said opinion.

this is pretty realistic. the left doesnt seem to understand how powerful they've made silence by telling everyone to announce their thoughts loudly and then shaming those who "think wrong".

Facebook is a good sign of this, there is no social downside to posting left wing opinions openly on facebook but a huge potential downside to being right wing including loss of job prospects. So, you can safely assume everyone who is "not political" or doesn't post pro-hillary stuff on facebook is a trump supporter, and surprise surprise, that's the majority of people.

This totally isn't a discussion between two 4channers pretending to be sjws to get (You)s, nope, 100% real

Bix nood indeed, Jamal.

>tfw your a looser

No supprise i guess he msy be Canadian and love blacked.com

what about the jew raids thatve been going on all week?

one guy with a vpn and a script is responsible for over half the threads currently up.

What happened?

best part is knowing that Sup Forums has remained Sup Forums while reddit has taken a hard shift towards the right


pissing in a sea of piss


We're always under attack you faggot since Sup Forums has been pushed into the spotlight because of the election

No one is out of our reach.

we shut down lgbt and ban all homosex/tranny bullshit
(lesbians can stay)

So basically, what's been happening here for a couple of years already.

>Sup Forums
>names in that board

>Fighting the red pill

Our new brothers will be welcome, in every raid they make against us our numbers growth.


> wants to raid Sup Forums as if people here were united in anything
> implying it would be any different from usual summerfag shitstorm


His dreams shattered
His fundation broken
His career over

I love you guys.

This is so old, like 2012 old

>lesbians can stay
Darn right they can

huh, so that's why I was seeing a bunch of retarded threads a few months ago

>so I guess they win.

How many people in Sup Forums thinks that interracial couples, poligamy, etc is a good thing?

You can't change Sup Forums that way, even i would say a few of them could change their views coming here and not the other way around.

Sup Forums is getting shit due the lack of real discussion, mostly for people caming from Sup Forums or reddit.

We need more threads about redpill, books, films, documentaries, etc.

/gif/ has been overrun with tranny porn since last summer. Before that tranny threads were only for laughs, but now there are over 20 of them. And if you call them out you either get called a nazi Sup Forumsack or you just get banned,

>we already have a partnership with the lgbtbbq community
Great, an alliance between retards and faggots who won't have children and since both are easily offended I'm sure a few will stick around until they off themselves.

Please come again.

The fact that pretty much no one is noticing is testament to how effective it is

something something pissing into an ocean of piss

No shit. Where do you think all the commies threads came from?
All the Madam President threads?
All the Drumpf BTFO threads?
All the Russia puppet master threads?

It'll all be over ones school starts again.