Religion Risk thread

Starting on 5 players

Ruler name + tripcode in name section

Colour, religion, starting city/resource and country name in post to join


Byzantium purple

Also Jewish

>Helghan Legion

of course orthodox


Havent played in a while but I quit my job so here we go

The Ephyrians


Red for the empire

what religion
what sect of christianity?

o wait are we playing wit papal states or not?

Theres gonna be a crusader state, but it can be anywhere you want

catholic ofc

Chose religion for green because he didnt say which one he wanted

Take Alexandria

fill Israel

expand towards/take napoli


go for ankara spils greece

Tag OP in your post

Sorry mate can you change me to Pagan?

Also take constantine and Tunis, sail to calgari if have enough

nah its all good i got pink for LGBTQ+ pride ofc


o fucc i looked at wrong one


yeah sorry forgot about that

Lads should I wait for Sweden?

auto roll for sweden to just expand?

good idea senpai

go for ismir
spill greece

continue expanding towards palmero

itll be good since not many players atm

Fill Israel, then spill to Jordan.

updating bonus

Take Luxor, then al'aqabar, spill to take siwa

Take Calgari, then sail North to Monaco and Marsilles, spill west from there

NICE digits to take Andorra and Barcelona


Fill Israel, then spill to Jordan.

fill greece spills to balkans

take florence, palmero and expand/take san marino

Push to Al'aqabar, take Medina if possible

Take Barcelona and Toulouse, Spill to valencia and Madrid

WOW spill to fill Spain, first take Madrid

i think this counts only as doubles also what religion are you



Fill Jordan, then spill Lebanon.

take milan

go north for tirana then skopje then sofia
alliances can exist no mater the religion of the allies?


It seems the Jews are getting in the way of Helghan expansion.
Take Mecca before progressing to take Al'aqabar. March towards Jerusalem, take it if possible.

Take Bilboa, Sevilla and Gibralter, spill for Rabat and Fez


Yes we should ally as to preserve our strength as neighbors


are you gonna expand into spain and france?

fortify the turkic regions

No you won't.


>are you gonna expand into spain and france?
I'm going to expand my sword into the Jewish mans torso

cross religion crusade when?


The Legion is converting to Protestantism.

Forth roll
Send half to London.
Another half to attack red.

The Legion is converting to Protestantism.
Take Mecca, then take Jerusalem.
Take other Jewish owned cities and free them.

take the 3 neutrals next to napoli, take venice

all regions fortified
go for Dubrovnik and Bucharest

Take Fez and Rabat, sail to Malta, from Malta sail to Tripoli, then expand East

update bonus

gotta fix the bonus

we need more players for this to be fun

yeah it is atlest this thread didnt instantly die


go for Sarajevo and Belgrade spill to fill Romania

expand towards vienna

3/4 Kill red
1/4 fill Britain

Take Mecca > Take all Jewish territory in the Region. Cities first.

you let the dirty kikes expand into britannia


Take Bordeux and Nantes, along with the wheat, all the way to Paris.


wow the kikes fucked me over there get a 0 for my roll

If gets, Yung Lean and xxxtentacion will collab

take munich expand up from italy.

and yung lean been mediocre latley, and X gets out on the 19th which is great


Roll for Wheat.

1/4 fill Britain
3/4 kill red

Free the cities under the Jewish oppression. Spill goes to taking the territory where the Jewish are and filling empty lands between the Legion.

forgot bonus update

Forgot name
>name: King Shrug

go for Zagreb then Ljubljana then go for odesa

Fill Paris, then Take Calais, sail to London take Birmingham

I am the only ruler commanding my forces to attack the Jews.
You call yourself Catholic? Pathetic.

If gets, OmenXIII gets famous

Yeah, "Sailor Moon and Hennessy" was pretty bad in my opinion, even after 5 listens

Attack black.

Migrate north for survival!

OY VEY!!!!!

Raise the Helghan Flag in the cities we have liberated from the Jews.
Take the last Jewish controlled city. Take all Jewish territory in the region and start enforcing De-Jewing programmes into the population. Any Jewish hardliners are to be exterminated.

(Fixed bonus)

keep expanding up germany

yeah ive sorta warmed up to hennesy and sailor moon after a few hundred listens but its repetitve and seems really try hard of him. cant wait for X though hes going on a tour a few days after he gets out.

yeaaaaa boiiii and bonus again

go for those cities
cruj napoca

Take Leeds, Glasgow and Dublin, then take Almarj and Silvia in Africa, spill to take Lyon and Dijon in France.

An Alliance my religious brother?

I figured the best way to end this dispute was to Eliminate all Jews. So far things seem to be going well.