I'm going to be posting a couple pages from my college "diversity in society class". To be clear...

I'm going to be posting a couple pages from my college "diversity in society class". To be clear, this is a required class all students must take.

Here's one page I found funny.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=MayCo-8M5vgC&pg=PA80&lpg=PA80&dq=White people are rarely killed, harassed or discriminated against by people of color.&source=bl&ots=3h5U6Zb8lW&sig=vj4pssOuBI2UmgUlBjqti57NnjY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjflrKegcrRAhUp6oMKHaFSAx4Q6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q=White people are rarely killed, harassed or discriminated against by people of color.&f=false

literally "WE" tier

you should email your professor. Say your were showing this page to a friend of yours, and he sent you a picture of "Violent crime statistics of POC's against whites" Ask what you should do, and if your friend is a racist for sending it.

Wtf is this canada-tier bullshit propaganda?

Do you recognize your whiteness?

What do you have to say for yourselves, white people?

This is the last one. I think Sup Forums will have a lot to say about this.

Never heard of this shit in canada

Go to trade school, even University professors like Jordan Peterson, Gad Saad, Thaddeus Russel, etc agree on this


we need to ban stupid electives and cut the jews' influence in academia.


Mandatory class to divide students up and cause resentment. All based off of no evidence, nicely done university.

Give the name of this book and author, now.

>what did the Department of Justice mean when they said over half the murders in the country were by black people? Aren't they only 13% of the country? What's going on Professor?


I'm so happy I live in Croatia.

2 weeks ago a guy got kicked from my classroom because he kept on going about how we need to help the refugees. The teacher is based as fuck and literal nazi supporter.

How are white people not racist?

America just elected Trump

This shit seriously need to stop.

To show how far we've come, here is old school American education

Teachers name


print this out and distribute it in the diversity class. that's what I would do. but I bet you are too much of a cuck for that

>white people are not usually in danger from people of color.

>Judaism intensifies.gif

This is actually frightening. Can't you sue the college or something for literal racism?

lemme check if this has better quality

yep use that one. looks better

>omission of achievements by people of color in the classroom

Bullshit. My entire high school and middle school years were filled with literature on Jews in the holocaust and blacks. In fact, it focused on them at a disproportionate level.

If students are uninterested it's because they're tired of getting that garbage shoved down their throats year after year.

you need to have a book burning

> . . . Jewish people are in some danger from Christians . . . "
I like her example (assuming author is female because "logic").

You're retarded if you think there's redress for the distribution of this misinformation.

In my classes for law enforcement, I was taught that less white officers needed to be employed. Also that police agencies needed to start hiring people with criminal backgrounds and no citizenship. It's systemic.

>book title and author

This is literal fucking propaganda dude, you need to get the hell out of that class. Everything there is bullshit and white americans are justified to get nervous around african american males when they commit 50% of all crimes despite being like 6% of the population. BURN THE BOOK

Does "person of color" == "black man" here?

>"person of color" == "black man"

What University?
My Law Enforcement class is nothing like that.
What kind of bullshit is the professor speaking?

>immediately shifts towards attacking and blaming Christians

Really makes you think

Please share the full name and home address of this author

>Jewish people don't attack Christians for being Christian
All of my tea. I'd struggle really, really hard to keep my mouth shut in that class, user.

No, they mean things like how blacks was kings and how they invented peanut butter n' shit.

Meanwhile Jewish media executives have fought long and hard against christianity. But I'm sure that's just a few individuals right :^)


Holy shit, if you're going to pander about jews getting killed at least get it right and blame mudslimes.

>"most banks ... are owned by Christians"

>not posting the title and author of the book

nice LARP


>american education

There are probably no sources given for any statistics, studies etc. This is a book given out in university? This is a mandatory course? It's a fucking hate pamphlet

Lel, it's probably true. Meanwhile most money is in the big banks

Title and author or this is fake

It was a community college for an associate's. I don't plan to get a bachelor's, the degree is just to get a better job.

I also had to write a paper on why blacks are victimized by the police more often than whites—which obviously isn't true. Things like explaining 'driving while black', etcetera.

I had a few classes with professors that were redpilled on the matters of racial politics, but the majority of my classes for completing my degree consisted of a liberal mindset.

Coulter's Law. The media hypes up any violet crime committed by white people, by blacks committing violet crime is essentially normal, and is never reported.

OP please provide some proof that this is real

Basically indocrination in daylight.

We need this to start bashing the book more widely on social media.

literally the opposite of what happens

I actually don't have anything to say about it, it is the same shit again and again.

You can give me the name of the school, and I can assure you that during the next new applications cycle I will be there to point out to parents, alumni and benefactors what kind of school that is.

This is what communists fear the most - the exposure of their disfunctional, rotten ideas. Once you shine light on them, they will scurry away like the cockroaches they are.

my t. encounters with blameless dindu's

> knife pulled assualt/ robbery ( Nigger)
>Gun pulled on subway/ robbery ( nigger)
> knife pulled on subway ( spic)
> kicked on subway stairs ( nigger)
> foot stomped on purpose ( nigger subway conductor)

huh,, seems like i should completely trust dindu's.

>Go to a college that requires a diversity class
How about you go to a real school.

Somebody get this nigger some interracial crime stats, stat!

holy shit user
give the name of this book
And author

where do you live to see this occurring so often bros?

>Google the text
It looks like a pamphlet or booklet. It isn't published, but seems to summarize different SJW thesis.

What about all the damage you pigs have done to others?

Why you believe you are a fucking victim, pig?

Im literally shaking right now

Black kids are nightmares to teach.
The issue is that the more involved the parents are in the education process the better kids do in school behavior and grade wise.
When you come from a single parent home it's hard to get the attention a child needs to succeed.

>Not unless it is extremely extravagant in which case I would wonder that about anyone.
I think leftists might just be extremely racist and assume everyone else is.

Sorry guys, just got out of class. Here's the book info you want.

> foot stomped on purpose ( nigger subway conductor)

What happened exactly? How did you/he react?

if billionaire, can take helicopters,
otherwise, subways are dindu hunting grounds...


It's apparent Xer is arguing "perception is not reality" by arguing that "perception is reality". I also think it's cute that they cry about police killing them unjustly just as loudly as police not providing them adequate protection from each other. What a waste of language.

Book written by Shlomo Shekelburg. Edited by Sarah Abrahamson. Distributed by Hyman Meyerwitz. Taught by Anja Goldblatz. Read by goodest of goys.

It's true

I had to take a similar class my first semester of university a few years ago. It consisted of readings like OP posted and group seminars. In the group seminars you were supposed to talk about the benefits of diversity and such but the sessions were led by women's studies/African studies graduate students. All the questions they asked involved race-baiting and guided the semninars away from talking about diversity and turned the seminars into white apology sessions. All the minorities in the room were encouraged to talk about how oppressed they are by white people and "system." All the white students were made to admit their privilege and apologize to the minorities. I rememeber specifically they kept repeating that white students had been racist even if they hadn't done anything racist, simply because they were white they must have benefited from the system that oppressed blacks and we're therefore part of the "problem."

Anything less than full apologies by white students to minorities for their racism and acknowledgement of their white privilege or if you resisted the least bit, you were attacked by the graduate students and made to take more sessions. Oh and did I mention each of these sessions were filmed for "academic purposes" so if you didn't admit to your privilege or tried to argue with the graduate students they would have you on camera.

Failure to take this class meant you could not schedule second semester classes. If the program coordinators did not think you passed or thought you were a racist, after multiple sessions they could recommend you to the student office for review.

This was at a large state school too. I can't even imagine what it's like at liberal arts colleges or Ivy League schools.

books.google.com/books?id=MayCo-8M5vgC&pg=PA80&lpg=PA80&dq=White people are rarely killed, harassed or discriminated against by people of color.&source=bl&ots=3h5U6Zb8lW&sig=vj4pssOuBI2UmgUlBjqti57NnjY&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjflrKegcrRAhUp6oMKHaFSAx4Q6AEIGjAA#v=onepage&q=White people are rarely killed, harassed or discriminated against by people of color.&f=false


>Dominican Republic
Too bad for you your ancestors are Whites, pigskin friend


There is no need to be upset, nigger. This is civilized space so keep your animal urges to minimum, having a monkey to provide us with entertainment can be amusing , but after a while it will get tiresome.

based OP

Dominicans destroyed upper Manhattan.

thanks, spic.

>To be clear
Modern sjw jackass spotted

yes, the lunatics took over the asylum. Someone got paid to write this, and is being paid for every book sold.






PS What is the title of the book and the author. Just wanna confirm im not getting trolled.

Yeah, something went wrong with the child when the mom fed it too many cheetos with a giant cup of soda, and got mad and beat the shit out of it when it puked on the carpet.

>white people are not usually in danger from people of color



Anyway to read it without paying for it?


Jesus fucking Christ. Literally EVERY TIME.

It's true, by simple merit of the fact that most Americans are Christian. HOWEVER, what the author is ignoring that raw numbers mean shit compared to percentages. So yes, there are something like three "Christian" banks for each "Jewish" bank. But there are fifty Christians for each Jew, since Jews are only 2% of the population.


> Person of color drove past
> lock your car door

Uprooting Racism, by Paul Kivel, I think it's safe to assume that's a kike.

>Paul Kivel is an American writer, educator, and activist. Kivel co-founded the Oakland Men's Project, a community education center focused on preventing male violence, and has been called "an innovative leader in violence prevention."

>For most of his career, Kivel has focused on writing, education programs, and training programs designed to prevent male violence and youth violence, combat discrimination, and promote social justice. He has also founded the Challenging Christian Hegemony Project, which aims to combat the Christian values and belief which Kivel claims "dominate all aspects of our society through the social, political, economic, and cultural power they wield."

This illustration doesn't even account for the numerous Mestizos lumped with with white people in crime statistics. So, it's even worse. If Koppelman ever gets culturally enriched, it will be the best irony on Earth. I actually hope he does get nigged. He can beg and plead and realize with his dying breath, /pol was right all along.

The second paragraph is literally hate speech.

I like how this leaves out the fact almost all violent crime is intraracial.

94% of blacks are killed by other blacks.
86% of whites are killed by other whites.

If someone hurts you, rapes you or kills you, statistically it will be someone of your own race 9 times out of 10.


Leave your reviews here: amazon.com/Perspectives-Human-Differences-Selected-Diversity/dp/0137145039

I was jumped by 4 niggers in 2005 and they kicked my head face-first into the cement 7 times. I was bleeding from my ears and nostrils for days. I was a kid and didn't understand the health care system, and I didn't think I could see a doctor without paying a lot of money which I didn't have anyway, so I just toughed it out.
Their murder attempt permanently rearranged my septum and sinus area. My sinuses cannot drain or fill with air. Their openings are permanently pinched almost completely shut because of how my shit was rearranged. The contents can only slowly dribble out. Bloody yellow mucus is sloshing around in every cubic millimeter of my sinuses. Think of that episode of Hoarders with the woman who has piles of ancient bottles of liquid feces sealed shut in every room. My sinuses are basically one of those bottles. I wake up choking on the dribbling mucus every morning. I can't maintain a LTR because I sound disgusting when I snore from this, and my breath always smells like a corpse in the morning from all the mucus that dripped back there overnight. When I'm awake I can step into the bathroom or outdoors every few minutes to cough it up and spit it out, not so when I'm asleep.
I think I also suffered undiagnosed permanent brain damage, I wasn't ever able to think as clearly again after the attack.
I have achieved great things despite these subtle disabilities niggers afflicted me with. But it makes me sad to think how much more I would have achieved in life at full brain power, and without this sinus burden. I basically feel like I'm drowning all the time, because this sticky liquid glob of yellow bloody mucus is always stuck at the back of my throat and slowly leaking out of my sinus ostia, dripping downward to block the airway.
It sounds melodramatic because it's hard to put into words how bad it actually is, as people don't usually complain about this part of their anatomy malfunctioning, but those niggers honestly ruined my life.