Is soros finished?


>implying it all isn't part of the plan

The man thrives on chaos, he's the living embodiment of KEK

This is shaping up to be a great election season.

Love it.


good goy

Give me digits and I will kill (((Soros)))

Why does Sup Forums hate capitalism when Jews do it

The Jew is the mortal enemy

How's this?

1 Billion is pocket change to him.

soros' net worth is less than 1% of what the koch brothers have in a single PAC

What is his net worth anyway?

Not to hard to figure that out on your own if you lift even a pinky finger.

he still has like 20 billions net, doesn't he?

wow what happened to Chloe man

24billion on paper, but that doesn't include what is held in foundations and such

Sup Forums are kike loving faggots now.

ayo so u sayin
We wuz illuminati killurz n shieeet

Capitalism isn't cheerleading corporations/ billionaires that you aren't part of; faggot

He'll be finished when a bunch of feral nogs rape his ass to death.

Tacos and beer for soros being finished

Praise Kek

Witnessed brother

May my hands play their roles accordingly

Praise Kek

Why doesn't this Emperor Palpatine looking mother fucker just die already.

Exactly what was his money in that he lost anything?

Gregory ((ZUCKERMAN))



He lost exactly how much he won from "breaking" the UK pound in 1992 (1 bn).


soros is evil

bets on who was going to win