What job do you have Sup Forums?

What job do you have Sup Forums?

>£9.50 p/h

Even if I quit my job there's a million more lined up for me and I could get another job in a week

If you're NEET, just say what you do all day and how many NEET bux you get

Honestly nothing wrong with being NEET if you use your time wisely or have a ligimate reason for being NEET

fap and game, 7.25hr USD 28hr/wk

In England if you're not a unworkable spaz you will receive £230 a month just for "looking" for a job

wtf i love England now

>Varies by contract, usually between $75-$125hr. Less than 40 hours a week.

I play vidya and build websites in my free time. One day I'll have a successful site that makes me money.


You still have to go through the shame of going to the job center and begging for it though mate

School Custodian
I have to deal with fuckin shit head kids I went to school with 2 years ago but hey I get great benefits and I sit on my ass 70% of the time with nothing to do unless a retard shits in the urinal or someone pukes or some shit

Sous or Exec?

I tried out culinary here and chefs that were teaching earned way less in europe cuz they were canadians.

I think its because they were 1'st or 2'nd cooks (God forbid those competitions you tried only get you to land in 3'rd) but the pay was like half of what a citizen would get.

I'm a part time assisstant at a woodshop, making 10 bucks an hour sitting on my ass browsing Sup Forums and occasionally yelling at stupid gooks to put on their safety goggles.

>Box Mover
>45-60 hours a week

>Sound Engineer
>main gig pays $20/hr, about 30 hours a week

Lot's of career advancement in my industry where I'm from, my goal is to move up tax brackets this year.

im studying to become one right now.
is it as boring as they say it is?

Sous, I got little 18 year olds I can shout at like Ramsay, so it does have its perks

Also £9.50 and hour, what's that in yank bux?

>Analytics Developer
>$97k per year

i also have a side job in analytics that nets probably $12-$15k annually depending on the amount of work

Sprinkler fitter
45+ hrs a week

11.72$ USD

15.31$ CAD

As a sous chef, that's decent but if you could work at Michelin Stars or Hotels, it might be higher.

Here sous chefs usually expect at least 17$ CAD at a good restaurant,

delivery driver. I get minimum wage + tips/mileage pay. it's nice because I really like being paid in cash and much of my job involves driving around alone listening to music.

>is it as boring as they say it is?

It can be. I wish it was only boring through. Most of my frustration is related to the clients. Though it really depends on who you work for. I stopped being a salaryman awhile back and just do small business contracts now. It is indeed boring, but it pays well and leaves me with a lot of free time. A few friends work for IBM full time and absolutely hate their jobs. A couple guys I know work for hipster startups in the Bay Area and love it, even though their job could disappear over night.

The work itself isn't particularly boring or frustrating, it's the environment you have to do it in.

Sounds comfy mate, do you get any tips at Christmas?

My farther is a post man and he loves it, also at Christmas time people give him bottles of wine, chocolate, cigarettes or even just cash as a tip

ye. my most frustrating part right now is cisco.
not because the subject is bad. but the teacher.
nigga can put to sleep a fucking crowd of 5 million people in 20 mins.

27 political propagandist for free


Just quit my restaurant job because the management is literally retarded. Currently flushing my system of the herbal jew because I have a job lined up working on city roads and they do random drug tests.
>$12hr/40+ hours with ample room for raises.

>Field Engineer
>About 1300/week

Hours and commute suck but I'm working on one of the largest infrastructure projects in the Northeast. Should be over in a few months so I plan on using this as a resume builder to either switch companies or at least fish around for job offers to get my current company to either match or exceed what other companies will give.

>data mine on forums for the CIA
>85k a year plus benefits

its not bad. btw, any of you guys got kids?

Is going back for a second bachelors feasible?

>£9.50 p/h

jesus dude I make that much and I probably do the quarter the work you do.

1300 Ugandan $ you mean


Dead-end job. Good medical, it's a very small company.

Hourly reminder if you're over 24 and don't clear at least 60k a year you're a fucking failure.

>Wendy's Chef
>$150,000/yr salary

>Full Serve Gas Station
> $10.30/hrs

I also make another $30 dollars a day in tips due to rich people in my area whom are too lazy to pump gas. It's like a $15/hrs job plus I make a fuck ton of money around the holidays or when it's cold as fuck.

I like working hard, it makes the time go quick and I have a good team of lads I can have a laugh with, keeps me fit to

>Murrican aspersions

>industrial maintenance tech

Also have a CDL in case that goes tits up.

Construction. 25, North Florida. $15 an hour. Am I doing ok?

>Head chef of wendys
>$120k a year

Life is pretty good


> bid manager
> 5k usd / mo

That's super comfy especially if you are behind bullet proof glass all night, I'd love to work the skelly shift at a petrol station

Fuck you nigger I have a 9 inch dick

Course mate, honest days work for an honest days pay

>full serve


non-cs cucks btfo how can white bois compete 9" wendys 7' tall bix nood

Around 40k a year

>data analyst

Should I go to trade school at this point? I'm a hard worker but want to kill myself for sitting in an office all day. End my life famalam.

>team member at Whataburger

Airline pilot
About 65k

Do you enjoy being a chef? I know one chef who is really passionate about his work. He really loves going to work.

retail manager
38k a year

Would not recommend it.

I'm a college student studying film in a program that will land me at least a $60k/year gig, but in the meantime while at school

>Eastern Mountain Sports
>also make commission on sales
>dank 50% discount on everything in-house
I'm an /out/ist so I fucking came when they told me that at the interview.

>qt3.14 grill and total bro coworkers
>nice manager
>comfy as fuck labeling things and packing boxes all day while shooting the shit

lIf you don't like it then line up a job you do fancy then take that, I used to be making 2grand a month when I was 19 but the company and the people were such cunts it wasn't worth it

I'm so much happier getting paid a bit less but also not hating going to work

83k last year

The fuck do you need bullet proof glass for at a full service gas station surrounded by rich people

I don't get you Europeans. Rich people do not live around poor thugs, and the cops in our cities keep the riftraft out....

Regional carrier?
I'm also an airline pilot (First Officer; I will be upgrading in March).

I've been a linecook in a nice restaurant before, shit is a fucking grind but fun as hell if you're with good people and if you get to play music.

Nothing will teach you how to properly take and dish out banter like working in a kitchen.

Yessir. Endeavor. You? I should be upgrading around thay time too, right st 2 years.

>Everything in the world is the same as where I live

Fucking burgers

>Software Engineer
>$50 an hour

40-80 hr/wk



pay varies based on lifestyle but usually i get like 35 or 40 bucks a week doing random things

> supet market meat department
> $16.77hr
> 20 - 38hrs a week

Honestly, thinking about getting a temp job just to figure things out. I'll work for $12 an hour for honest work that won't compromise my integrity. I work for a university now and hate what they do to these kids.

>Lab tech for a gold mine
3 weeks on 3 off

No, you just don't understand the United States so you should keep your fucking stupid mouth shut.

Crooked toothed britbong logic:
"I'm not from your country but let me tell you about your country cuz you don't know about the country you're from".

This guy gets it, its hard sweaty work but if you got a bunch of lads working just as hard as you and you can take the piss out of any of them as much as you can, while also taking it yourself it's almost like it's not work

Well, it is a small word. Maybe we will run into each other sometime. Put something subtle on your flight kit that a fellow Sup Forumsack can recognize.

>Enough to sustain my escapist habits.
Too bad I live in the middle of fucking nowhere. We had some methheads fight over a bag of rocks and everyone and their supervisor showed up because we were bored.

>small word
*small world

This is like many jobs. Don't pretend your special bevause you work in a restaurant; lots of low class, blue collar jobs are 100% the same way

nah i think its seriously just people that are curious and are looking for other options.

NEET currently, only been this way about 1&1/2 months.

How I spend my time: Looking for a job, shit post on Sup Forums/Twitter, listen to podcasts, and lift weights.

What I did before my new found NEETdom was working the family business, small agriculture nursery.
>30-40 hour week, made about $300

Before that Massage Therapist.
>24 hour week, made about 500-600 depending on tips.

I have a massive yellow sticker on my flight case, paired with a small 2nd ammendment one on the bottom middle. What was your hire date? 2 or 9?

I'm waiting for the next vacancy bevause I have downs and didn't select "yes" to the FAA requirements

>Sell ads on porn sites
>$187k last year
Nothing easier than a horny desperate man seeing an attractive image

32, statistician, ~125k per year (varies with bonus) salary (35-40 hours a week)

I don't work in a restaurant mate I'm a chef who works in a kitchen

But I reckon you should get a job first lad before embarras yourself

>that time we made all the male kitchen managers super uncomfortable by discussing which one we'd all fuck if we had to
>I look that rat bastard Cody square in the eye and say I'd fingerblast him since he basically looks like a little girl already
>kitchen nogs start hooping, hollering, shuckin' and jivin'
>Cody turns bright red and leaves the kitchen
>entrees, deserts, and sides in orbit

Good times.

> 21
>Sushi Chef
> $10 per/hour

Halfway done studying Electrical Engineering
So right now I make a wage that supports me and allows for class time and I can save up 1-200 a month so im OK. Cant wait to move into my career so I can make enough to buy top shelf tendies

Kitchens have especially crazy people and make for the spiciest memes

Yes, two kids and a wife.

Electrical Engineer, work for a local electrical utility, $90k per year with full benefits, low cost of living area, own my own home and wife. Kids go to a small local private school.

>$45 / hour

30 y.o.
Mountain engineer
150-170 000 a year.

I'm working as a scholarship student in an epigenetics lab full time right now for 6.25 AUD an hour.

I'm an airline pilot

Try again, blue collar, low class scum. I've worked my fair share of scum class jobs when I was a fucking KID AND in COLLEGE. Grow up, fag

Construction ( Siding , soffit , all exterior work )
44+ hours a week

Just saving up for school .
Don't wanna do this anymore

No nogs in my kitchen mate

>Mountain engineer

Dwarf detected.

680 usd neet bucks a week from the goverment

Nah bruh, just pakis

Kitchens are crazier because there are virtually no standards to hiring people. You work with anyone from lawyers kids to ex murderers.

>Meat Derpartment worker at grocery
> 12 an hour
>fuck the guy that makes 4.50 more than me

>unemployed vet
>inna college for accounting
>second year

I'd like to become a partner one day...those guys make asstons of money

I feel like a lazy sack of shit not working right now though, but I don't really need to

I believe everything you say laddie

Still gotta be able to cook though

Damn dude, I'm at $14/hr as a Sous. sounds like you need a rasie.

Which mountains have you built?

Ever worked construction? It's much the same way

Call me paranoid if you like, but I am not going to post any identifying information on Sup Forums. I will look out for your stickers and say hello.

I currently have nothing on my case, but I will put a small pic related on it so that you can identify me if you want to.


>sportswriter at small town newspaper
>get paid to watch teenage girls play volleyball and basketball

$14 isn't the same as £9.50