My professor is a globalist. This was our conversation. I did my best to not expose my power level.
Did I do good?
My professor is a globalist. This was our conversation. I did my best to not expose my power level.
Did I do good?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did good. Always counter "but the population is shrinking" with the world is over populated and constant population growth is ecologically devastating. Also that some ooor brown person being a slave for cheaper goods is horribly unethical. Cite the apple workers who try to kill themselves.
Nice work
Your last "statement" shows that you power level needs improved.
>OP: "Besides it is extremely racist to exploit people so that YOU can have a better standard of living"
Um, there is nothing racist about that.
You actually wrote this down.
Me thinks it was a fantasy of yours.
Did good
Multiculturalism and Open borders for "economic efficiency" are not mutually exclusive.
When will leftist go back to being leftist again and stop being pawns of international finance...
>implying they were ever not pawns of international finance
The last jab was a hitter.
It boggles the mind how lefties basicly admit to using third worlders as wage slaves to boomers isn't "racist".
>and then everyone slow clapped
Shouldn't that say reward instead of award?
Forgot to add to the part where culture will decline when more foreigners are only coming for the wealth and not for the country's values. Other than that it was good
If you want to go full autismo just say "do you expect a bunch of low iq brown people being able to keep the economy going when whites become a minority?" it's fun to watch them answer because its never the same
America has typically maintained its competitive advantage by importing the best and brightest from around the world. Globalization happened 20 years ago when the internet was invented.
Free trade puts more money in your pocket than it's taking out. You'll soon learn that when Trump crashes the economy and China fills the global vacuum left by the US retreat into isolationism.
>no jobs but we need immigrants
Well which one is it?
> Dear diary..
You did great!
Proud of you!
Don't fk around and piss off the prof. and fail the class..
Thank you all.
He was playing the libcuck professor at his own game. That is literally the point of the whole thing.
I wasn't even aware that America even has a "declining population". We have a lot of people already.
Have to use their own words against them. OP may not have a problem with racism, but I'm betting the globalist prof. talks about it all the time. Make him look like a hypocrite more than anything
> OP literally fucked the professor's wife in front of the class
And then the cute girl that sits in front of me gave me a kiss after class.
Sure thing, tubmlr
very nice story user. can't wait to read your next work of fiction
Declining population is horseshit being pushed by globalists to allow in minimum wage or less workers. It's a huge crock of horseshit
>>OP: "Besides it is extremely racist to exploit people so that YOU can have a better standard of living"
>He was playing the libcuck professor at his own game. That is literally the point of the whole thing.
Agreed. But instead of making what can be regarded as a statement, OP should have made it in a question form:
>"Besides, is it not extremely racist to exploit people so that YOU can have a better standard of living?"
Always keep your adversaries on defense
>china filling the global vacuum
China is so cucked with border disputes and the fact everyone around them wants them to fail. The only thing propping them up are legacy CFR and Globalist types that are on their way out the door of power.
>Cite the apple workers who try to kill themselves.
Not great because Apple workers are in China. Prof could turn this around and say that the workers need to come to America so they can have a better life.
>Sure, you might save a couple bucks on the next stamped-in-plastic gizmo, but is that really worth losing millions of jobs, and an entire manufacturing industry?
>Good news, the defense manufacturing industry is reporting record profits. Funny how if the government wants to protect a certain sector of the manufacturing industry it's very easy. They could do the same with civilian manufacturing if they wanted.
>So the best we can hope for is giant multi-national corporations play musical countries with their factories so they can get the cheapest possible labor costs?
>How come nobody ever mentions the fact that we could easily institute policies that promote an increase in the birth rate?
>Isn't it convenient that open borders means low wages for everyone. Who does that benefit exactly?
The true agenda is to:
decrease the population, worldwide.
Destabilize the world economy.
Watch the chaos ensue.. then when the time is right, swoop in and save everyone with new world order, where our standard of living is ultimately lowered, and we'll be grateful to have it.
Reminds me of the time when just after the November attacks our teacher, a typical cuck leftist Parisian faggot did a sort of round table conversation in the class. I pointed out that the horror of people and of the government at the rise of horror was hypocritical in a world where Saudi Arabia exists and, worse yet, is an "ally" of France. He got all nervous and bitchy about it and mumbled something about it being a legitimate government with borders, currency etc. I went on about the situation of women and religious minorities in KSA and was about to go down the rabbit hole with the Saudi role in 9/11 and other terrorists attack when I was cut off by this retarded Moroccan guy who pointed out that women have the right to vote now in KSA... I gave up at this point, I already knew that these people were beyond saving but watching them bicker and actively defend KSA was the last straw. Note that these people praising womens rights in KSA are the same who find French society backward and cruel to women... At that point I realized that no amount of attacks will make people understand the problem until its their head thats stuck on a pike with Koranic verses scribbled over their faces (which is what happened in the Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack). As a side note, to show you how lost the student population here is, when I was talking about this incident this stupid bitch told me that Islam was not a motivation in that attack and that the perpetrator was not a muslim anyway because Islam condemns harming and killing others.
Fucking nuke Paris and kill all students plz.
Ya did good cunt.
>pointing out hypocrisy in your opponents arguments is wrong
My favorite argument against globalization is brain drain from third world countries
>How will these countries improve if America is stealing all their educated people?
Working 16 hours a day 6 days a week in a locked down compound with 10 to a room bunk beds and suicide nets is "progress". Let's pull everyone down to slave labor tier.
assuming you actually transcribed the events properly and didn't embellish or alter them to make yourself look good, not too bad user.
turning their own shit against them works well too, as you did in the last line. I've actually also noticed that people in classes are warming up to Trump, although they started frigid to begin with and still hate him. But there are quite a few people who are sort of breaking out of their bubbles and learning to see the other side of things.
There's a passage in Anthony Bourdain's Kitchen Confidential where he says the reason restaurants hire Guatemalans is they tolerate verbal abuse that Americans will not tolerate.
>the hand of the market a always corrects
Why would anyone bother to argue with things that aren't true?
You must not be paying attention to what's been going on in Davos this week.
FYI, globalism has already happened. Faster information travel facilitated by the internet has made the world a much smaller place. Toothpaste came out of the tube 20 years ago.
Thug life. Well done
Also known as communism.
Did us proud
the real agenda is just to sow chaos via illusions until theres enough support to create a world wide police state
>hand of the market
Why does the market stop at geopolitical borders?
Did someone say globalist? I think we know what to do here.
Because that always works out..
Culture is too amorphous of a concept to take that argument. "Decline" is subjective.
They have already started..
If true, professor will probably fail you now.
Good job
fucking stormtards. Yes he should have shouted "gas the kikes race war now". That would have been very persuasive.
>a few bucks
Sent from my iPhone
>I have to submit to unelected, unaccountable bankers and NGOs because ships are faster and I can talk to someone on the other side of the globe
Nigger in the 1600s we had global trade
I'm tired of people using historical trends of better technology to justify tyranny
We still have rights and agency
We dont need to accept 50 million muslims just because some economist says it will be good for us, no not even for us for the economy
When a liberal says we totally get all the doctors and shit from third world nations. I just tell them that's neo-colonial academic exploitation. I found that the emotional response is better than any real argument.
They respond to guilt.
I follow up with the idea that they are keeping poorer nations down by poaching their academics. It helps that I actually agree with this. Almost all immigration is bullshit, but even taking doctors is bad because the nation will never grow with educated elite :)
Free market capitalism is a conservative viewpoint.
>t. Fiscal conservative, social progressive
>decrease the population
That's weird, then why are they pushing 3rd world shitholes to breed with drops of tons of food? Haiti, africa for example are having explosive population growth. If it wasn't for these care packages, they would naturally taper off.
Decreasing the population would increase wages, which is the opposite of what they want.
>Prof could turn this around and say that the workers need to come to America so they can have a better life.
Then ask him who is supposed to be the cheap labor that keeps making his cheap imports.
what did you mean by the "let them go" response?
I know this never happened, but let's pretend.
You did terribly. Globalization is *precisely* The Hand of the Market ™ in action. Protectionism is a distortion of market activity, your argument undermines itself.
"Why should we?" Well, you should for that very reason, so you don't end up like Japan.
>You can't have growth forever
Technically, this is trivially true, but totally irrelevant. Forever is a long time. What matters is that is indeed possible to have growth in the foreseeable future, unless you follow poor policies. What you suggest are poor policies.
As for the last point, globalization helps the poor as well. Do you know how many Chinese have been lifted out of poverty thanks to globalization? Literally hundreds of millions.
You could point out the contradiction where your prof says
>jobs aren't coming back ... need to import people
to do what, if there aren't jobs? To drive down wages and living standards of the few jobs available for the poorest americans?
>implying we have the best doctors in the world
Highest paid =\=best
America should and will continue to gut the world of its TOP TALENT, what America does not need is HORDES OF WELFARE-ASSISTED 3RD WORLDERS WHO DO NOT INTEGRATE AND SEND THEIR PAYCHECK BACK HOME
Let Baby Boomers die off. We don't need 3rd worlders to replace any workers.
They are doing literally everything possible to stop whites from breeding and encouraging African population explosions.
Heh, good story. Here is something that will brighten your night: My 13-year-old niece takes an english class and the topic was "The Aleppo Moment". The teacher played the clip of Gary Johnson asking "What is Aleppo" and the students had to describe what an "Aleppo moment" means. Then she asked her teacher what Aleppo was and got the blue-pilled response of muh war crimes and muh defend moderate beheaders.
>mfw I got to redpill my niece about Syria.
/sg/ would have been proud of me.
>an editor of a publication whose sole existence is gagging on apple dick is gagging on apple dick
That person is literally making wild guesses.
>How come nobody ever mentions the fact that we could easily institute policies that promote an increase in the birth rate?
This so much. You want to increase the birth rate? Here's how: provide maternity and paternity leave that doesn't just come out of your vacation or short term disability. Make it a perk of working at a job for a couple years if you need to, but the two reasons why white people aren't having kids are because they have to use up all of the vacation and sick days they've earned to have paid time off for a couple weeks, and that day care is expensive as hell. This is why minorities are on the rise, they don't work or they get enough subsidies where they can survive with having one parent at home without a significant loss of income.
>and then the whole class stood up and started applauding, and a cute girl handed me a 100$ bill
We all believe you
>what's going on in Davos
You mean the last gasp of a dying globalist billionaire donor class?
>b-but muh china
Free Market Capitalism needs to actually have a free market. Globalism is such a fucking sham. Over here our NHS is struggling like fuck and our government is struggling to fund them. If only people could some how actually pay for medical care then maybe the patient line won't be so fucking long and we would actually have good well paid doctors.
I'm sure a bald eagle flew in and recited the pledge of allegiance as well.
You lost at "hand of the market." He knows, unlike yourself, that the market you suppose as free, in fact, is not.
Well done, OP. Here is a token Trump.
Especially considering that grandpa is unlikely to be the one picking fruit in the fields in the first place
This. The only believable part is "(Class is Laughing")
This is the only way to wake people up to globalisation and mass immigration of different racial groups.
Start shaming the employers who bring in brown cheap labour. They are the ones who are pushing so hard for mass immigration.
They don't want to pay white people a descent wage so they bring in people they can exploit.
We need to piss off the browns too who they exploit.
Making them feel guilty for supporting foreign sweat-shops and brain drains always works, because you'll have the moral high ground.
You don't even need to go into domestic first order effects (like de-industrialization) or second order effects (urbanization) or third order effects (entry-level and low-education job shortages driving urban poverty). just punch them right in the white guilt bone.
they will end up wearing your opinion like any other liberal ideological fashion accessory and virtue signal about imposing western environmental and labor protection standards on other countries and then get ostracized if someone realizes they just suggested going against free-trade.
The professor was arguing on a flawed premise using meme-facts that make no sense if you bother to apply thought to them
They usually shut up and check themselves when you point out that population growth = more strain on the environment.
Mexicans who would otherwise be riding donkeys are now driving around in gas guzzling Chevies hauling 8 kids who will be doing the same soon. If our way of life and culture is so shitty why would they want more people living it?
>You did terribly. Globalization is *precisely* The Hand of the Market ™ in action. Protectionism is a distortion of market activity
You've got it backwards. When production and consumption happen in drastically different regulatory environments that is not free-market at all.
This is a made up fantasy of OP being virile and potent. The language doesn't sound at all like a prof. He shows no expertise in his subject area (whatever that might be).
itt: people helping a cellar-dweller to masturbate about his allegedly higher power level.
Yes, and the professor also seems unaware that forcing a system of globalization is not the same as a natural evolution of it. He is implying the current globalization naturally evolved in how he references it.
This doesn't work against those of us who want to see the American Empire take over all of those countries. Taking their best and then expanding and conquering them via foreign aid and importing our culture.
You must only run into the same type of liberals/progressives, each and every time. Just as there are numerous types of conservatives/regressives, the same is true of us.
Kms? Because you sperged? Your argument is based on a false premise. You didn't even bother to defend that in actual fact.
It's kind of like saying that eventually we will not have to work because of automated production, so we should be open to the idea of communism. Doesn't work, because we haven't gotten to the point to naturally imply such a thing. You'd just be forcing communism.
Just as the professor is advocating force of globalization.
Just like the FTSE and NASDAQ would crash after brexit and Trump respectively.
Just like Trump would never get auto manufacturers to move jobs from Mexico back into the US.
Want to know how I know you're some fag who skims an NYT article and considers himself informed? You brought up David instead of the IMF warning that China's debt problems might get out of control.
They want a horde of brown/orange subhumans to rule over, with a jewish elite. It's what they do - they kill the smart people, or get them to lower their numbers somehow (change conditions so that having kids is not favorable), then the dumb useless niggers end up having ten kids while you have none, and they're that much closer to their goal.
Either you only pick battles with white guilt half ass liberals or you are just having a continuous debate with one liberal, over and over again. I truly don't understand how you can stereotype liberals this way, we aren't really that homogeneous.
Doesn't challenge my claim at all. Globalization inevitably occurs once the markets are opened.
>doing things against your self interest in the name of a free market
No thanks.
Yeah no. That doesn't work if you run into someone who is fine with America stealing their educated people, as long as we oversee the country and can control them in a way, usually via foreign aid.
I honestly want to see how well you can use the "brain drain" argument when you don't run into Sup Forums's strawman stereotype of a liberal.
>Always keep your adversaries on defense
I agree. Posing it as a question is shifty and limp wristed, which perfectly mirrors them. Framing it as a question leaves the ball in their court, because after all you're just asking a question, not accusing.
You're clearly not reading. First, no one here has shown globalization is against American interests. Second, my counterargument was about OP's inconsistency.
>Nigger in the 1600s we had global trade
We also had math and physics back then. Shit is way more advanced now.
Submit to the will of the bankers? Are you retarded? China is sending a message, and they're doing it on a large international stage. They're saying the US is diminished and they're stepping in to fill the void.
You're getting the muslims from Syria because Putin decided to prop up Assad and gas civilians with chemical weapons.
I see. And how are those Africans actually doing?changed everything? They're fine, right? Don't need anything, we fixed it?
Are you sure we're actually helping them? Or could be the governments are giving them just enough to trick people like you?
It's ok, the Clinton Foundation will take real good care of them.
When Americans step in to help, things automatically improve, because that's who we are, and that's what we do.
How silly of me. Why would they want to decrease the population worldwide? All the money is ours, and without us, they'd be broke and homeless.
Kinda like how my power bill will go down if I have a bunch of roommates to split it with.
College students absolutely are. I hear my classmates repeat the same virtue signaling lines all the time.
I got into an argument with my cousin about Muslims and asked her if she thought it was a good idea to start importing millions of people from countries where women are stoned for what they wear. Every time some shit comes up I throw Pew Research studies her way that show Muslims in countries like the UK have huge extremist support, particularly their kids who get to grow up in secular, Western schools.
Of course it is against our interests. It isn't against a few rich people's interests, but it is against the average worker's interests.
I get what you are trying to do, but he had to keep it simple you fucktard beaner, otherwise it would have gone on a stupid tangent and not been as effective.
It's completely against America's self-interest to become a brown shithole.
>but it is against the average worker's interests.
Says who?
>I get what you are trying to do, but he had to keep it simple
Making self-defeating arguments is not "keeping it simple", it's not knowing how to debate. Retard.
You're completely missing the importance of Davos. It's not about the bankers, it's about the the very public signals the Chinese government is putting out that indicate they think the America is ready to be displaced on the world stage (Hint: America is/was #1).
>globalization is against American interests
Right. We have benefitted from Globalization more than any other country, in my opinion. Now in current times it's not in the best interest of our low IQ, nonskilled, untalented fucknuts that mostly make up the south and middle America, but it still benefits the rest of us and America as a whole.
Yeah no. Not even college students are all the same type of liberal. As for your second part, there are liberals/progressives who want all muslims to shed their religions, just as they want that of Christians and Jews. So it's not like all liberals even tolerate Islam.
I'm just asking to see if most of your "arguments" hold up against any liberal that isn't the cardboard cut out that Sup Forums likes to sling shit at.