Sandy Hook Thread Part 2: Conspiracies Afoot
Sandy Hook Thread Part 2: Conspiracies Afoot
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Previous thread that had a lot of good info
First for Obongo trying to use a 'national tragedy' to ban guns
dbh these large images with a lot of text aren't great at getting your points across.
and too easy to forge/fabricate. archived links would be more convincing.
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This one seems a little odd.
Mostly because the paused video clearly shows the ground being different to the St Rose Of Lima school that I assume the image is claiming the video is coming from.
David Wheeler, professional actor, FBI agent, father of victim, all on the same day.
Link the FBI report or fuck off.
Seriously. The FBI were there. Link their fucking report or this thread is just a wild tinfoil chase.
Crisis actors
know who else was there
the media right from the get go
makes me thank
Number of deaths recorded by the FBI for Newton, CT that year.
Well they had to pick up their FEMA pass.
they couldn't spare an actual fbi agent?
Post a link or fuck off with this screenshot shit. Link the official FBI shit.
Fine. Here you go
Do not give the shill using the Ireland proxy (you)s.
Sandy hook fails and bloopers
You won't find it. FBI didn't release a report to the public. They were there, but under no obligation to hand us a report. The Sandy Hook commission did release a report. Pic related
Part 2
I keep seeing this ID around the neck thing being pointed out. How do you know it has to do with actors being checked in and not just allowed persons such as parents on the scene?
Which of these is more crazy. I mean crazy not darker.
A. Hillary Clinton's and her chief of staff, John Podesta are running a satanic child sex ring out of the back of a pizza shop.
B. The murder of 25 elementary school children and 6 adults was a training scenario that was picked up by the mainstream news media. The media was unable to retract their coverage of the event as being real when government officials began pushing their anti-gun agenda and millions of dollars had been donated to the cause.
They didn't actually release a report but FOIA claims to anything they have on the event have all been blocked and state laws prevent investigations at the state level (again blocking FOIA)
Correction, FBI did release through FOIA, but it is heavily redacted.
>The media was unable to retract their coverage of the event
why would they want to retract it?
they love that shit
>No reply
O-Okay... sorry for questioning your one bogus image
Can you explain this image? Don't really get what its trying to say
Because no parent that has lost a child acts like how Robbie Parker acted that day. Like he was getting ready for a scene. It takes skill to change demeanor within seconds.
I would assume to retain their credibility, but if they all pick it up at the same time who's to say it's not true? I mean Clinton had more votes right ?
Some agents have integrity. I'm sure they are all fake, or most.
for you
Calm down Satan. We can't know what's going on in his head.
I'm assuming that the google earth image is somewhat outdated and front of the school (sidewalks/parking lot) had been changed in between that time.
Sorry I didn't reply to your post quickly enough.
The pictures are showing people that were given badges. Badges were handed out and when the 911 call was made local police or EMT were not allowed in, since they didn't have FEMA badges. This is showing all the witnesses with badges before and after it happened.
The police pics in the top right were used on tv and in the papers of the police at Sandy Hook, but it was from a drill at Auburn University.
See? The mark of the beast confirms that evil powers conspired this little scenario
Possible shooter in the woods? Let's walk out in a single file turkey shoot!
Foreign language troop at sandy hook? Nothing to see here.
Okay I understand now, thank you.
The screenshot to the left and above the pics show a casting call for crisis actors for a FEMA drill, along with the location and time. One shows to itinerary for the day and the time with the "drill" commencing coincides with the 911 call.
Orig raw footage here
Is it possible that the guys in camo pants that were sighted being led into the woods in handcuffs were local hunters that heard the shots and came to check out the scene and were arrested because they were suspicious and so they told the police that their hunting gear is nearby or something so they went and checked?
The M.E. guy puts on a great performance:
Sounds like Japanese. Maybe a Japanese reporter?
We know he was the 2nd largest loose thread in this whole story right after Gene Rosen
How else would those dead kids have come back if not through the power of Satan?
girl in pink pants, girl in all blue
We'll never know because the police never have and still refuse to comment or explain it
A japenese reporter in super white Connecticut (population 26,000) the morning of the shooting? Poisslbe but not likely.
I can't imagine what my reaction would be to have to go over the bodies of 25 defenseless children. It would take one hard motherfucker to be able to see all those children on a slab and keep it together.
Wait a fucking second.
The woman behind the first kid is an FBI agent. I can tell that seal from a mile away.
Yeah that sucks.
Finally. However, this is a list off offences, not homicides. I have no idea how these are counted.
Also you posted a 2014 link. This is the 2012 data.
Do people have the homicide/report links or not?
Technically it is possible from an actual standpoint. Hunting is not allowed near towns, especially government buildings or schools.
So yes, technically it could be guys in the woods claiming they were hunting, but they'd be in federal prison forn20 years for carrying weapons so close to a school. I doubt there is a hunting zone within ten miles of the area.
Fun fact, Adam Lanza was claimed to kill all victims with a headshot but one, exactly like Australia's gun grabbing false flag. And bkth shooters were mently challenged that could barely tie their shoes.
This was supposed to be America's Port Arthur.
The mind has incredible defense mechanisms. Gene is another story he just seems like a shithead attention seeker. I can't imagine how I would react if I lost a child and still had to maintain some composure so my spouse wouldn't fall apart and my surviving children wouldn't panic.
i don't get how they could convince an entire town to play along. it would only take one person to fuck everything up.
>Gene Rosen
Can pretty much guarantee its Rosenberg
oh they laffin
if your family was threatened would you fuck it up?
not overtly
Yep. And that unprotected evacuation can't be standard operating procedure.
Just to bring up this point again Adam Lanza himself is the smoking gun of this whole thing. It's very hard to even make the argument that he ever even existed.
also don't rule out mind control.
these chem trails could have brainwashed everyone that day.
Actually I remember noticing a few similarities between both events some time ago but I couldn't remember.
Had something to do with the name Sandy Hook.
Anybody ever have this conversation with a normie (Conservative pro-Trump normie)??
>Wow the media always lies
>Man the media lies and lies
>Look at the government always fricking lying!
Me-- Um, do you think maybe they lied about Sandy Hook too?
>Oh you scum!! That was childrens who died!! How dare you think the government would ever lie!!!>!>!
Third column, it's called murder. Scroll down to Newton, it is in alphabetical order. Come on, user...
Change the year to whatever you want.
Here is 2012:
Hunter's use realtree camo
Military use digicam
Unless we saw these men, we will never know which one they wore.
pure nonsense
To add to my point. The conspiracy itself could be seen as a defense mechanism cannot comprehend anyone, let alone someone with severe mental illbess, gunning down defenseless children. The conspiracy allows one to dismiss the entire event before having to imagine the screams and the fear on those children's faces.
Why doesn't a Sup Forumsack just go to Newtown and interview some of the locals, and the post the results here?
Same. We didn't hear the details of Port Royal here, but once people started mentioning it Ixwatched some youtube videos. It is so fucking similar. I assume the US copied AUS because of its success.
Highly recommended video
Not at all. When I was in HS, a guy came walking up to our school (which was out in the middle of nowhere). School got locked down, police came, not FBI or fucking feds.
Just want to add that FBIanon said that CIA did Sandy Hook. (And that Mossad did 9/11.)
It's in this image somewhere.
its so long though
the level of double think has always been insanely high in normies
Believe me it's worth it and it's interesting enough where you won't get bored. It chilled me to my core the first time I saw it.
fbianon was a professional bullshitter desu
They tried. You get arrested for "harassing." It's your story VS theirs. Guess who wins?
I've tried with my mother who was a liberal most of her life but recently voted for Trump (I assume) and she just looks at me like I'm crazy.
i will agree it's worth it, love that vid im gonna watch it again tonight
this one is also good but some has been debunked.
I watched a version of this with a woman narrating the whole thing, but now i can't find that anywher.... kinda creepy
Has anyone posted the real estate info yet about this, and the lottery info?
Some shit like 5 or 6 of the families whose names were thrown around on camera were given their homes for like $1 a few years prior, and 5-7 of the families involved won the lottery in that city MULTIPLE times, as if it was being used to pay them off.
OK now you've got my attention. I missed that part because it's late here.
So, what could account for this discrepancy? I mean are the deaths recorded or not? Maybe put in another township row?
From Port Arthur shooting
>Martin Bryant, a 28-year-old from New Town
>New Town
It's like they're not even trying
oh fug here it is
What really happened at Sandy Hook
I like this one best.
And end up dead? That's like asking Bush what happened on 9/11. Or Clinton with Benghazi. Self inflicted gunshot wound to the back of the head.
this one will give you chills
annotations are the most fucking annoying thing on youtube
Why was he laughing then start hyperventilating?
bruh im gonna puke
Connecticut police threaten to prosecute anyone who disagrees with official narrative on Sandy Hook:
I have it.
Well, he was right about everything, so he's a bretty good bullshitter.
Nancy Lanza is Anne Haddad.
that he was