Anerica is cucked boys time to face facts.
Pic related, I'm a highschool fag (18 btw) i walked into my macro-econ class and saw this on the board, leftover from the American history class before ours.
So what do we do?
>work towards creating a rightwing white ethno state
I think our best bet is this, create an ethnostate out of the present day US
1.start making the idea of secession/ an ethnostate acceptable/normalized
2. Infiltrate political office at state level, local, legislature, executive, ect.
4. Profit
Thoughts on this? I only see sedition in America's future, my hope would be to create a nation to carry on as America was meant to be, one that celebrates its history not shame it, one that os made up of an American PEOPLE not a Population with multiple ethnicities. I think an ethnostate is the only way to really achieve this. (Too many white leftist race traitors and not enough ovens smdh)
If you have any ideas on how to uncuck the US please share
America is CUCKED
America is fucked
You can thank MLK and his Jew puppeteers for giving shitskins equal rights so now every brown subhuman can bitch and moan about how they're real people too. Watch as society slowly crumbles around you as all the white baby boomers currently holding this country together die off within the next 20 years.
What's even worse is all the white Americucks here on Sup Forums who still don't believe this to be true, no matter how many examples and how much evidence you show them. And what's even worse than that? Americans truly believe their way of thinking is so superior that it should be exported to Europe and the like to destroy the last remnants of white civilization.
America won't have made it a single century as an empire when everything is all said and done. It will be nothing more than a brief mention in the history books.
Hopefully this sick degenerate fag-loving nigger nation dies before it can finish killing off Europe.
Fuck off racist
Kek's chosen one,
Step 1: elect trump,
Step 2: elect trump again,
Step 3: elect trump 2.0
Normalize racism through memes and facts
Build the wall
Un-jew our foreign policy
When comes to MLK I can understand him. Being a Black man hebwants whats best for blacks (of course he bought the kike lie of "Equality Goyim!") I honestly don't blame nonehites, its in their nature, I blame those who are responsible for them being here, Kikes and their traitorous puppets from 1965 eho kekd us with their immigration act
>I-I'm Kek's Chosen?
But in all seriousness, I don't see any way we could physically remove the nonwhites in our country. I think a repatriation system would be considered "too far" the only solution I see is creating our own country specifically for whites
Where do you go to school OP? You should complain
Self bump
You cowards don't want to discuss this? SAD!
DHHS, its in (((Connecticut)))
I'm orignially from VA (NOVA albiet, but this place makes NOVA look like the GOAT) I really hate the north in general after having lived here for some 3 years, can't wait to get back to VA.
daily reminder that everything North of the Mason Dixon line needs to be cleansed with nuclear fire
Cut welfare, cut healthcare for them, except for abortions. End affirmative action. Price them out of the cities, disperse them. Restrict immigration from black countries, they are full of criminals anyway.
Their population will decline and level out at a manageable level. They don't need to be forced out, just managed and contained.
Trump is laying the groundwork for a lot of this already.
Relax, this is a fad that will slowly crawl back down. You are the generation that will help stop it. You and the rest of the generations that follow will understand it.
The solutions are really simple, I agree but their are certain (((obstacles))) in our govt. our law, and our media.
>trump is laying the groundwork
How so? Genuinley asking, are you just referring to his "anti PC attitude" or real legislation?
I once read that when a Nation dies it is gone forever. You can try as you might to "revive" it but it is gone, any attempt to do so would just be a cheap immitation.
I feel as though America is a dead Nation. Our Founders and our Great men are today villified as backwards "evil racists" in the public schools of all places. We never talk about the indian wars or the mexican American wars, just how those """"people""" are discriminated and treated badly. SAD! Our culture, traditional American culture, what parts of it still exsist in an un commercialized form are ridiculed as backwards, weird, and so on. I keep getting adds in SPANISH on jewtube for fucks sake!
I look back on the times of Andrew Jackson, of Grant, even W.Wilson (kike) and I see a different nation.
Don't DOx yourself dipshit, just delete this and draw swastikas all over the bathroom while high on oxycodone like I did
Nice pepe
is that (((college))) and were you in that class user?
I don't even care at this point, fuck this Place (((connecticut))) that is
Doesn't matter anymore
I have already accepted that humanity may not survive past the 21st century
>may not survive past 21 century
Whys that? I'm serious, do you have a legit (interesting theory) or a faggy "Gl0ball warmeeeeng" schpeel?
Let commiefornia secede. Give them 6-12 months for SJW's to flock there. Invade, conquer and punish them and make our union whole again.
wow sucks to be you. you ought to learn to ignore it. never talk to anyone and do your school work. graduate and go to college in texas. good luck.
Pic related looks like communism, but they've changed the wording.
Instead of paying people equally based on their role in society (ie, their job), now they want to pay people equally based on some other factor. Their able bodiness, their gender, their current income, their skin colour.... any excuse to make it communist.
Socialism has it's place, but communism is a disease. We should supporting social systems to prevent people from falling, now injecting tax money into keeping things equal.
>invade and conquer it....again
Is it REALLY worth it? It could be like the /Trash/ of North America
And illegals, refugee headquarters.
>looks like Communism
Interesting insight. It would make sense being that Communism takes root in minority groups to empower them against the "evil bugerousie"
Ok another note, I used to think Communism wasn't that bad, just a shitty economic system. I've only recently realized how disasterous it is to social cohesion, morals, and the people overall. When people talk about it they almost make it seem like "those silly men in the 50s were all worried over a different economic system, crazy right?!" Its such bullshit the way things are taught these days
>ok another..
Meant on another. Sorry
t. Phone fag