Could the secret to staying woke be to not tip?
Is not tipping the ultimate red pill?
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As a cig and weed addicted pizza driver pls tip
>not tipping
>staying woke
>is being a lazy bum psychopath who mimics nigger behavior the ultimate red pill?
go back to world star hip hop, jamal
You're a bunch of entitled children
If you want more money be a better worker or work for a different company faggots
not tipping is nigger-tier
I love visiting countries with no tipping. Fuck tipping.
>using the term woke
You are black so you don't tip anyway, regardless of your political affiliation.
I tip because I like to go back the same places and get top-tier priority service every time
Off yourself. People who work delivery or wait tables get paid less than minimum wage
>Could the secret to staying woke be to not tip?
yeah you would definitely have to be more aware of your surroundings if you didnt tip
>He shares similar opinions therefore he's the same person
You're a moron
Also; not an argument
Which they chose to do so. No one is forcing them to work for less than minimum wage.
Tipping is good bro, why not give a few dollars to your pizza guy when you order it?
I guarantee you they keep track of that shit and make sure to rush your order over others.
the chimpout begins
No, it's called being a nigger.
Not going to restaurants at all is the ultimate redpill.
Not tipping at a restaurant is just being an asshole.
Not an argument
They are suppose to work at or around the minimum wage because the resteraunt assumes the patrons aren't stupid niggers.
Kek, only dindus don't tip. Ask anyone in the service industry. They argue about not serving the black table because they know it will be extra work for no tip, or a tip of 57 cents on a $53 bill unironically. (just whatever change they get back from paying)
i hate tipping but i feel sorry for them making 2$/hr. So i do it.
p.s. i make 50/hr
I buy a Vanilla Latte everyday for $4.20. I give the barista a $1 tip.
I never tip I give them a card to my church since jesus is woth more than money
I dont tip. Fuck that. Its not my responsibility to compensate what the greedy restaurant owner wont give.
>Not tipping with this.
Only niggers, arabs, kikes and baby boomers don't tip. Which are you op?
We don't tip here.
This. Fuck capitalist pigs
Talk to your boss. Talk to your co workers. Maybe talk to your congressman. Or stop working a jobwhich requires zero skill.
Do not blame the customer for your failure to self-advocate.
Cuck for tipping and being a numale
Always tip if they provide good service
>waiter makes a few mistakes
>Don't tip
>delivery boy takes half an hour to get to your house, and a decade ago this would make your food free
>don't tip
>perfectly respectful and on-task person at a nice restaurant performs exceptionally well
Stfu entitled chil
You are a child
Not tipping is the nigger pill.
Tipping results in the redistribution of wealth from rich to poor in the context of non-essential services that aren't great for peoples health. It simultaneously gives a free market incentive to provide better service. The only real downside is the time spent computing tips, but It's a perfectly fine cultural custom.
>even once
The best service I received in my life was in Japan and they don't let you tip there.
The worker can choose not to work for such a cheap restaurant then. Still not entitled to other people's money.
Honestly it's disgusting to not tip in America, unless they did something egregiously bad. If this were another country where they don't tip, then I wouldn't tip. But here in America a waiter/tress will be very accommodating and nice to you expecting to be tipped. It's just part of the deal. What's the end-game of not tipping? If it's to save money, it's retarded; real misers would spend 1/10th the money and cook food at home. If it's to put out some sort of message, then you're a faggot who deserves his drinks/food being spat in the next time you show up. The rage I feel for people who don't tip is the same rage I feel for people who burn the flag or niggers who say, "Fuck white people." It's the audacity of insulting established values you agreed to by virtue of your presence. Don't even go to the restaurant/taxi/whatever if you want to protest the way they do business. Protesters stay outside.
Just tip you fucking kikes, if you can afford to eat out you can afford to tip..
I also shoot Ruger Alaskan's in .454 casull with one hand.
Not an argument. By that logic not forfeiting 100% of your cash to everyone else is "entitled".
You are disgusting
Fuck tipping it's for cuck and for non-MGTOW normalfags
I'm against tipping
>a fucking leaf
Worked as a pizza boy for a couple months and I can confirm 95% of blacks don't tip. Anytime we would get a delivery to the black neighborhood we knew in advance we were gonna get shafted. Assholes would also frequently pay with nickles and dimes. OP is a nigger.
No they don't you lying god damn nigger fucking aids infested retarded lobotomy patient.
Learn your own mothefucking laws before you blatantly lie and beg for money. You are reimbursed to Min wage if your tips plus your base wage don't exceed it
>Fuck tipping it's for cuck and for non-MGTOW normalfags
Only normalfags go to places that require tips.
>Still not entitled to other people's money
Except they are, that's kinda the point of work. Slavery isn't legal, you should know since you're a fucking nigger.
Niggers can't into following rules. It's why they are all in jail.
No I eat out because my parents always invite me out to fancy restaurants since I live with them
It's how to become a Jew pill
I reckon that wait staff are doing far better under a tipping system than they would under a minimum wage system and thats why they guilt trip into keeping tipping.
At 20% tips you only have to serve ~$36 worth of customers in an hour to make federal minimum wage without the employer contributing anything. Thats what, 2 customers at most?
Of course, a sad pussy-less man taking out his anger on others, what a fucking shock.
gooks don't tip either
ITT: Lowlife shitstains who worked minimum wage service jobs and get butthurt that rich people don't throw money on their begging plate
I love these threads because everyone in the first world knows that it is objectively superior practice to pay service staff a liveable wage and then only tip according to merit or as a hilariously misguided attempt at hitting on the girl behind the bar.
Sure cuck calligraphy me sad when I discovered the true way to happiness
Besides the fact that some jobs (like delivering pizzas) rely on tips for most of their weekly pay, the idea behind tipping is to encourage your server or barber etc. to be good at servicing people. When i'm getting my haircut and me and my barber are having a nice conversation while he does a good job on my hair, I feel inclined to tip him so he is motivated to service others the same way. By doing this, these people can build up people skills that can land them in better positions with different companies later in their lives. So yes tipping is necessary, only poo in loos who stiff the waitresses at my restaurant disagree.
>Besides the fact that some jobs (like delivering pizzas) rely on tips for most of their weekly pay,
This should be illegal though
>tipping at a place you don't visit more than once a month
>Muh $2/hr
Employers by law have to ensure employees make at least minimum wage. Do not fall for the $2/hr meme and always pick up your food. Tipping is the ultimate blue pill.
I don't tip because fuck society and fuck capitalism
No they aren't. It's not required by law. It's not a monetary transaction where you get something in exchange. They aren't entitled to it "just because". The restaurant is entitled to your money only if you agree to pay it, and then the restaurant is entitled to dole out some of that to their waiters.
>my restaurant
So basically you don't want to pay your employees a fair wage so you offload the burden on to your customers.
You are basically a kike.
Its not.
For delivering pizzas there should just be a flat charge ontop of all orders. Pizza drivers use their own car so they should get their hourly while they work as well as a flat charge per delivery.
Only niggers don't tip
I'm not a nigger
I should have said the restaurant I work at
>t. angry cook who doesn't get tips
If you give me an extra $1 ill bring your pizza before anybody else?
Tipped employees make minimum wage like everyone else.
I guess the reason they work at jobs that use the tipping system is because they're too retarded to get a decent job.
.t cuck
I usually tip 20% for guys, or $200-$250 if it seems like they've had a bad day. I have never left a tip for a woman and I do not intend to.
t. semi rich homo
Tipping threads are always full of massive dumbasses.
Learn something you faggots
>I cannot read
Leave this board right now.
>10 mins pass
>Oh thanks user my food was ready?
>Hey user this ladys steak is cold and you put it back on the grill
When I was at uni I worked in a busy city centre cocktail bar, and being a man in a country with no tipping culture I made zero from tips but the barmaids definitely made > minimum wage from thirsty beta tips every night.
The idea that staff in a country with a 20% minimum tipping culture aren't making far more than min wage is ridiculous. They are cucking the consumer bigly and the poor saps are defending them.
Don't tip blacks.
Learn something moron
Fucking this. Kitchen work is true redpill.
its up to the employer to pay a living wage not you
if he cant afford it then put up the prices and if people dont patronage you due to the price rise then do the job yourself or hire less staff
oh jeez, just pay them the extra 2 fucking dollars.
Fuck it.
I guess that is easy because I am a lonely faggot who doesn't have to pay for anyone but me.
Going out to dinner with the family and paying for tips for me, my wife, and 3 kids would be harder to do.
Employees must make minimum wage if their tips don't exceed it. If by the end of the week they are under min wage then the employer is required to make up the difference
I only tip if people bothered waiter my table instead of just handing me food and never coming back until it looks like I'm about to pay. You can fuck off if you do this shit and I know there are plenty of lazy fucks who do it.
I can't stop laughing
You fuckers sound like a bunch of jews worrying over a few bucks. You kikes know how copper wire was invented, right?
No. Now stop posting this garbage thread.
Please visit my country sometime (no homo)
t. desperate poor straight guy
I'll visit if you tell me where it is.
Why is the upper class posting on Sup Forums?
I never tip.
I only go out to eat if someone else is paying for it, and I never get food for delivery. I go pick it up myself.
You know who I don't like tipping? Taxi drivers. Like, the concept of tipping doesn't even make sense there. What can the person do to make your cab drive better? Break traffic laws by speeding and running lights haha? There's nothing worth tipping, they just drive you from point A to point B.
Anyone know what exactly happens to delivery charges?
Some stupid shit with an Indian restaurant provided my e-mail address for his grubhub account so I get the receipts for every grubhub order the restaurant gets. How do you think this shit gets distributed? You think the driver actually keeps $16.99 for delivering this order? If so, is that on top of or instead of an hourly rate?
Subtotal $35.46
Delivery Fee $6.99
Tax $3.23
Tip $9.00
Total $54.68
not in a country where tipping is expected...
but in INTELLIGENT countries like Japan where tipping is discouraged and waiters and taxi drivers get paid better
then yes you would be right.
ITT waiters and other assorted service trash trying to guilt trip actual human beings into giving them free money
Just below Turkroachistan.
You know who doesn't tip? Niggers.
I take it back. I'm not visiting.
MGTOW is literally feminism for men. You are a degenerate cuck. Don't reproduce.
Jew detected.