Why can't Americans pick up their trash or better yet just simply throw it in the bin? Don't even start blaming niggers or beaners because whites do it too, you littering fucks.
Why can't Americans pick up their trash or better yet just simply throw it in the bin...
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Nah the only cup I've ever tossed was full of my sister's piss.
The picture you posted is in the UK
You've never been overseas, have you?
Honestly, I only do it because I feel like I'm giving a middle finger to environmentalists.
i do it so some bird can fly by and pick up my """""trash""""" and use it to build a nice home for itself and its family.
you have to go back
>UK car
Because the local council has to hire workers to pick up litter. Therefore creating jobs and stimulating the economy.
t. Someone who throws their litter out the window
>want to let something linger for thousands of years just so you can make someone that gives a shit about the planet we all live on slightly agitated
You mongoloids are seriously brainlet children.
Also when i was in the UK i coulnt find an empty garbage can or "bin" because they are all full of plastic knives, forks,sticks and bicicle tires for some reason wtf?
That's one thing I think Singapore does right. There should be zero tolerance for littering.
there's really no excuse
dump the liquid out and throw the cup on the floor
not that difficult
wow, chekd
Someone needs to employ the trash pickers
ive cleaned up after more dindus than honkeys.
Source.. I work at a restaurant.
Slide thread, that is off topic and unrelated.
Sage all posts.
>see spic gangster trash throw a bag of mcdonalds right out his window onto the road
>pull up next to him and sling a can right through his window
>have to stop at the light
>he gets out of his shitty little car and attacks me
>punch him in the face and drive away
The fight was a draw, but I think I made my point.
In my state littering gets the death penalty.
>I also happen to live innawoods, so I can shoot anyone who litters on my property. It's like my own little state
>who am I kidding, this whole post was a LARP
leaving your trash inside a fast food restaurant isn't the same as throwing it outside on the streets, or throwing it out your car window while you're driving through the wilderness
There aren't any litter jobs. Twice a year, maybe, the county jailbirds pick up the highways. Inner-cities are litter-filled hellholes.
beaners and niggers
yeah usually people from the county jail but a couple months ago I saw a large group of kids around 10 all wearing those orange reflective vests picking up stuff
looked like such a waste of money
had 40 kids doing a job of like 5
>george carlin
Litter isn't that bad in the US. It's a million times better than it was before the 80s.
Our country is now only 99% Pure thanks to you.
Wut? We have paid council workers that get paid to pick up litter daily. Also they get criminals doing their community service work to do it.
Everybody does it though right?
>Don't even start blaming niggers or beaners because whites do it too, you littering fucks.
but those are the people I see littering all the time
I have also never seen a white person do pic related, but I see black people doing it everyday
>tfw leaving a shit load of trash in the company parking lot after work
Serves them right for keeping me late. And also for employing me the last 3.5 yrs.
are you kidding? if we got rid of all the illegal spics alone it would cut down on littering by tons
because of niggers and spic
Sup Forums is dicklets blaming the niggers 20 miles away for the acts of the nigger inside of them.
if it wasn't for niggers there would be no such thing
>Why can't Americans pick up their trash or better yet just simply throw it in the bin?
Nice proxy ahmed.
Because the world is already a dump
i'm creating and maintaining jobs.
Only time i've done this, was when the popcorn was burnt
I never litter out in public though
You should see China, literally everyone throws their litter on the ground. They employ a lot of cleaners to constantly clean up shit.
If the cleaners go on strike the place gets disgusting fast.
protip: it's 99% niggers and white trash
God bless user.
Im caucasian
no but it's a great indicator to how you act otherwise.
It's true though niggers make a mess anywhere they are. If niggers visited the outdoors, no doubt they'd be a fucking hellhole compared to what they are right now
Are you suggesting an idea?