>Sup Forums hates gays
>loves trannies
I don't get it. Where did this "feminine" penis come from?
>Sup Forums hates gays
>loves trannies
I don't get it. Where did this "feminine" penis come from?
Other urls found in this thread:
traps are hot
you fell for the memes
>the greatest artist/performers are men
>the greatest chef are men
>the greatest everything is men
>the greatest pussy is boi pucci
get it?
Wrong board, loves trannies.
>Where did this 'feminine' pen's come from?
Straight from your asshole
from Sup Forums
>>Sup Forums "hates" gays
Sup Forums hates trannies. Trannies from /lgbt/ come here to spread propaganda.
Sup Forums is a bunch of trap-lover degenerate faggots
Eh, we might be trap-loving degenerate faggots, but at least we aren't spics or niggers.
ready to get mad?
yup, except the part of boi pucci
>Sup Forums is one person.
It seems to have become fairly ingrained in the culture of the board.
>shills from tumblr and /lgbt/ are Sup Forums
Traps are gay.
>boys thinking they are girls
>girls thinking they are boys
>people want this to be normal
Traps are clinically insane fucking faggots that do not cause actions of anykind because they come with self destruct mechanism and kill themselves before the age of 30
Also OP is a raging homobenis and should off himself too
Then why is this board so infatuated with them?
We hate both, you fucking sod. Fuck off
wrong board faggot
tfw leafs still haven't been holocausted
That's not what the daily amount of tranny and traps thread say.
You guys have fucking disgusting fetishes.
Who is that
I've been here for years and I don't get the relationship. Is this supposed to be ironic, considering that Sup Forums, by and large, does hate fags?
>That's not what the daily amount of tranny and traps thread say.
You must have us confused with a different board. Let me give you directions
No your thinking of the Homos on Sup Forums
all homo,trap, cissy, cock rate, threads go to /lgbt/
Join the one, the only, the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord:
Its because woman are failing at being woman so hard that man are picking it up. We just cant stand to see society so unbalanced. So the betas are womanizing themselves to meet the gap.
woopty fucking doo 3rd wave feminism
Sup Forums is frequently raided by salty /lgbt/ fags. Why would Sup Forums, of all places, accept such degenerate filth? It's rather pathetic, how they try to weasel their way into our board.
I don't really go to /lgbt/. Believe me if we had a board where we could post NSFW stuff that wasn't super restrictive like /hm/ is we would post this shit there. /lgbt/vis mostly trannies. Whereas Sup Forums mostly attracts redpilled homosexuals and bisexuals.
>men are so based they decide to feminize themselves so other men can avoid women
i'm literally shaking. they're so brave. this is brotherhood. i just can't even
No, fags are just so utterly masochistic that they take the abuse.
Think of it like Stockholm Syndrome. We shit all over them and then one or two cucks here post on lgbt about how some gays are based, so they react to the abuse and one off kindness with more loyalty.
Choose one.
Sup Forums was 99% niggers/jews hate and economics (libertarian shit) and then it got popular later and became what it is now.
this was before it got name changed and deleted twice. when the board is libertarian then there isn't gay hate stuff. it was once gay marriage became a hot topic that it even was discussed.
>loves trannies
Well there's a lot of political leeway between gas the kikes, race war now stormfuckery and typical SJW politics so if I don't like the EU or want to limit Muslim or Mexican immigration my choices of where to talk about it openly are here, and here.
I know. The brotherhood is supreme. One day we will no longer need woman. Then they will start to become cool again, the ones that are left anyways
wearing the flag as clothing is unconstitutional.
like, im pretty sure even those flag pins are pretty iffy
Actual IRL traps are not fucking hot
>wearing the flag as clothing is unconstitutional.
You commie pinko fuck! Wearing an actual flag as clothing is illegal. Wearing clothing with flag print on it is just fine. You fake news worshiping faggots will be executed soon.
Gotta agree. Most hot traps will be taken by beta asshats that will keep fucking them because its more convenient than scoring pussy (getting harder to find quality pussy to fuck)
>Falling for memes this hard
Fuck off fag
The US Flag Code says, “The Flag Code addresses the impropriety of using the flag as an article of personal adornment,
>a design of items of temporary use, and item of clothing.
The evident purpose of these suggested restraints is to limit the commercial or common usage of the flag, and, thus, maintain its dignity.”
So what does that mean? You should not use the American flag as an article of clothing. However, in 1976 an amendment was made that allowed uniforms for military personnel, firemen, policemen, and members of patriotic groups to use a flag patch or pin near the left side, closer the heart.
But it is important to remember that the Flag Code is only intended as a guideline to be followed on a voluntary basis. The Code was originally created to ensure proper respect of our flag.
heres the letter of the code
> The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.
the flag is a symbol, as such, any representation of the flag, or the design of the flag itself, is the same flag with the same symbol.
you fucking cocksucking rabblerouser, learn your proper respect for the flag.
Be my guest, join the discussions! But don't bring your sexuality into this board.
I dislike both generally. Gays because they seem to be faggots quite often and trannies because they are retarded and get triggered by reality.
trans nazi here
we are the true master race
do you post on /mtfg/?