ok Sup Forums what the fuck is this
Ok Sup Forums what the fuck is this
reddit warriors thinking they're relevant
It's called an internet hate machine. It has over 9000 angry penises, and they're all raping children.
analmoose being faggots
They misspelled CROOKED HILLARY
%90 of the posters would not know this, fucking /nupol/
cant believe 10+years have passed since the first habbo raid
Why is Anonymous so left?
Sup Forums was always right wing right?
>financial and personal ties with child traffickers and money launderers
Well, yeah, Trump has met the Clintons before.
I remember when anonymous used to drive people to suicide. What happened?
>Sup Forums was always right wing right?
I've got some bad news for you...
We are the Resistance. The Rebels became the Establishment, but we're still edgy somehow. Love Trumps Hate.
We Are Legion
We Never Forgive
We Never Forget
Expect Us
>hey guys i'm le epig anomylopidopulous XDDDDDDXD
it's Sup Forums-level retards. they're children and the cool kids are lefties right now.
'Hacking' is for babbies now
Memetics is the future
Uhh, what is "left" about this tweet?
>le ebin anonymouse XD
Is there a bigger collection of beta male losers than this?
It's all scrawny nu-makes who hide their acne-ridden faces behind dumb masks
Sup Forums was always left wing
Sup Forums disintegrated and now Sup Forums took over Sup Forums and made it right wing.
There are pockets of resistance though
>le ebin 4chins haxing glitterati
I thought they stopped being relevant 8 years ago?
Anonymous Fake News. Sad!
Sup Forums was the relevant board back in the day of anonymous, as a culture, (not as a "collective"). and it wasn`t lefty or righty. it just did things for the lulz.
>Analmousse being relevant in 2017
Oh no
>Sup Forums was always right wing right?
Sup Forums was militantly apolitical until the psyops began that culminated with Sup Forumsharbor.
Anyone worth anything anonymous died or is incarcerated years ago, now it's a bunch of kids way over their heads.
when has anonymous ever come through? Project Veritas makes them look like the teen larpers they are.
>Anonymous replies under the name @YourAnonCentral (dun 4get to like n subscribe!!!!)
>left wing
Daily Nazi threads and connect the jews OC say otherwise. Sup Forums is edgy contrarianism taken to the logical extreme.
Keep in mind Anonymous isn't even a shadow of what it once was. Before Occupy, the entirety of Lulzsec was v& and completely disbanded. A core member, Sabu, turned informant for the NSA and FBI and turned against his only true friends in the world.
Sabu, after cutting a deal with our government aided in the creation of Antisec, the group singlehandedly responsible for creating the Occupy movement and associating Guy Fawkes with Anonymous. That was a favor to Warner Brothers, as the proceeds of the sales of these "anti-government protest masks" line the pockets of the 1% they're supposedly frustrated with.
Anonymous is a honeypot organization now and ANYONE LARPing around in a trademarked mask, chanting hivemind lunacy deserved to be put out of their misery.
Anonymous = government agents = not to be trusted.
>it's the anomalous claims they're going to do thing episode again
Deep state showing citizens how inept they are with their Peter Griffin tier user account
Not just this tweet you nigger.
>All these claims and no legitimate proof
sounds pretty desperate
Lulzsec was dope. Makes project veritas look like a bunch of whinny faggots.
>4 years ago
lel it's not the Cold War anymore guis stoopid Romney is the dum
Russia is evil! Putin must be taken out! Let's openly accuse him of "rigging the elections"! We're so smart haha.
when Sup Forums used to be Sup Forums
>"I had 7 passwords and they got all of them"
>"my girlfriend broke up with me"
>"Internet hate machine"
They're script kiddies 9fag cucks. It's laughable, they have no power. We are the true anonymous
>anomalous is still a thing
Nice one, Oprah sends her regards.
Pretty much every single board besides this one is left wing
You realize why they call it a containment board, right?
It's open, right?
Way to destroy conversation with insults.
You expect respect?
can't tell if oldfags or newfags, but fags nonetheless
>Sup Forums harbor as a psyop
oh fuck off reddit, turing Sup Forums into Sup Forums for a few weeks was moot's last hurrah of admin abuse before he left the site. as an oldfag i found it pretty amusing.
they're not anonymous...and agreed, but lulz aint done shit in how long? if there were to be an change peeps gotta be in for the long haul bruv.
You apparently don't know who anonymous is...
did you guys get AIDS in the pool again?
Honestly Sup Forums has always mostly been left wing, however Jew hating was a common trend. With the rise of all the current social issues like trans, muslims, gays and other things Sup Forums has been seeing a big shift towards the right as more people get annoyed by them I guess.
But Anonymous the group doesn't actually have any association with Sup Forums. At this point its just a collection of reddit neckbeards who really dont do anything but post some cringe deep left shit and do empty threats
>"pockets or resistance"
That's a funny way of saying "every other board on Sup Forums was so sick of retards taking Sup Forums's Hitler memes seriously and invading politics-related threads that they pressured moot into creating a whole separate board for political topics, and now any posts on other boards that stink of Sup Forums memery are met with replies of "" and get deleted by the janitors"
Literally every time something is going on they say shit like this
Nigger nigger nigger nigger
Joseph McCarthy is smiling in his grave doh.
They support the same narrative.
Remember that time they "doxxed" the kkk by posting random public facebook pages?
Such l33t haxors
lol bullshit. all the left wing retards who got triggered by the word nigger left for reddit years ago
It's a bluff retard. Don't fall for it.
If anything it'll be like Project Veritas was for us. A complete disappointment every single time.
There are other boards besides /lit/ and Sup Forums
That would explain why Reddit is the fucking Alamo for SJW's
Just wave politely at the CIA and move on. They are getting old and are near their end.
Well said ausfag.
there is no more pool. so it`s closed.
>they're not anonymous...
They tried really hard into making a thing that happenned at a cultural level (a cultural habbening, if you will) into some kind of thing set in stone. Then it became larping and very few of these larpers actually evolved or moved on into something else.
Its a remnant of the horrible event that started the death of Sup Forums, chanology. These faggots still cant stop taking themselves seriously. 2008 was a mistake
Nope... Most of the enemies of Sup Forums also started on Sup Forums. Who's jewing the jews?
the Anonymous brand has been co-opted by the US intelligence services ages ago..
bow down to the one true god, Kek.
>not knowing anonymouse is run by the FBI now
Exposing political corruption is pretty non-partisan mate.
The Democrats fucking loved Wikileaks and Assange when they were targeting Bush. Now all of a sudden they're the bad guys because they're doing the same to the Obama administration.
Nah, Sup Forums is Sup Forums light.
/r9k/ hates the left almost as much as we do
Sup Forums is full of neckbeards, you know, meninists and the like.
Most boards are right theses days, even /lgbt/ and /mlp/ are more right wing than most social media out there.
So much potential for lulz, but they begot their origins and were cast out of the chans.
Sup Forums has always cared fuck-all for politics. the alt-righters took the joke seriously, tho.
Random non-hacker nigger makes shit to back up further fake news. like
> derp internet is against trump
When in fact internet is against fake news.
Thats classic media polemics.
> never acknowledge any power or any support behind your opponent
We should do the same and act on it. i.e. join and sabotage left msm from inside. With rhetotic and with "italian" strike.
Anyone can be anonymous. The left doesn't create but it can parasitically commandeer preexisting bodies.
Oh anonymous is still trying to be a thing
>obviously fake anoneemoos facebook account
>shit post
OP IS A MASSIVE FAGGOT anonymous is with trump hence the podesta emails
Sup Forums and /r9k/ are literally the only other boards that don't immediately start spamming "go back to pol"
They delve into a 300 reply shitposting debate instead. Tbh I like it like that, shits funnier.
> just fick off from our politics
Another pure left rederick.
I'm banned from their twitter as I called them out for being limp dicked posers and people who probably found the site post 2007.
Can't wait for this cultist faggot to be finally arrested.
well said user. There is one symbol They can't co-opt, however:
Anonymous promised to sink Trump's campaign.
Sup Forums memed Trump into the Presidency.
Sup Forums is vastly more powerful than liberal SJW anonymous.
I remember the real internet hate machine. The machine that made fun of retarded people and encouraged people to commit suicide. It was replaced with stupid progressives.
>information doesn't vanish
Then why can't they produce any evidence of Trump's wrongdoing other than cherrypicking, misrepresenting, and chopped-up news footage?
Anonymous is such a fucking joke, I cringe every time I see someone share one of their posts on social media. There's so many people out there that think they're some sort of enlightened rebel for following Anonymous when really they're just another low-energy normie babby.
Thing is, the bush admin didn't look to fucking kill assange and character assassinate him, like the left is currently doing, right now. It's like they're trying to destroy all the work he's done the last 8 years, throw away his cred by crying "muh russian hackers," and then kill him off to stop the bleeding.
Sup Forums went from liberal teens mooching of their parents to disenfranchised adults.
anonymous is the greatest continuing meme this place came up with, people act like this election was the first time Sup Forums leaked into real life, but forget all about chanology and that Occupy Wallstreet was a direct spawn of the edgy "anonymous" movement that started in highschools during chanology and grew into this huge clusterfuck
Sup Forums has ALWAYS been a melting pot, both attacking batshit crazy lefties and going after extremist rights like Hal Turner.
Moronic collectivists who try and label Sup Forums as a whole will find just as many people who use Sup Forums who believe the exact opposite.
The past has died, and along with it, the lulz gone by. The internet hate machine has grinded to a halt and all the children know of it are the rusty bits sticking out as though they were a legacy.
Tears in the rain
The fact this doesn't have more nostalgic nods bums me out just a little...
Trump doesn't know or meet with anyone. He just gathered massive amounts of wealth by dealing with good people and using his moral compass to guide him
That is very insightful and very true.
So, Anonymous is LARPing and roleplaying themselves now? Neat.
>W-we have evidence that will destroy you!
>J-ust you w-wait
>Why didn't we already release it if we had it? D-don't ask stupid questions! We're ANONYMOUS!!!!!
Anonymous BTFO, they're just making themselves look retarded now.
>ok Sup Forums what the fuck is this
They're faggots, user