Diversity has failed, accept it, and let's move on

Despite 3 generations of whites doling out welfare and sympathy to non-whites, niggers and spics are still murderous welfare leeches intent on destroying our nation.

It's time to admit that diversity has FAILED as a social policy, and let's move on.

Things we need to do:
1. END the 1965 immigration policy that favors non-whites
2. Build the fucking wall.
3. Deport every illegal alien in the nation.
4 Increase white European immigration quotas.
5. Enact welfare limitations.
6. Mandate fatherless children be put up for adoption into normal 2 parent homes.

Diversity has FAILED and it's time we just accept it.

Other urls found in this thread:



Don't you think you're preaching to the choir, user?

>Mandate fatherless children be put up for adoption into normal 2 parent homes.

Whos gonna adopt all those nigglets the government will be paying for, and don't you think ripping a mother from her child is a bit cruel?

i do feel like integration doesnt really work.
groups just segregate and it leads to conflict

We need to start Eugenics and Human breeding Yesterfuckingday

I mean the things we could accomplish, in just a few generations, i've been meaning to make a thread on this because I haven't seen one in fucking years it feels like, but those old Eugenics threads were where the real red pills were at.

So you want to genocide everybody except the white, do you think this will work? If yes you are nut.

>and don't you think ripping a mother from her child is a bit cruel?


there's nothing wrong with that (unless you want to go full natsoc) if they stay as very small minorities
but openly stating that 'latinos will be majority in the near future' or 'whites will be a minority LOL' and pretend that's something positive is outrageous.

back to Beijing, you dog eating dog fucking Canadian faggot

>So you want to genocide everybody except the white,


There is a nation for everyone.

Latin Americans live south of our border.

Blacks have Africa, and I am willing to draft U.S. niggers and, with whites, invade the ever loving shit out of west Africa, kill or enslave the inhabitants, and re-settle our blacks their in their home land.

U.S. non-whites should be no more than 10% of the population, and they should be of prosperous, law abiding peoples.

Theres no place in government for morality police

There's no place in society for millions of fatherless bastards.

What about just pulling a Hitler? Would be cheaper and quicker

>Things that will never happen

People like you make Sup Forums shit
>Waaaaah single moms hurt my feelings
>the holocaust wasnt real but it was good that it happened

this is easily debunked bullshit, as wealthy and middle class members of races other than European ancestry are doing just fine and contributing to our deliberately pluralist and tolerant society, while poor white trash are the largest consumer of gov't handouts by a long way, and also the most violent, ignorant and have the worst health outcomes.

the three most famous females in the world are black. the President is black. mainstream Mexican Republicans ran for the office of the President twice out of the last two elections. The largest tech companies on the planet are run by women and Indians. Diversity has been achieved and it is great

if you are serious about your commitment to social welfare, your focus needs to be on doing away with POVERTY and IGNORANCE across all racial boundaries, but of course you can't be bothered, since that would take actual work instead of virtue signaling to toothless klan members about how proud you are to be "white"


>Diversity has failed
Sup Forums already knows that
>accept it
WE have long accepted. It's everyone else who needs to the same
>and let's move on.
I'd love to. Soon as we clean up the mess it's made, tie up any lose ends, relish in our job well done, unwind from the toils and reflect on it for some time after. THEN you can move on

>1. END the 1965 immigration policy that favors non-whites
>2. Build the fucking wall.
>3. Deport every illegal alien in the nation.
>4 Increase white European immigration quotas.
No immigrants of any kind. Not until our economy starts growing again
>5. Enact welfare limitations.
Yes, or remove it altogether
>6. Mandate fatherless children be put up for adoption into normal 2 parent homes.
I'm sure the frequency of Fatherless homes will drop drastically when the previous five conditions are met, but I suppose we can take that for good measure

>Diversity has FAILED and it's time we just accept it.
I refer you to my previous response. Are you new here?

>4 Increase white European immigration quotas.
>do you want slavs
>this is how you get slavs


fuuuuck that shit, keep those gopnik degens way the hell away from me, they are literally white niggers in ever single way, shape and form, I'd rather have more Italians and that's a hurtful place to be.


>middle class members of races other than European ancestry are doing just fine

At exceeding white rates of crime? Absolutely.

That "white trash" you refer to at least understand the value of human life and aren't the murderous scum niggers and spics are in this nation.

Fuck off with your apologist bullshit.

You're a filthy nigger lover, a disgusting race traitor, and a pathetic tool for murderous Jews. Go to hell you fucking scum.

>spot the black Sup Forums poster

Increase white European immigration quotas.
>No immigrants of any kind. Not until our economy starts growing again

That's reasonable.

. Mandate fatherless children be put up for adoption into normal 2 parent homes.
>I'm sure the frequency of Fatherless homes will drop drastically when the previous five conditions are met


The bottom line is that fatherless children are proven to be worse off, as a whole, in every metric available, and drastic action needs to be taken to prevent the continuation of this modern scourge.

Shawn king? Is that you?

Your liberal tears and obvious triggered literal shaking is an example of why two parent households should be mandatory. You needed a father figure.

Confirmed for hook nose.


We euthanize them at the humane society

I'm so sorry Aneel wouldn't give you a job at the Circle K he owns thanks to moving here and working 100 hour weeks, maybe you can cry into your Louisana Purchase card, swampbillies

I am German, Irish, Scots, English and Cherokee, and a proud citizen of a Republic that recognized the rights of all free peoples to participate in a representative democracy no matter their race or creed.

you lack a chin and think gang violence makes you a "white patriot" but in reality you are basically an asshole and potentially a terrorist no better than ISIS. enjoy your drone strike, chinless- you deserve it!

If only pol could run the US for a week

Diversity of ideas is the only diversity that actually matters.

Skin color is just skin color and doesnt prescript inherent abilities.

If you're trying to create a diversity of ideas through diversity of skin color, you are assuming that one group of people think a certain way, which is actual racism.

But in all seriousness diversity is fine if everyone agrees to the same social contract, that is the same culture.

>when you double down on a narrative
keep digging that hole lefty/pol/


I'm 1/32 Native American, but I'm blond haired with blue eyes.


big chin boss nigger in the house guys, watch out.


Alright I'll guess i'll be "that guy"
>America Circa 1400-1500
>Nothing but dangerous wilderness
>People trying to make a living on the Coast
>Contract system is failing due to harsh environment and no one wants to leave cozy Europe
>No one coming to new world for contract internship
>Need labor now
Meanwhile in Africa
>African tribes and warlords killing each other
>common practice to enslave people of conquered tribe
>Successful Warlords amass large populations of slaves
>Eurofags discover this
>Due to Empires based in Africa being wiped out for Centuries, no one gives a fuck about Africa
>Minimum trade, Technology halts
>While Asia and the Middle East slowly develop guns Europe has already perfected it
>Europeans travel to Africa to make a deal
>Give Warlords guns and cannons, Warlords give Europeans slaves
>Warlords become stronger thus acquiring more slaves
>Slaves begin to be shipped off to America
>Problem arises
>God is against the enslavement of your fellow man
>Solution: There not men, there "Savages"
>Eugenics is created to "prove" the differences between Europeans and the "lesser black man"
>100s of years go by
>people put in charge of other people abuse the lesser people(fake prison experiment)
>Racism follows naturally and is injected into the normal every day social norm's.
>Civil war happens
>Slaves are free
>Once African warlords turned Empires crumble overnight due to the end of the slave trade
>effects still felt in Africa into present day
>Racism and generations of this norm however do not go away overnight
>fast forward to 1960s
>Civil Rights Movement
>Finally becomes law in America where everyone is equal regardless of race gender or ethnicity.
> That was only 60ish years ago
>Racism doesn't end overnight
>Requires not years but generations to forget.
>Process is slowed down due to Liberal schools teaching about this history to children
>children who are to young to process this information

totally invented space flight and the car
>degen trash
>into the ovens asap

We need more sever punishments for immigrants. If you perpetrate a crime and have immigrant status, you should have your citizenship revoked.

That would help bring the white percentage back up.


Of course it did it was designed to fail. Do you have any idea how truly vicious and evil Kikes are? They have been waging systematic cultural/class warfare ever sense we took them in as (((refuges))) from the evil nazis.

>when you triple down on a narrative

The wealthy elite need to fund eugenics programs to breed the best and brightest.

>I'm a progressive faggot

first in line for the firing squad

>>America Circa 1400-1500
>>Nothing but dangerous wilderness
>>People trying to make a living on the Coast
>>Contract system is failing due to harsh environment and no one wants to leave cozy Europe
>>No one coming to new world for contract internship

>mound building
>trade routes
>communities of 30-40K
>planned agriculture
>generational succesion, record keeping and civic planning

what else don't you know about basic pre-colonial history, pleb? Was high school that much of a challenge or did you get your side chick pregs and had to jump to working at the Wurrlmurt to support your morlock spawn?

>I know for a fact you had to Google morlock, stupid

truth hurts, eh?

Yeah no, niggers are violent its in there nature. Just look at africa you can't blame all the shit of that continent on the end of the slave trade. That is a level of retardation that should not be possible

>If you do not learn and remember History, you are doomed to repeat it.
>It is natural for Humans to hate, have anger, rage.
>However, this hate is an open book,
>Hate requires you to "fill in the blanks"
>Hitler was not born with the hate of Jews
>Hate is learned and it is taught

History if not learned and forgotten will repeat itself

Hate is self taught and remembered
Hate only lives if the society it lives in keeps it alive, and if forgotten, will be forgotten forever.
The History of the slave trade will be remembered, but the hate and racism will not follow.

This of course takes the will of the people to ignore and forget the hate and only remember the History, and time. Time counted in generations until the hate and fear and difference becomes nothing more, than history.

Native Americans should have the right to live here, it's their continent after all. Just let everybody live where they belong, Latins in Latin America, Whites in NA and Europe along with Natives/Saami/what have you, Niggers in Africa and Sandniggers, Curryniggers and Gooks in Asia. Although desu we should still allow limited Asian immigration (only from China/Korea, no shitskin Asians) and students as they bring money and work hard (i.e. don't chimp out) and don't impose their values on everybody and also usually can't stand shitskins. And fucking gas the kikes.

a-are you aware of where the term "slave" originates?

>hesitate to ask
>embarrassment for you is real


Fuck off. You will never make the average black person love you. These niggers hate you and this nation, and it will not change before bloodshed.

>They have been waging systematic cultural/class warfare ever sense we took them in as (((refuges))) from the evil nazis.

What's fucked up is that ALL of our "social troubles" were kept completely in check as a unified nation until AFTER WWII.

That's when the military got integrated, that's when the niggers started getting uppity down south, that's when the "free love" and feminist bullshit started, and that's when they killed our Euro-friendly immigration policy.

To believe that it's a coincidence that our troubles started after we started taking in Euro-Jews by the thousands during the war years is, indeed, just fucking stupid.

Shut the hell up, Leaf, and watch.


yes they successfully genocided 4m Palestinians into existence while creating a world class economy based on technology and software in a desert, truly, these are people to be feared, you giant pussy

>Native Americans should have the right to live here

They've got their rez, and can keep it.

>What's fucked up is that ALL of our "social troubles" were kept completely in check as a unified nation until AFTER WWII.

how fucking stupid are you?
seriously, what is 2 + 2?

answer without googling

enjoy my barricade and green tip ammo, fucking commie

Why does the US try to push diversity? Doesn't that only work in small countries where the government is somewhat authoritarian so they can handle all the shit?

>move on
>after importing millions
no, we're stuck because of morons.

No, no, no...the prairie niggers here were all peaceful and loving before evil white man came.

I'm not claiming they're the greatest people but c'mon there are so few of them when we kick out the non-whites I think we should just give the handful of natives a break, most of them stay on the rez and don't fuck with white people anyway. Also not a leaf despite my flag

i live in the most diverse city in the nation. i see people of all cultures and backgrounds working, owning businesses, paying taxes and having kids.

the only reason you think diversity is ruining america is because nigger culture is influencing a lot of people and bringing everyone down.

attack the degenerate nigger culture, not races.

>Why does the US try to push diversity?

Communists infiltrated American government and gained power over the democratic party.

They use "diversity" as a tool to disenfranchise the white American majority, and a way they can buy votes from all the non-whites they import with their welfare handouts.

They also use "diversity" as a tool to instill hate and instigate violence against the white majority.

Meanwhile, they claim it's about "equality", which is 100% bullshit, and always has been.

Every white leftist should be forced to live in a nigger/spic neighborhood.

>i live in the most diverse city in the nation


Pray tell us which urban paradise this might be, stranger.

>mound building
>trade routes
>communities of 30-40K
>planned agriculture
>generational succesion, record keeping and civic planning

Otherwise known as the basics of every civilization.
You can fuck right on off with your retarded community college history class. America was perfect place to grow cash crops, but the labor to do so was intensive and required a lot of people. If you ever looked at population areas during this time, most of the population resided on the East coast. Everything West was wilderness, lawless land dominated by tribes and fur traders. People understood a lot of money could be made in this region, but the labor required to do so and the isolation of the area, which at the time was far away from any populated city or port. Hence the reasoning for the Slave Trade, but instead of actually reading and posting an argument you like most shit posters on this board go straight to listing of 5 common shit facts to make yourself look as if you know what you are talking about, stating accusations about me to assure yourself that your right in all of this and end your post with the incredible argument of
>truth hurts, eh?
I swear to fuck the level of faggotry on this board is reaching pure autism levels that make people more retarded just reading posts like yours. I don't care if you disagree with me, give an argument to me, start a conversation or discussion. But no, You decided to waste everyones god damn time with your abhorrent shitpost just to get the (you)s.

Elevate yourself to my level fgt

We already have moved on. Why do you think whites don't live in Chicago or Detroit?

>Everything West was wilderness, lawless land dominated by tribes and fur traders

what is it like being willfully ignorant?

I'm honestly asking that as a question

I like how you know nothing about anything. You just parrot what talking heads tell you. Lol. Dumb fuck.

What the flying fuck are you on about?
The entire fucking continent was a massive forest.
and it only got worse in the South where the forest was replaced with thick Jungle and swamps.
You think showing me an article about a single tribe in a single spot makes my statement invalid?
Here's your logic in practice.
>I built a base on Mars
>it's 72 degrees inside
>it has a breathable atmosphere
>Therefore all of Mars is 72 degrees and has a breathable atmosphere.
Come the fuck on.