im such a fucking idiot and a degenerate, kek help me get out of this mess
Im such a fucking idiot and a degenerate, kek help me get out of this mess
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Just don't act like one. Deplorable is okay.
Being a pussy isn't.
you need catholicism
Only God can save you.
Martial arts
Fast. Lookup ketosis diet.
Only drink water with lemons.
Take vitamins.
Practice walking meditation.
Learn a skill - it takes 10,000 hours.
Just start saying real edgy and racist shit in normal social environments and then when they naturally respond with negativity and argue against you, call them cucks and laugh it off saying it's just some ironic humour and if this offends you then you're part of the problem
Worked for Sam Hyde
Jesus saves my friend.
You offered you digits to kek, if he accepts them you must devote your life to non-degeneracy or he will smite thee.
Watch this sermon. I'm not terribly religious or anything but Joel Osteen can give you good perspective nonetheless.
>ketosis diet
Hello heart disease
>lemon water
Mite b cool
Eat your leafy greens
>muh 10000 hours
Timothy Ferris pls go
I like this...
Honestly bud, the only red pill in life you need to consume is the one where the realization that you are alone in this world with no one giving a damn about apart from the relationships that you create. Look, everybody has problems in life, do you really think they are going to stop with their problems and focus on yours? What makes you so special, what makes you think your so unique everybody should just drop what their doing and help you? If you can put on your own damn socks you can fix your own damn problems. Take it one foot at a time, and in the end it doesnt matter what anyone else thinks because its just socks. And how you wear them or what colours you wear dont matter.
my addiction has gotten me into such a server financial situation i might go to jail, im probably retarded.
Personally I found spending quality time with my family had a massive effect on my mental state
Just listening and asking questions and appreciating them
After a week away with them I came back feeling great about myself. I had no urge to smoke weed, play vidya, get in my head about the negativity of the world. I found that I don't need anything in this world and that my human relationships were far more nourishing. People matter, your narcissism and addiction to misery doesn't and is a prison you make for yourself and learn to love.
this guy can help
What is your addiction?
Kek blessed you with digits
do less of your addiction and replace it with something else. something positive that moves you toward the person you always wanted to be.
If you fall back in, get up and try again.
Repeat until you defeat your addiction.
Chiggidy checked my friend!
Severed penises
heed his call
Kek ain't real, brah.
Buy the book Gorilla Mindset. Will change your life.
it doesnt matter, something degernate
adderall and meth are fucking degnerate though
a few years of self loathing should fix you up good.
nothing and no one can fix you except you. You have to want to fix yourself so bad you dig deep and find strength you didnt know you had. people can help and encourage you but in the end it is all up to you. Make a plan and start a routine. youre not getting out of rock bottom with one leap so dont leap so far you fall back down. Your problems wont disappear once you get clean and if you go into getting clean thinking they will you will fall right back down. Get clean first then tackle the problems that got you hooked in the first place.
im going to detox tonight, goodnight anons
If advertisers spent the same amount of money on improving their products as they do on advertising then they wouldn't have to advertise them.
dont detox alone it can be deadly. Depending on what you are using you may have to do it slowly cold turkey could kill ya