Why do conservashits want to bow down to Russia ?
Why do conservashits want to bow down to Russia ?
Prove Russia did anything
Why do liberals want war with Russia?
Also this. I'd like to see proof.
>not wanting a thermonuclear war with Russia is...
>bowing down to Russia.
>t. Democrat
The issue is, on our side we have democracy and the will of the people, on your side you have nothing, no evidence, no logic, no reasoning. NOTHING. Go cry some more libshit.
They literally have his papers saying he did.
What papers?
Outline the methods Russia used, then specify their degree of success.
Then give us a link you neanderthal
Why do libshits want us to bow to Sandniggers and beaners?
Because it's 2017
I don't want to bow down. I just don't care if they landgrab in Eastern Europe because that is not something worth caring about. Mexico is the true enemy to this nation, with China a close second, and that's where our focus should be. If Putin and Trump want to bomb Muslims together, all the better.
I fail to see how this is more than just another red scare. Now neocons and many of the left want to ban "propaganda" and "fake news". How is this not a form of fascism?
I'll bow to Russia before I bow to a liberal.
>making an ally means bowing down
Prove they aren't trying.
Dictatorial/Authoritarian/Autocratic/Etc rule far, far, *far*, FAR predates "muh fascism".
Cite evidence please.
das papers?
Why do libtards want WWIII?
How ever you would like to phrase it, whatever you call it, the hysteria THEY have created is irresponsible.
I have a paper right here that says Hillary Clinton took $50 billion from Saudi Arabia to throw gays off buildings.
You can't prove a negative. Burden of proof goes onto the accuser.
So they can nuke the planet and stop global warming.
I'ts not about bowing down, it's about realizing that Russia is not hostile, always acts in accordance to existing law (even if its shitty law), and is a strategically high value potential ally. There is literally no positive benefit to be in conflict with Russia.
You mean the Buzzfeed papers? Those papers?
fake news sheep alert
russia is the best country on the face of the earth, thats why, libtard. I hope putin marches his troops across the border. I would bow down and thank them.
Wow, why no one told us?
So are we regaining control of the world, тowaяisч
Well memed
I want not the bow down to russia, but recognize them as a potential ally especially against isis/isil or any other terrorist organization.
they can be a trade partner, and when america and russia can make a long sustainable peace we can start to defund nato which saves the american tax payer money.
so lets go over the pros here
economic cooperation
less defense spending
>why do liberals want a war?
conservatives stockpile weapons just in case hoping not to use them. a liberal wants the conservative to use them.
Russia never had control of the world; your history is one of perpetual cucking.
do anything that triggers dems
Yes, that's true.
>I want not the bow down to russia
get over it, hillary lost, fucking leftist cuck.
Why are liberals suddenly so against being peaceful?
did you read the rest you ignorant fuck?
Left wing is far more dangerous than right wing. They are not liberals.
inb4 the rest of the world realizes they've been fighting a proxy war with the west the whole time.
why would I read a hillary shill's post?
Third of the world's population in the sphere of influence after World War II
First human in space
You know
And you have a bad relationship with memes, right?
cant imagine anythings worse than having a Muslim president
Peaceful? These people are anything but.
They've justified the genocide of abortion and literally talk about the subject like Nazi's.
Because screencap.
They want power and are contrarian to anything right wing....there isn't really any core value beyond obtaining power.
i recognize they've done what they've had to do.
they've had weapons capable of annihilating them parked just outside their doorstep for a long time. we should be able to come to agreeable terms.
don't be a retard. Abortion is as right wing as it gets. it keeps the nigger population from exploding you fucking leftist shill. peace is only a liberal idea. peace is just a liberal code word for cuckoldry. Just because I want to bow down to russia doesn't mean i don't want to nuke mexico.
typical libtard, can't use logic so you just post memes.
Fuck off troll.
The political left is America's enemy, not Russia.
why don't you try using actual logic instead of insults? oh wait, you can't because you're a liberal.
>guilty until proven innocent?
Why do liberals want bend over and cower before isis
Why are liberals such war hawks all of a sudden?
>guilty until proven innocent?
that sounds pretty good to me. Libtards should all be executed with no trial.
Why do libcucks want to bow down to globalists?
don't feed the troll.
Honey you first have to prove that there is any russian connection you silly little fag.
you're a fucking shill. hands down.
Because Russia>west at the moment
The west:
>lets let our own population get over run by shit skins and become an Islamic country in 40 years time
>lets destroy the value of our currency and by printing a shit ton of money
>lets run up shit ton of debt and let the next gen figure it out
>lets help terrorist groups destabilize world by funding/training them
>doesn't dethrone leaders of countries and cause mass migration and civil war
>wants to keep its people strong and safe
>doesn't want to become another shitty Islam hellhole
>doesn't want nuclear war
>leader isn't a retard
>theres no connection everyone hates trump especially russia waaah
whiny little libtards spreading fake news.
Hitler big desire to attack Russia as far back as Mein Kampf (the Hitler-Stalin pact was something he never wanted).
Comparing Trump to Hitler then turning around and calling him a Russian puppet is retarded. You fail at the internet. Kill yourself.
Where's the proof, niggers?
Tell me why libshits never stop crying like you op?
Fuck you cuk