Am I schizophrenic?
Badselfeater. Forgotten Languages. Pizzagate
well that depends on what the fuck you're talking about fellow burger
Life is weird.
yes, michael
Bottom line, it happened. Trump was chosen.
Sometime in October things changed. It began with the whole badselfeater thing. Then came the forgotten languages and their cassini discus stuff and then came pizzagate.
These things have completely changed my outlook on life but maybe Im just schizo. Or maybe timelines have been jumped. Idk
Chosen by a higher power
slidden and hidden
Yes. He was indeed chosen. That's that.
Money is the core of their memetic sigil banking systems, the abortion video released are a mechinism of back feeding the psychic energy to overload the system...good eyes user, high level magics
I gotta admit that was a good troll.
Badselfeater: just well done viral marketing with an anticlimactic finale.
Pizzagate: still 0 hard evidence that would send up in a court.
Forgotten Languages: I don't know what to think of it. So far, it just seems like an interesting mental exercise.
>would send up in a court.
*would stand up in a court.
FL is... it's probably the shadiest and most indecipherable shit Sup Forums has ever stumbled upon. I'm one of the anons that spent the better part of a month combing through that site. We ended up with quite the interesting picture.
The site involves a lot of individuals. The server itself being hosted in a suburban Georgia home registered to a certain Patrick Tucker, but involving the work and referencing numerous Linguists, Psychologists, and Anthropologists. Oh, and likely Spanish organized crime.
Weird fucking site. Don't watch the videos.
Im intrigued ruskiebro mind telling me any recent finding anons had from the previous thread?
Wasn't this an anti-abortion troll? I remember it turning out to be bullshit whatever it was.
>Forgotten Languages
Literally my first time hearing of this.
LARPing bullshit with zero evidence
The project died off awhile back, but in essence; it's a PsyOp project that serves as both a recruitment-node for people talented in Linguistics, along with the set of personality traits suitable for the project.
As well as a test-field for projects developed by the collaborative group. Such as the videos and the crazy elaborate encryption method of CassDisk.
The best guess I have is that it's related to the recent work at StarLab and the Walter Reed Army Institute in Virginia.
The Linguistics and ConLangs themselves aren't the main focus, the main focus is in furthering research into self-propagating neural networks.
Basically, it's a bunch of really fucking well-connected Transhumanists.
>mfw i want to believe
So what applications would the military go with this, whats more why lingustics?
Linguistics is the study of languages. Languages are structures of audio-visual symbols. In essence it is the study of how systems for passing information evolve.
Considering the videos on FL can, according to our research, literally implant thoughts - patterns - even complete images... I'd say the potential applications are limitless.
Dirac Angestun Gesept!
Was there any other leading theories or is there any evidence to this? Like what are the alternative
>self-propagating neural networks
So....memes? All I remember from the FL threads were those weird videos, seriously what the fuck.
BSE is connected to Pizzagate btw you guys. Predictive Programming.
If you watch the reveal video the guys makes a ton of masonic hand gestures, and supposedly it wasn't his idea - he just got recruited to pull the whole thing off. They were just mocking us for wanting to dig into conspiracy theories, but they underestimate the amount of autism plaguing this forum because we picked up Pizzagate and ran with it.
BSE failed ultterly to discredit the conspiracy theorists on here and leddit.
The alternative theories were it being the work of either an autistic Spanish linguist suffering from Disassosciative Identity Disorder.
That kind of went to shit when we dug deeper. There's also the theory that it's Ayylmaos, but seriously. In terms of other credible theories, I don't think we really have one other than the one I already outlined.
Yes, memes. Automation on the production of memes via a synthetic intelligence would be a good way of looking at it. It's why the work of the Luminous Project is commonly referenced on FL, and why memes/linguistics become so intertwined. If we alter consciousness by changing the perceptive qualities of the individual, we alter his reality. Things which are not real, become real; and those which are, become not. It's arguably the most ambitious end-goal you can put for yourself as a PsyOp.
is there a connection between F.L. and aaayyy lmaos? or nah?
loo i love killing niggers
Sup Forums circlejerk masterpieces. Too bad we fell for the meme :(
So how do the videos implant things in your brain? Im confused
not everyone went along with the little game.
get out
>butthurt at emoticons
>not going along with the game
The outsider here is you.
Anyways I didn't think too much about FL just because probing stopped when that one user did not go further with emailing him. I think the Spanish dude found out we were asking about him and he shut down on all fronts.
For BSE I still take it as an attempt for the measurement of both tenacity and gullibility of the board. It was all there ready to be connected and the countdown was the sweet topping of a supposed earth shattering truth
Well that depends on how seriously you choose to take their articles on the Giselians and the Denebian Probes. If you take their word for it, we made first-contact with a different sentient civilization following the Hiroshima & Nagasaki Bombings. Most of the world leaders know about them, and they will be arriving in our solar system by the middle of the 22nd century.
Combination of evocative imagery and binaural beats to put you in a suggestive state. The mechanism of action is relatively easy to understand, how exactly they manage to pin-point what exactly will be implanted is less clear.
No, but the friend in your head is.
Those were psyops to attempt to cause paranoia and schizophrenia among board users for digging into things that they shouldn't.
So, it worked, on you.
True but why should they not dig in?
What else did you find? I think their eating fetus'. Related to Pizzagate.
Memes are the living language that was prophesied.
Truth is dangerous to an establishment that thrives on illusion.
pizza guy was an abortionist video where a guy said stop abortions
I remember someone running the audio to the YouTube videos by Ayndryl on a spectrograph. The frequencies registered as geometric shapes. It blew my mind, watching videos like "Long Bitch". I definitely felt something odd while watching. I didn't listen. But the visuals were very carefully layered I noticed. Almost like it was intended for not only one layer to be focused on.
I still feel a little ashamed that I really participated in this.
The whole deal with PizzaGate and Human Trafficking in general is only partially connected to sexual slavery and likely very unconnected to cannibalism. The blood is what's important user, FL mentions this in the Vampyr tagged articles. Science is merely catching up to what Occultists 'knew' beforehand.
You're looking at it the wrong way. Languages are collections of Memes, what we know as internet Memes now; are a distilled form of communication and far more compact in conveying complex information.
The YouTube channel link on the forgottenlanguages site is still uploading videos.
im kinda tired tonight i forgot the name of it, but yeah badself eater was shit i spent hours trying to think of what would happen
The geometric shapes in the videos are the same as those in Cassini Diskus. What's really amazing , is how they reach those shapes. It's essentially taking either a real language or ConLang, and altering it in Binary to have it 'assemble' as Unicode Geometrical figures.
It's transforming words into shapes, and then in the videos; into pure sound.
I was coarse in my post. I meant to say using discarded matter from abortions for medical, possibly life extending procedures not known to the general public.
Why did the Bush administration really push back against stem cell research? I use to think it was about religion, but the older I got I realized people with that type of money don't have religion.
You got the colors right but the design wrong, this is the correct one.
And they have been for years on end now. The length and instant responses from FL are what intrigued me personally.
What is meant for Jupiter is not meant for Man. Think of how fucked we would be if it were possible for everyone in the developed world to live till 110-120+. It would be impossible to maintain economic stability with that large of an aging population without altering the socio-economic framework of the State. To preserve their own wealth and self-interests, life extension technology and research had to be pushed out of the public eye and the public mind, as it was never intended for public use.
>are a distilled form of communication and far more compact in conveying complex information.
Yes, you are starting to understand.
I'm already there.
Not only that, imagine what the black market for human parts would be like if the common laggard knew it could grant him pseudo immortality.
>The mechanism of action is relatively easy to understand, how exactly they manage to pin-point what exactly will be implanted is less clear.
Has anyone examined the videos for ultrasonics?
That was the idea user. Now you'll second guess yourself whenever you hear a conspiracy theory.
Gloabalist detected.
It's pretty clear. Systems for transferring information inherently seek to improve in their efficiency. When you have as much information being transferred as on the internet, the system will optimize to levels never before seen. Which is how a cartoon frog manages to convey enough political sentiments to write a dissertation over.
It would be impossible to keep it as a black market. Right now, it's very much a black market. But if it were to become public knowledge? We'd find ways as a society to rationalize the butchering of other human beings. The existential terror that is death would lead to a complete decay in the moral fabric of society if we knew that there were ways to greatly delay it. This is a large part of the reason for why most of the Deep State Actors are such fucking abominations.
Not to my knowledge, no.
Nah, vampire cultists just THINK they're getting a big benefit from injecting themselves with teenage blood. What they're actually getting is the same rush athletes get by doping themselves with their own blood.
Pizzagate was a psyop. If you follow the 'research' purporting to prove it real, you'll find that a lot of it traces back to pedochan. My guess is that it was a technique called the 'Advance Tu Quoque' (often attributed to Alinsky) - basically, when you find some dirt on your own faction, you immediately accuse the enemy of whatever crimes your side is committing. Any reaction the enemy makes can then be spun to the accuser's benefit:
- Enemy ignores the accusations? This 'proves' they can't refute them.
- Enemy denies the accusations? Save up all the arguments they use and cite them when you get caught.
- Enemy accuses you of doing it? You accuse them of a tu quoque fallacy, or try to convince the audience that both sides are equally bad. (Choose depending on your audience.)
- Enemy argues that it's OK? Again, save up all the arguments and cite them when you get caught. (Wouldn't happen with pizzagate, but it works well with other forms of dirt.)
>Considering the videos on FL can, according to our research, literally implant thoughts - patterns - even complete images
Post research plox.
Wasn't the key theme in Arrival about changing your perception of reality by language?
It is more than that, it's the first "language" that defies time, and itself, evolves.
I lost access to the Dropbox through which we catalogued all of our research last month, so I rather unfortunately can't provide the logs. But suffice to say, everyone who exposed themselves to the videos began to experience the same exact dreams with the same exact imagery on a very similar timeline.
Arrival is honestly so fucking weird in the context of FL that it almost feels as if the script was written by them.
The common laggard already knows this, but anyone who does the research learns that Surgery Is Risky (and painful) so swapping organs indefinitely won't actually make you live forever. The fact that antirejection drugs are basically *deliberately giving yourself AIDS in a pill form* doesn't help longevity much either.
We're good at rationalizing horrible things, but work involving cloning or growing hypercompatible transplant parts has better potential for longevity - both quantitatively and qualititatively - than mass harvesting. I'd rather have a chunk of new liver than some prole's liver plus a daily aids pill for the rest of my life.
Do you remember the general gist of the dreams/imagery?
What were the dreams
Badselfeater "climax" felt so unrealistic in a sense how much time and themes were incorporated to that one single dollar bill only for one agenda: anti-abortion.
Not that I do not agree with anti-abortion, but it was a huge disappointment.
>but it was a huge disappointment.
shit forgot link
Anyone remember this? It was my finest trolling.
Bumping former glory
>FL is... it's probably the shadiest and most indecipherable shit Sup Forums has ever stumbled upon.
Thank you.
I did that.
>Linguistics is the study of languages. Languages are structures of audio-visual symbols. In essence it is the study of how systems for passing information evolve.
>Considering the videos on FL can, according to our research, literally implant thoughts - patterns - even complete images... I'd say the potential applications are limitless.
>The alternative theories were it being the work of either an autistic Spanish linguist suffering from Disassosciative Identity Disorder.
You mean a con man who wanted people working for him for free connected with fraud schemes and a similar past larping exercise.