Why americans hate Mexico so bad?
>wall etc
Why americans hate Mexico so bad?
they are jealous
Feels like forever since i seen that meme
I'm glad it only caught on for like a couple weeks then everybody got bored, it was so forced
I think they hate the Mexicans that are living in their country when they shouldn't be.
The wall is just to keep those fuckers out, you're probably fine if you keep to yourself down there.
what the fuck would we have to be jealous of a country that regularly lets its citizens get their heads chopped off en masse you fucking leaf?
Because you are the reason why i can't get a job in my home state for welding and now have to travel to the northern states for work
Becuase your country is a shithole
Agreed and understood, though is not our "policy" we have enough problems dealing with their illegals weapons and drug mess also corruption of out pathetic politicians
You're all dirty Mestizos who commit violent crimes, refuse to assimilate to our culture, systematically abuse welfare and consistently vote for socialist policies.
Fuck you people.
Because Mexico is diseased, third world garbage.
I don't hate you. I just don't think you have the right to send 11% of your population here illegally, stagnate our wages and shit of that nature.
kek, this.
Build Wall Geronimo
build wall paco, no siesta time for you
Even Mexican hate poor Mexican.
because you are a nigger tier species and everything about you sucks
Illegal aliens and illegal drug imports
We are not who agreed NAFTA, there is the problem, in fact we hate NAFTA as you do.
Before it we had small industry not compared to US or Canadian but we had it and had good jobs before us companies came and forced workers as economic refugees to us.
Because everyone thinks we are pic in question
Illegals doesnt represent Mexico gtfo
I love everyone
i personally don't have any hatred towards any group of people, but i don't like or want illegal immigrants of any type coming in and trying to play the game.
Mexico is great., aliens that come over the border illegally? not so much.
You can kill them, i have seen how arrogant are against mexicans and americans we neither want them
Yes they do. Your government literally makes a brochure informing you how to cross the border illegally.
>Illegals doesnt represent Mexico gtfo
You're all dirty Mestizos who commit violent crimes, refuse to assimilate to our culture, systematically abuse welfare and consistently vote for socialist policies.
Fuck you people.
>Mah whip, essay
Fucking spics.
Only paying for it.
Geronimo, uncommon name though
I'm an American, I don't hate Mexico. I'd be genuinely afraid to live there though. My entire idea of Mexico is formed through execution videos and that story of Cartel members kidnapping buses and making the passengers fight to death in gladiator fights.
at least you admit that now kek
I confirm, but i hate them for bein uneducated and for being leftist
Simply Because your women don't age well.
It's a terrible scenario to walk down a street of your home town and see some disgusting ogre from fuck knows where shitting up the place with her face and chubbiness
Be cause the illegals do al kind of shitty stuff to americans, their are ugly, and thats the kind of view they get from Mexico.
It's your spicy Mexican food that makes them shit their pants. The hate is well deserved.
>flee repressive socialist government
>vote for repressive socialist policies
Government are the same retards who drag mexico into crisis so they "care" for them because the money they send
Mainly the illegal immigration thing. Americans had a positive opinion of Mexicans up until the 90s.
I understand, but mexico is not a execution video, atm is not the best place to live or work unless you dont live in north or cancun
>they are jealous
of their "cuisine"
Mexico is fantastic.
Without Mexico where would majestic American turds go once flushed?
How can any shit puke maggot mexican trash not know why we have a fucking problem?!
Oh right they are shit low iq trasy people, I keep forgetting.
Not all women but yeah i dont like how they get fat and ugly after years
Thankfully none of these roaches will be alive in 5 years
I will ignore that ivan i like Russia.
I don't mind Mexicans, so long as they stay in Mexico. When they come here, they act like niggers.
I don't hate Mexico, I think Mexicans should stay there. If Mexico isn't a terrible place to live then their is no reason illegal immigrants shouldn't be deported back to Mexico. They can apply for legal citizenship and if they are some the best and brightest they will get in to the U.S.. If Mexico a hovel filled with crime and degenerate behavior and immigrants refuse to change when they come to the U.S. then they will obviously bring the culture that made Mexico such a terrible place to live into America and should obviously not be allowed to immigrate here.
pay for wall
Most Americans also like cheap shit so they wouldn't want NAFTA to disappear since it makes everything cheaper for us, but that's a big reason for immigration. You can't have it both ways. You either accept that a big reason Mexicans are coming into the USA is because of shit like that. Also most of the Southwest was part of Mexico and the cities are still in Spanish (Los Angeles, San Pedro, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Ana, etc) so no shit Mexicans are gonna reside in there. Also there's millions of Americans in Mexico too retiring in Mexico to live chill lives.
Not gonna lie... This
I grew up in South Texas. I put hot sauce on my hot sauce.
Our country is shit, our government literally LITERALLY killed children just so corrupt politicians could line their pockets FURTHER. Yes, this actually happened. (yucatan.com.mx
I try to understand that too, seriously
The actual mexicans from mexico i see have only slighty more situational awareness than asians and thats pretty bad.
You just always manage to get in the fucking way
Not a poor thing beanon many people come legally and pay taxes. Your drug problems cause us problems. We don't export poison and criminals to you
Kek, wtf is thay shit
Those aren't Mexicans. The tattoos say "MS" for Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13), which is a gang that originated in the USA from Salvadorians.
Your people have always been this way, the Apache would not even waste ammo to kill you and would do so with rocks etc..
You front being all proud and shit but sure like taking it up the pooper.
I've had recurring dreams of hanging the corrupt elite.
Holy shit. I actually don't feel but those poor kids. Fuck the PRI in the ass
Salvadorians. mexicans same thing
You dont have to be a spic to make tacos Jose
Destroy government the n rebuild
thanks for the keks
Geez, you found out by yourself?
I don't hate you Pablo. I just think you have your country and I have mine.
I like my neighbor a lot. Doesn't mean I want him sneaking into my basement, eating all my food, and squatting there for the rest of his life.
I wouldn't hate Mexicans if the didn't vote Democtat. Esspcially when Reagan a Republican who was the one who have them amnesty. Doesn't make sense. Voting Dem turns our country into the shithole they're escaping from.
Send weapons on credit charge to people.
Make Trump support our NAFTA deal out.
Politic support take out gov.
Stop buying drugs.
Everything is related to US
I agreed, the thing is we had NAFTA and you are visa free and we are not, remove NAFTA and then let us alone (stop interfering in out politic issues)
I'm no joke going to go in a fucking killing spree in the next 5 years if things are still this fucked up. kids... man... fucking kids.
Do you think it matters? They look the same. They act the same. They smell the same. Theyre all mexicans
We don't really, but it is fun to make fun of you on the internet
>Used to live near Mexicans, now live near nigs
Dems are literally PRI/Morena lite. Immigrants vote because they're too fucking dumb to read about politics or economics and make their own mind.
They're also attracted by the gibsmedats. Which is arguably the strongest Dem vote hold
Both parties are aided by Twitter too how ironic. The self proclaimed voice of rebellion is a status quo whore
Because you send so many fucking shitty subhumans our way.
I mean we already have fucking niggers, and you still send us your peasants. Tbh I hate mexcrement more than I hate niggers.
Literally fuck you mexico.
doesn't matter what you think about it. the point is someone said those guys in the pic were mexican when they're not. you can throw all "they're the same shit" but that's your opinion and not actual fact.
That is why i hate left in both countries,fucking libtards
>gummy worms on nachos
Mexicans are fucking FILTH.
Literally this. no american can deny it.
crime and drugs
I havent seen that shit in mexico, i xant believe us gov allows that shit to be sold ,kek
why are som many murricans this stupid? i wasnt being serious, and desu this
I can't hate America, I keep flipping southern Texas homes and making mad bank on it. It is usually white people on welfare who rent them out at exorbitant prices.
Mexico is only not a shitty hellhole to the few lucky born into petit burgoise like me, but I get why you hate us, I mean migration is the US fault but still not our best migrate illegally.
Even if war on drugs ended, youd still have to fix Mexico which is a shithole. Mexico would still be fucked.
Lol not to mention u fuckin retards keep pouring over into our country. Make that shit stop, bitch.
That is another problem, you sorry sacks of subhuman trash actually insist that everything wrong with your shithole is because of the USA.
That is pure bullshit.
Yes would still being a shithole which can ve fixed if you keep your politicians out of ours like Killary Killton taking our oil and obama sending weapons to drug cartels, havent seend m16 and barreta on hands of drug dealers?
Take your illegals back and maybe we'll like you more... paco
What ever happened to all those students who were killed and found in a mass grave? like 41 of them?
Nah bruh, I'm deep enough in Mexican elite circles to know America set the system up for Mexico dependency through NAFTA. Massive US migration benefited the fuck out of Mexican burgoise and Americans.
I mean this as someone who benefits from this
Thats why we dont vote for liberals. Your people love when democrats are in office.
Look at the murder rate in fuck mexico.
Then look at the number of people in prison for murder.
The justice system in mexico is a comical farce.
*SIGH* 43.. we still looking for them btw Obama came after that to say that the presidente was an example of democracy...
this, you started that shit, and TPP as well, but all of a sudden we are the bad guys...burgers, you always complain about the very shitty things your overlods do (cough cough OY VEY OY cough VEY cough) but we are always the bad guys.
>Inb4 charistegui
I still laugh at poor derechairos who actually defend the ruling class, like fuck man, this benefits my people not yours.
Lmao but I still thank them for normalizing the blatant abuse I guess.
mexico is a worse version of africa and spics are worse than niggers.
blacks at least give us entertainment like rap and sports. spics only fucking take low paying jobs and then send the money back. the worst thing is they want to make us learn spanish too.
so inferior shit language while not adding anything to our culture and trying to make us speak your shit language.
>implying europeans hybrids have not been part of that corruption shit
fucking kek, lad... kek
Fuck chairos those retards who still voting for left and Obrador