(((Mike Enoch))) along with the rest of TRS was doxed. Turns out Mike Enoch is a fat Jew fucker and his wife works with the lgbt community. Is the front-end alt-right really just one giant larping honeypot?
(((Mike Enoch))) along with the rest of TRS was doxed...
Other urls found in this thread:
How many more threads do we need for this, I'm getting really tired of this.
Hi shill.
I know you were sent here because you think Sup Forums listened to this faggot but if look at the archives the only threads that were made about this kike were shill threads. So please go back to whence you came.
I'm just disappointed. Their explanation was shit and they sounded like a bunch of liars when they explained the situation.
>Enoch constantly jokes about how Italians aren't white and shits on Catholics
>in real life he could pass for a local in Tehran
Anybody got a link to the show she worked on?
this, the pastanigger is spot on
Enoch is nothing but a divide and conquer nigger
I've been saying for years all of the "X ARE NOT WHITE" posts are Jews.
Anyone can be anonymous.
Way to photoshop his hair and eyes. Here is the real Mike.
He looks like that iranian olympic lifter minus the muscle.
8pol is REALLY asshurt when someone disagrees with them. They also think that chan rules about namefagging somehow applies everywhere else as well.
Watch this thread devolve into them screaming about jewish shills.
Nobody cares, shill. I look forward to hearing more from Mike & co.
In for autistic Taiwanese faggot
That sounds like something a Jewish shill would say
Why do so many people shill on behalf of TRS? Are they jidf? And a lot of the times I see these you're not white threads, I see a lot people taking about getting a 23&me DNA test. Are people not aware the FBI stores that info?
I want to fug Sineade desu.
Please stop using logic and donate money (PayPal preferred) to the honey pot
Strange isn't it.
>I wonder who could be behind this post
Hello, fellow white nationalist. Can you please direct this hapless traveler towards legitimate pro-white/anti-jewish materials and peoples?
Why do so many people constantly make trs threads? Are they antifa? And a lot of times I see argentina is white threads, I see a lot of people talking about taking the falklands. Are people not aware the brits own them?
Hes divorcing his wife, or shes divorcing him, one of those.
his wife is pretty cute.
she sounds like a pretty good sport too. Also, mike eunuch is a red faced fat fuck. Seems like he's doing alright with himeslf going kosher
thats terrible, he's not going to do better.
fuck, just look at him. Ragging on the jews is funny and all, but divorcing your wife for your gay little podcast is insane.
I wood benis tbqfh
He also lost his job and being cut off by his family.
Telltale signs of a jewish shill.
Trs has always been a weird one when they raid us. They definitely use bots too, some of them anyways.
I've had different id's post the same cut and paste response within seconds of the each other to some of my comments. Always calling me a shill. Something has always seemed off to me about trs and all this info makes me think it was a honey pot after all.
me too
pretty sure she's a jew tho
well whatever if it's good enough for kike enoch it's good enough for me, right?
Mike Enoch, much like all jews, shoves his cock in a beehive and gets stung on the scrotum to achieve normal cock size, as it bloats up like a banana sticking out of a kiwi fruit. Chuckling like a lunatic to himself as his bloating crushes the poor insects inside, he then shoves his fingers up his prolapsed ass (he has carefully expanded his rectum over years of baseball bat self-sodomizations) and yanks out a slice of leathery shit to smear on his brown nigger nipples to add to the sexual arousal.
Unable to actually orgasm due to being kicked in the nuts by his Mitschling wife hundreds of times, the autistic Mike Enoch then praises the jewish god as he curses his miserable existence.
weev is a Jew?
>Why do so many people shill on behalf of TRS? Are they jidf? And a lot of the times I see these you're not white threads, I see a lot people taking about getting a 23&me DNA test. Are people not aware the FBI stores that info?
It's viral advertisement.
Also they'll have your dna as well as your web history on tab.
>Anne E. Wojcicki (/woʊˈdʒJtski/ woh-JIT-skee; Polish: [vujˈt͡ʃit͡skʲi]; born July 28, 1973) is an American entrepreneur and the co-founder and chief executive officer of the personal genomics company 23andMe. She was formerly married to Google Co-Founder Sergey Brin.[1]
>so the jew says.
You need to get some sleep kiwi, your shitposting quality has really dropped off the past few days.
>File: 30961.jpg (46 KB, 468x281)
noun: The (lay) person who calls Jews to say blessings over the Torah reading and follows along with the Torah reading to correct any mistakes.
tl;dr: gabai = correct the record
>Why do so many people shill on behalf of TRS?
I don't know how they managed to pull it off, but they've created such a strong ingroup-mentality for themselves that the people who haven't smelled the coffee are behaving like cult members. I've been a listener for over a year but I'm not going to pretend that someone who looks as swarthy as Mike Enoch represents my interests as a white person.
Sup Forums was right. Namefags can't be trusted.
Even if we accept their (((explanations))) are legit, they are at best fools who should have known better.
The takeaway? Very little will probably be salvageable from TRS.
We must change people's minds through our actions not words.
No tolerance for degeneracy,
No race mixing,
one week before
>hurdur what about this old yourube clips no one ever saw
shut up.
I want neo-4channers to leave, how stupid are you fucks, stop letting your enemy name you
Maybe he gets off on hate fucking fat jewish pigs
There's no way she's a jew. Mentally ill maybe, but not a kike.
Fuck 8pol and there fucking purity spiral. you guys hurt the movement in ways the leftist never could. you're shameful. What have you done to promote WN and the JQ, what are your contributions? TDS is redpilling goys left and right… and the only contribution you fucks can claim is in trying to shut them down.
You faggots are disgusting and totally lacking in self-awareness.
Did any of you fucks have enough cognitive power to notice the heavy increase in traffic and replies that mysteriously coincided with the first doxxing? Probably just a coincidence that the majority of those replies that came with the increase happened to be rabidly against TRS and TDS right goys? We were raided and shilled by antifa/leftists and you faggots responded by linking arms with them and purity circlejerking. You faggots are cancer to WN and everyone of you deserves the oven.
TRS and TDS has done more for WN than everyone of you faggots combined. they took a chance and put themselves out there while you faggots stayed anonymous and spent your time and energy attacking them and other WN with any kind of exposure for their perceived imperfections. what a fuckin waste. fuck all of you. this site is just undercover antifa now, all of you faggots just seek to subvert just like the Jews you claim to despise. if you despise them so much why do you act like them and even worse, do their work for them. fuck all of you. take a look in the mirror, gain some self awareness.
Implying this place haven't been pozzed for quite some time by now.
Forum bots, and bots that work on 4chins dont cost much at all. You can even find them online for free on torrent sites.
Hehe yes that's right goyi-er I mean fellow anonymoose! The only way to win the game is not to play! Who's your waifu btw user? Just remember to ignore filthy 3D shiksa! How are you going to find time to play your favorite vidya gaemes if you're too busy taking care of your wife's son?
That's fake news, brah. The kind of place that posts a thread here and then reports on the "alt-right" doing what they just posted.
Nobody should do 23andme
Well I don't know shit about stuff like that but the hard line TRS user-base has always had the "holier than thou" mentality, and I think that's what's keeping them high on their own supply.
>Well I don't know shit about stuff like that but the hard line TRS user-base has always had the "holier than thou" mentality, and I think that's what's keeping them high on their own supply.
My bet is they've 9001 self deprecating jews typing away oven jokes in their spare time.
What did you expect? Any fag that goes on television and pretends to know about white nationalist communities and poorly piggiebacks on memes is bound to be a kike agent. I knew Richard Spencer and his like were controlled opposition the moment they started publicizing themselves.
fuck off shill
the daily shoah will carry on, FTN are the only cucks
fuck off shill
Just look at this mental child, Fascist Lemming, breaking down over this gigantic flop.
>jewish shills
you mean trs shills
i only know 8pol to use that terminology
>>jewish shills
>you mean trs shills
What difference, at this point, does it make?
I listened to daily shoah for about 5 mins and was bored to tears and never listened again
It's just 8/pol/ trying to keep the shitstorm going. At least it's fairly easy to tell when they post.
Well if they're all kikes it's probably not their spare time but their job.
that doesn't make any sense. I'll just assume you're being sarcastic.
Yes and the fact that you ever believed there was an alt right movement means you fell for this shit. This was created from the outside but we let them stick that label on us and we gladly took it without seeing how forced it was. Idiots like you deserved this. Trust no one
I don't follow this TRS shit but I've been wondering for a while now if we are all being set up by some larger government agency as more ammunition for Jewish expansion and Jewish influence.
Well memed.
the difference is that on one hand you have jews
on the other you have Americans who live in the world shlomo created for them and now they deal with the fallout of it
Wasn't aware Alex divorced. Might explain the change in his radio personality
Mike isn't a shill. It was a matter of coincidence for once.
Fuck off
Common Filth is a sandnigger? What?
>hates whites
I guess the OP who made that picture was a raging honosexual or was triggered by his own degenerate behaviour, common filth speaks out against.
to call virtually everyone trying to endorse white nationalist goals on being kikes is such an obvious divide and conquer tactic that people like you should be banned
kill yourself and set your 8chn psyops in fire, you cuck
Yes fellow user . The ubreakable aliance between ourselves and 8-chan should remain unbroken.
I hear Murdoch-chan may be Irish, let's go after them also, because nobody should generate entertaining right-wing content on the internet because of reasons.
Proven to be controlled opposition.
Their forums are compromised, meaning if you ever commented they have your info (ip address, etc to doxx you or blackmail you).
They lied, misled and purposely deceived EVERYONE who ever listened to them.
His fat wife is a SJW jew who actively works against white people.
His brother is have nigger.
He dresses in drag, partakes in jew holidays.
what you read is copypasta from yesterday
No, we just don't want the entire alt-right movement of the past 4 fucking years to go down the toilet over one man
Who cares? Still spot on.
Fuck off kike
Here's the NSA connection by the way.
Go to page 11 and 13.
Hitler would have gassed people like you, who plant seeds of destruction into white nationalism.
i dont believe you are estonian
>Proven to be controlled opposition.
>Their forums are compromised, meaning if you ever commented they have your info (ip address, etc to doxx you or blackmail you).
You literally can't do shit with an IP address
>They lied, misled and purposely deceived EVERYONE who ever listened to them.
Well, one of them did anyways.
>His fat wife is a SJW jew who actively works against white people.
>His brother is have nigger.
>He dresses in drag, partakes in jew holidays.
Can't argue with that. He's in deep shit now, divorce and people from both sides are looking to fuck him up. It's gonna get good.
Hitler was just a power hungry Mason who lost the game on equal grounds.
But i guess history falls on blind eyes as usual.
At least i am not a tool like you.
You have to go back.
i'm not sure if the more posters are tired anons or more proxies.
a herb
its the same leftypol people who coopted 8pol trying to do the same on 4pol. 8pol mods will ban you and delete the threads if you point out a transexual antifa prostitue is responsible for this; pic related. the daily stormer had an article about it.
Address this, TRS cucks, or are you going to continue your context denial tirades?
Wait, are you guys RP or don't you really know anything of the plant that was called Hitler?
I don't give a fuck about awkward handshakes when it concerns literally the only political movement in history to actively persecute and shoot Masons.
Ah, to be young again
E-celebs are real life tripfags. YouTube is how uncle Sam pays them. Its a gigantic spook money laundering scam.
, senpai