Is it redpilled?
What does pol think of the Half-Life franchise?
Other urls found in this thread:
>video gaymes
>red pilled
If digits HL3 this year
>race mixing
>red pilled
>is X redpilled
half life 2 was the last good single player shooter, its a shame valve dropped the entire franchise to make moba and shill shitty indie games and be middle men jews
How can a video game possibly be red-pilled? Cancel this thread immediately and reevaluate your life. Also familiarize yourself with what "red-pilled" means, then don't ever use it again because it's fucking stupid.
>20th anniversary of original HL
Just wait friends
its been dead for 10 years, ValvE became a bunch of greedy fucks and doesnt even make games anymore.
Idk but it was my basically my fucking childhood, man. I remember being 13 and feeling like I wanted to cry when Gman stepped out and the game ended abruptly. Also Ravenholm was 2sp00p and I made my dad do most of it then give back the controller at the part with the mineshaft.
Fuckin koved half life an the episodes but what the fuck happened to the last one? Its been yearsssss...from 17 - 20 they were coming out like hot cakes. Now im 31. Still no game. Wtf.
No it wasnt redpilled. Look at the human strongholds. Lots of blacks asians etc. The ultimate redpill is people going back to their tribes and living normally again.
Apparently Gaben held an AMA on leddit today, and he said they weren't currently working on anything to do with the Half Life universe.
Feels bad man.
Video Games are degenerate and the entire industry is run by numale propagandists shoving their agenda down the throats of impressionable teens. Anyone who continues to play them while an adult is a cuck who seriously needs to rethink their life.
>Half Life 2
>Protagonist is a scientist who cucked the entire planet to ayylmaos and you get to witness humans get culturally enriched
You can say that about literally any hobby there is, you fucking autist.
I think valve was OK, it was Gaben giving birth to steam. I was a big participant in the free online CS mod community until Gabens steaming pile broke that, I gave up 'gaming' about then because I could see where it was going.
Gaben is a disgusting human being and what can happen to people who spend too much time in that realm. Then again he has money, but still, I would rather be broke and fit than be a wealthy disgusting fat body.
I play cs 1.6 all the time
***video game addicts***
(((they))) have got you right where (((they))) want you
>White man
>Particle Physicist
The only 'intellegent' black guy got his ass killed by a space slug
Half life 3 when?
G-Man is a cosmic Jew who controls your entire fate.
During the course of Half Life, Gordon is controlled by him until you finally break free in Half Life 2. Gordon must become redpilled to the reality of the Combine and their Jewish manipulation of Dr. Breen.
HL3 won't happen at Valve. Only chance is selling the franchise
>Then again he has money
of course he has money, that's sort of the catch
>until you finally break free in Half Life 2
You don't even "break" free. The communists (vorts) push gman (jew) away from you because you're working for them now.
yeah it was pretty ahead of its time for video games. has a classic 1984 feel to it
>combine using drugs in water to sedate the public
>combine using Suppression Field to prevent reproduction
>cities having a giant citadel of power
>numbers used instead of names for everything
>civil protection using gas masks and robotic voice scramblers
And this is relevant why?
Here's how Valve can make and justify Half Life 3:
Source 3.0 (or whatever) becomes an open game engine integrated with Steam (like UE4 has it's own store/community). Use HL3 as flagship release title. Free to use engine, tied to Steam, so games must be on steam if they're sold anyway. Monopoly.
They know Half Life 3 is going to be a major cash cow whenever they release it, no matter what happens. I think they are keeping it up their sleeve if they ever get in serious shit or if they launch a new platform or something.
If you haven't noticed single player PC games are kind of old hat these days.
a deeper cultural change at Valve would be required. no one wants to take on such gigantic project. it's not an economic issue, Valve has shitton of cash from Steam. it's that no one has balls to propose and execute the end to the greatest PC game franchise ever