You are voted the most handome guy in your class

You are voted the most handome guy in your class.

What you do ?

get them to succ me pee pee

Thank Russia

Break every girls heart I can




I pick both

terrible photoshop job

Ask my parents if I can go to school with the other kids from now on, since this homeschooling thing isn't working out.

My class did this once, the dude had downs syndrome.

Realize I must be surrounded by liberals

Isn't on the smosh?



Its not photoshop fagget its an argentinian soccer player stay jelly from ur Guam nobody fucking knows shit country

Wake up from my slumber


jesus christ argies skin must be like paper

use my influence to start a cult.

me being the Sex Lord

I am literally dropping out of high school

I am too good looking

Wonder why the fuck I'm still in school at age 45.

Demand a recount and abolish the electoral college


