Give me one legitimate reason we shouldn't do this ??? (With out Iceland left out obviously)
Give me one legitimate reason we shouldn't do this ??? (With out Iceland left out obviously)
Do we really need to? American culture already dominates the world.
Ask yourself this: Do you really want canadians to freely roam through your country
Canada doesn't need more American "diversity".
>annexing Canada
That's like adding two californias worth of democrat votes
It's a win win for both us burgers and leafs. Russia gets cucked.
Fuck off, we're full.
1. canada is full of progressive cucks
2. canada is full of progressive cucks
3. canada is full of progressive cucks
Too many leafs to gas for some frozen shit. Once world starts to boil its already the plan.
Only after we gas the entire populace.
O'Leary will win 2020
California has a bigger population than canada
Fixed that for u my man
Good god why would you want to add all the liberal votes from canada?
>with out Iceland left out obviously
what does this mean and I think that you are talking about Greenland.
Fuck Denmark. Greenland Belongs to Canada.
Alberta is pretty based but yeah, you get Ontario and BC which are lib shitholes.
Well its population is only around 50000 it would be piss easy to annex
Fuck everyone everything belongs the United States of America
Only greater Vancouver is liberal.
The leaf speaks the truth.
I doubt you'd be able to afford the transfer payments
>tfw the weak must pay tribute to the strong
why do americans keep making these retard threads
you realize most of canadas population resides on the border right?
you really think canada has the 2nd greatest landmass but the population of california but we are so sparesly spread you need to invade the whole country?
canada is cold as fuck thats why nobody lives here dipshit, what would you get from conquering such a vast land mass? the only resource we have is water, and newsflash, russia is already taking it
fucking joke of a board go learn some geography american educated conehead
What about mexico?
Faggots and chinks.
Because I don't fucking want you to.
So we can build gigantic missile Silos in the arctic to destroy the chinese and Putin if he ever flips on us
Would be kind of hard to merge with a giant wall in-between
Cali has more population than all of Canada dipshit
What if there was a way that we could annex Canada without giving them the ability to freely roam the U.S. or vote?
piss of with this shit, Even when I like Trump I wont be under your reign...
Are you crazy? Can't let leafs vote in US election, look what they have done their own nation...they will beg us to conquer them after their mooselimbs start attacking. Praise KEK
you would have to add an unaesthetic amount of stars to your flag
Why would we give canadian chattel the right to vote?
Trudeau will only last a term. Candadians will see the light soon.
Sadly, I would welcome this too, since the American dollar is superior
Newfoundland belongs to Denmark. Fuck you!
Only if the Canadians are subjugated. They are less than human.
Freedom of movement is the reason. Nobody will live in snow, cold and polar night unless using progressive socialist methods (pic).
50 States
10 Provinces
3 Territories
50+10+3+1 = 64
8 rows of 8
4 rows of 16
2 rows of 32
We could could make something pretty aesthetic desu senpai
because i don't want nigs being able to move into my neighbourhood en masse
We don't need anymore meme cities like Vancouver
that is incorrect
There's literally a book about it.
>He doesn't like cultural enrichment
You're a burger with a proxy aren't you?
If this happens the NWO wins. Alex Jones warned us of this in that one documentary where he goes to Bilderberg in Ottawa
Link? If The Humble Water Filter Salesman thinks its a bad Idea then I'm all out.
It's true my man
Canada is the most cucked country on earth.
We're actually on track to be worse than Sweden within a few years.
le based lebanese merchant will save us by selling off all our assets to china at rock bottom prices
>the only resource we have is water
Being this retarded about your own country. No wonder our country is such trash.
Oilsands, lumber, uranium and extensive mining. Hydroelectric power, agriculture and mining.
Natural resources are practically the only thing we DO have. God knows the average Canadian citizen is completely worthless.
Wouldn't be against it happening after Day of the Rake
Theyre more white than we are.
fuck you cunt, u can keep greenland but hans island is ours
Because they are already a puppet state that we don't have to directly manage. Our government or our corporations already have virtually complete access to whatever Canadian natural resources they might want. We have complete military access to canadian territory, including military infrastructure and missile defense. And Canada's political and social zeitgeist necessarily follows America's wake wherever and however it goes.
Canadian people are "diverse" and disparately spread over a huge geographical area. Plus they have those "Vive la France" Quebecois faggots who would utterly resent having to be part of America even more than they resent being ruled by Anglophone Canada.