You now remember Jill Stein was a thing last year.
You now remember Jill Stein was a thing last year
>was a thing
I hope you hang
didnt need this shitty thread to remember GILF of the 2016
Remember she proved Trumps victory in multiple places.
Was she a thing or some thing?
I demand a recount and will need about 9 million dollars to get it done.
RIP tan teeth.
now sage this spam thread.
>did the recount in Wisconsin
>Trump ended up gaining 200 votes
oh my
I voted for her. At least she wasn't a 1%-er. And for the primary I self immolated to be a Burn victim. The next 4 years will see a massive shift of wealth to the wealthy. Look out.
They did the recounts. There was one in Michigan I believe.
Really, then why are all these companies coming back? Putting people back to work would mean money in their pockets.
Jill Stein was in debt for 50 grand personally after the election. After her "recount" scheme, she's now swimming in shekels.
hey, at least she's not as dumb as her policy positions were. she was basically the dumbest person to be a major candidate. anti-vax nutjob.
"let's cut our military budget by 50%!"
>mfw libtards and feminazis actually think this is a good idea
>They did the recounts. There was one in Michigan I believe.
They quickly put a halt to it when they unintentionally started exposing massive voter fraud in the democrats' favor.
I forgot about her completely
>how can someone loose twice and be even a little bit memorable
That's not even half of it:
>Believes Wifi Signals have adverse affects on people's brains
>Supports complete moratorium on GMOs
>Chose a Black Power nigger as her running mate
>Thinks she could use her presidential powers to erase student debt via quantitative easing
>Wants to cut millitary budget by 50% and close over 700 US military bases overseas (I think we have 800-ish total).
I'm sure there's a lot more things I'm forgetting. Her only good positions were those that matched up exactly with Bernie's. Anyone who voted for her should be hung.
oh yeah, I forgot about QE for student loans. absolute insanity.
First qtnan president 2020
>who is that silver-haired gilf
get paid pupper
They already did a hand count in Michigan, which is why it took so long to confirm the results there. The courts put a stop to Jill's efforts because it would have been a waste of time and money.
Michigan has a state sanctioning body that goes through all the counties votes and waits until later than most states to release the results.
she was a thing in 2012 too
be glad green party has no power in the US
Green Parties are the most Marxist anti-white anti-human nutjobs in society