Criticise this man.
Criticise this man
Other urls found in this thread:
works too hard
He didn't win in 2012.
he talks and acts like an idiot and does stupid things.
I'm sick of winning
loves jews and israel
doesn't get enough sleep
1. Trump advocating to send US troops into libya and killing gaddafi at 2011:
2. Donald Trump advocating for open borders and globalism in 2013:
"We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."
"We are now closer to having an economic community in the best sense of the term — we work with each other for the benefit of all," - That's literally trump supporting the same positions of the TPP
3. Trump's true position on citizens united - literally embracing people from citizens united into his campaign.
Reminder that citizens united empowers the influence of corporations on the elections.
4. Trump praising kim jong un: "He is the boss, it's incredible. he wiped out the uncle, he wiped out this one, that one, this guy doesn't play games!"
Just in case it wasn't clear for you already that trump has dictatorship tendencies.
Trump faces felony criminal charges for bribery.
Trump picks a goldman sachs and soros worker for treasury secretary
Soros gives trump a 312 MILLION dollar "loan":
Donald Trump Lying to the Entirety of Mozart’s Symphony No. 41
Trump lying for 13 minutes
Trump lying 25 times in ONE speech:
Annnnnd this.
He can't have you thrown from a helicopter
well memed
He's a cuck for Putin and will end 3/4 of a century of America being a superpower and turning over everything to Russia.
Is this enough?
He cheats on his wives.
Workaholic and I hear he could be a better husband.
This is a psyop isn't it?
Where you pretend to be Israel and criticize Trump to see if we will refute or dismiss.
Well, consider yourself out-Jewed my "Jewish" friendwho'sreallytheCIA.
He is taking millions of supporters for a ride and doesn't really give a shit about them.
I don't think he is hard enough on Islam.
I'm just sharing facts with you user
He's a pretty shit guy. Like, as a person.
>I'm just sharing facts with you user
How convenient you frame our little discourse with your propositions as "factual".
I can assure you I have examined this data and can conclude it is false.
You devotion to open discussion is appreciated but you may consider yourself dismissed.
Go get some coffee and don't worry about it.
I was really happy not giving a shit about politics before he ran. Actually having hope the government will change for the better is fucking exhausting.
>I can assure you I have examined this data and can conclude it is false.
I mean, the fact you say something is false does not make it false. i provided multiple sources to support every claim i made. now just one source, not just two sources, but multiple sources
He is not going to remove ALL muslims
Do I need to explain the strategy of disruption to you? Government is terrible at all levels, so you bring in competent people who are opposed to the status quo to fix things.
He ruined Sup Forums
America moves closer to a skit
>the fact you say something is false does not make it false
And in the same stroke listing a thousand sources does not make something true.
Try again.
You really should shill elsewhere.
You're making claims upon claims which everyone can see are false by just doing a little digging as I'm sure they have.
>Competent people
He actually hired the most incompetent cabinet in modern history. people with ZERO experience in the subject they were hired for is astounding
There i will let you trump saying it for himself
far too forgiving of his enemies
*There i will let you hear trump saying it by himself
Betsy DeVoss is actually a great lady who is against brainwashing shit tier public schools. Stefan Memeleux approved.
Doesn't know when to stop talking
1. Stupid fuck
2. ugly.
3. horrible at business, just inherited it all.
4. can't talk for shit
5. Can't do athletics for shit
6. stupid enough to have a golden shower under Russian surveillance
7. habitual liar
8. No sex drive, unless he is watching peepee
9. Only won because Putin had actual Russians playing 3D chess
10. Daughters only pretend to like him because they might get his money
11. Fat fuck.
>Public schools are brainwashing!
>Go send the kids to religious christian schools! :D
Beavis & Butthead
Well done steaks are disgusting.
His has too much life experience.
>people with ZERO experience in the subject they were hired for is astounding
Literally what I said. Experience in being a shill is not a good thing. Experience in business is.
Hey man it's not my fault america elected a living version of Eric Cartman (just without the nazi part of cartman)
All those are positives Shylock
Enormous ego
Do you know how much experience Betsy Devos and Ben Carson have in the fields they were hired for?
Literally zero. none.
Ben Carson is a neurosurgeon, hired for the housing department. it's almost as if trump is just a cartoon character trying to fuck with people
Betsy is an anti common core and pro school choice. Also
>implying christian schools are bad
Spreading religion and dogmatic beliefs is terrible. the world should move towards becoming more atheist
There aren't enough pictures of the bottoms of his feet.
There aren't enough pictures of Ivankas feet.
There aren't enough pictures of Barron's feet.
I thought he was going to deport the fucking wetbacks and ILEGAL INMIGRANTS, however now everytime he tweets Mexico's coin goes down.
Other than that some of his cabinet picks are questionable.
Implying public education isn't a babysitting service for shitty parents.
Trump called Mexico an "enemy country"
"When will the U.S. stop sending $'s to our enemies, i.e. Mexico and others."
No user, it's education for people who cannot afford private schools.
Not having public education is the same as saying to the poor: "fuck you! you can't have education"
oh yeah.. THIS
his taste in food is utter shit.
pretty much his only real fault
i love him too much
That's because the people ingrained in the system are fucking garbage at changing anything, so he's bringing in intelligent outsiders who understand accountability. Same idea he's run with since the beginning.
He was bitter about Mexico because of that one lawyer that won a case against him, I thought that once EPN invited him we would be on good terms but man, I'm starting to believe he actually has a grudge against Mexico, not that I blame him but Jesus Christ.
He rambles pretty badly.
Fuck off already you fucking JIDF jew!
user, you buy too much into trump's propaganda
He is like Eric Cartman from southpark - he is actually a clueless retard, but he happens to be a good manipulator
I love the guy and would have voted for him given the chance but holy fuck he takes the bait too easily. It honestly makes me wonder how he's going to potential handle a crisis in the future because right now it seems like it doesn't take much for him to bite.
Try again, shill, we love all of those tweets. I voted for Trump partly for disruption and change, and that's exactly what I'm getting so far.
Hey i have a question.
How hard is it for you to pretend trump is not deeply and fundamentally immoral?
under rated
his dick is too big
1) It's called agriculture, fucktard.
2) Left policies have been fucking over middle america for decades.
3) EVERY recession has been caused by democrat legislative time bombs that explode 6-8 years after they're passed.
4) Shillfuck BTFO
What, we're all immoral. Who cares?
Oh look, the same shillfag from the last thread I was on.
The economic crysis after H.W bush happened after republicans controlling the economy for 12 years.
I mean, even trump said, and i quote: "Democrats are better for the economy". that's not me speaking, that's trump speaking. "We had strong economies under the democrats, but we had some pretty big disasters under the republicans".
don't disrespect the chosen people, it's our duty as right-wing american christians to fulfill the needs of the children of israel.
Top zozzle.
he fired all the lobbyists
he's utterly selfish and a bad public speaker
He only joined politics to get tax cuts for his businesses
Only thing i'm really critical of is his dick sucking of Isreal and his seeming to start to waiver stance of illegals who haven't committed any extra crimes. I also wish he was way more pro-gun since republicans are in charge now so it's time to go full offensive on this matter.
He's not even in office yet though so i'm waiting to see what happens.
Is at a stage in life where his brain has deteriorated to mush.
His policies make my dick so hard I want to National Treasure the Declaration of Independence, smother it with coconut oil, paste it on a picture of Rosie O'Donnell and hatefuck it until my balls are scorched from carpet burn.
I literally made my wife scream "Make this pussy great again!" yesterday during fuck time.
Trump is too good for the degenerates that will benefit from his godhood. There's my actual criticism.
Toupe looks shit.
Fun fact: Trump himself was a registered lobbyist.
Another fun fact: if you legitimately think there are going to be no lobbyists you are stupid enough to fall for cheap propaganda
Funny how you should cite a video which is older than the current current of the democratic party.
Again, you've been exposed, twisting history.
The "Democrats" to which Trump refers are out in right field compared to the Democratic party today.
This was back when Bill was pushing for the defense of Marriage Act and Obama was against Homosexuals.
Times have changed, amigo, best update your shill file.
Want a newer video?
According to trump the unemployment in 2016 was 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 42%
>According to trump the unemployment in 2016 was 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% and 42%
In reference to the groups he's referencing he is correct, give or take a few percentiles.
Again, taken out of context.
*sigh* when do the shills learn.
Did you get some coffee yet?
Best you enjoy it now.
user, he is misleading the public on purpose.
How many times do you have to see trump contradicting himself before you realize it?
Stop your sorry excuses, no one is buying them
His lack of eloquence is good and bad at the same time.
>Fun fact: Trump himself was a registered lobbyist.
No fucking shit, not like he's been saying from the beginning that he was an insider.
He's a pedophile manchild who hates brown people for having a bigger dick than him. He has fucked his own daughter. His slut "wife" is a dumb bimbo. All his sons look inbred.
At least he's not a snow board instructor Canadian president.
>misleading the public on purpose.
you'd know all about that wouldn't you shlomo?
>Against brainwashing
>promotes religious schools
pick one
They are bad. No not just bad. Fucking awful. Especially for sciences. If you put a kid through christian schools they'll have essentially no science education until college.
My neighbors went to Christian schools up till high school, when they took their oldest daughter out and she was held back 2 years because she wasn't prepared to go to high school they took out their other children too, seeing that each of them was held back at least 1 year compared to the public school level.
He's not my Prime Minister.
Where do i even begin
You realize "king of bankruptcy" refers the the fact he brings bankrupt businesses back from the dead? Trump hired him because of his skills in doing so.
Just more Jewish twisting of words, as per the usual.