>tfw have a rare disease that's covered by the ACA
>tfw if it's repealed I can legitimately die
>tfw going to die because Sup Forums
T-thanks guys
>tfw have a rare disease that's covered by the ACA
>tfw if it's repealed I can legitimately die
>tfw going to die because Sup Forums
T-thanks guys
Other urls found in this thread:
You're welcome
Hope you haven't reproduced.
nope. Trump says everyone's gonna be taken care of.
You'd have died a long time ago if you didn't live in such a privileged country, SHIT HEAD!
Let natural selection kill yourself you fucking life leeching nigger.
What disease? What plan are you on?
what disease
Being a gigantic tub of lard isn't a disease boogie
Enjoy you're AIDS.
Go to canada then, free healthcare
Sounds like a case of Chronic Butthurt Syndrome . Many such cases.
The real shame and pity is the ract that you werent culled from the population at birth.
go into debt and work it off you faggot or
OP here
I was born with a major heart defect that has required 3 open heart surgeries and will require 2 to 3 more if I live to be in my 50s to 60s. If the affordable care act is repealed I may not live to be 40. I am 33 currently. The affordable care act is what saved my life last year by allowing me to have insurance that covered my defect without a prolonged waiting period. It is something I have had to have monitored my entire life and will never go away. It is scary to think I may die because I won't have insurance that covers my defect that I was born with. TLDR: The affordable care act saved my life.
it be nice if this person told me so maybe i can feel bad for them
>tfw going to die because Sup Forums
No, you are going to die because life is pain, living is suffering, and the human condition is a hopeless nightmare.
we arent a 3rd world country like the US where there are 20million people living without any documentation and can still get govt services despite no one knowing who the fuck they are
i paid for your shit you fucking faggot
Post scars and timestamp
Sorry bro.
Time to start up a gofundme?
lying faggot.
this a new CTR tactic?
Sorry m8. The ACA is really fucking with mother nature. If we are going to survive as a species we need the strong to live and the weak to not reproduce. If that means death, than so be it. Until we start getting bans lifted off gene research and replacement therapy than I'm sorry to say m8 that you are just another casualty of society.
don't you guys understand that you were MEANT to die? let nature go it's course
Good. The taxpayers shouldn't have to suffer in greater numbers to save your sick and diseased ass.
Post your gf's number here if you have one, she'll probably need support after you pass.
>surely op will delivar
just fucking die
>muh natural selection muhfugga
I don't normally wish death upon others, but I legitimately hope all of you get a malignant brain tumor in the next five years.
about time
Good. If the universe sentences me to death than so be it.
couldn't you just buy an HMO? yes, it's expensive, but it's not like full coverage wasn't around before ChimpCare.
Lets see those proofs
It's time to make scene and start a go fund me. then get a chopper handle bar mustach and cruise the country.
OP if you are actually going to die, just move to Finland or some shit and get free healthcare
We healthy americans dont want to pay for you
>tfw inferior genes
>tfw complain about my inferior genes on Sup Forums of all places
>you dying is a bad thing
There's a pretty strong chance we'll end up with something akin to single payer when the dust settles. Stay strong defective heart bro. (But like others said, this is prime gofundme feelzcash)
Cant you get a surgery to fix it once and for all?
Rare disease =/= heart defect
Birth defect = heart defect
You faggots gobble so much bait. This is just another concern troll LARP thread.
Oh and also, please let this sink in OP:
>have heart defect that could lead to your death at any given moment
>spends time on Sup Forums instead of living life
>actually risk dying infront of your screen, to be found 3 days later with soiled pants and this picture on your screen.
You fucking retard please ACTUALLY die
>Being this 12
>covered by the ACA
all insurances are required to cover it you homo
the ACA is only good to those on medicaid. the rest of use pay premiums and get stuck with $6k deductibles to subsidize your dumb ass
>Not accepting death
Come on now, 12 year olds haven't starred death in the face multiple times and watched their buddies blow up in front of them. Grow up and realize you me and everyone else here is going to die someday. Might as well accept it now and live your life the way you want it.
I'm a 5'11" white male. Due to a medium rare genetic condition, I have been confined to a motorized wheelchair for most of my adult life. Currently I weigh in at 528 pounds and have had 6 open heart surgeries in the past 14 years. Without the ACA, I will die due to rapid onset plaque buildup in my arteries. Currently this is held at bay using medication paid for by the American Taxpayer. You have to stop Trump from doing this!
>You mean I actually have to start begging for handouts instead of just getting them again?!
Go fuck yourself.
Die with joy knowing you'll be part of gigantic omlette.
kek pls not at a time like this
>tfw have a rare disease
Survival of the fittest, think of it as natures way of telling you not to reproduce. Have a good death.
ur welcome faget now fuck off
A good death.
Sounds like a load of bullshit.
>everyone should pay for my defect
Fuck off nigger the weak need to be culled.
Op is a CTRcuck unless he post timestamps.
Also anyone here who has gone to the medic before / taken antibiotics or any kind of disease needs to go back to plague doctors to get their dicks amputate.
Medicine is here to help people survive.. For a price. I rather see a guy walking with my tax money on his heart than in some degenerate trans surgery.
>Mexico has free healthcare and its actually decent with the enough (((contacts)))
Sorry, man. Hope it plays out alright for you.
But we've got the survival of the nation at stake. I don't doubt that we'll have something in the next little while that'll do the job better--ahead of schedule, and under budget.
Just hang in there, alright?
Unless you're lying, in which case, I hope I get to see you swing from a lamp post you fucking faggot.
>the state paid for me to live
>they continue too
>please continue to pay for my selfish ass
unless you shit gold and have the cure for Cancer you should have been left in the woods to die.
you are simply a drain on us
This is the ultimate redpill.
Yeah only rich people should survive xDDDD
the poor should..why?
>multiple heart surgeries
sorry bro. However having more than 1 heart surgery kind of proves that you're not fit to be here long anyways. Why not live your life the way you want, and fuck around with people
It sounds like bull shit because it is. A rare disease suddenly turned into a birth defect, on his second and last post. He cares so much, he made two short posts, that contradict each other.
Nu/pol/ cares nothing for the truth, and are generally sheep.
I'm poor and I survive just fine by eating right and working out. Sucks you have a deadly disease but it's not my responsibility to pay for it. I can't even afford my own health insurance but I'm being fined to pay for yours.
>have shit genetics
How did you live before Obamacare?
>be useless NEET with shitty genetics
>force other Americans to pay for it
Yes it is amazing isnt it
Obamacare wasnt fully implemented until 2014 so apparently thousands died in the streets until then.
Its weird I dont remember people dying of preventable illnesses back when I was 24
are you so much of a poor fag that you can't pay for insurance?
>I can legitimately die
legitimate, indeed, free eating scum.
I'd suggest moving to a country with free healthcare, but you'd probably get killed by muslims there anyway.
OP is gone because he's a shill he won't say because he's a filthy fucking liar. Aca is garbage to anyone who makes over 25k a year.
I dont think there is a ban on gene research to begin with
> 1 post by this ID
> shit-tier b8
Here comes 300 replies.
k e k
been sick for 15 years now.
would and will be dead without treatment.
looking forward to it.
maybe I'll go to Oregon or wherever they allow euthanasia these days.
Yes he SAYS everyone will be covered, do you really think he's competent enough to come up with a new plan?
I'm not saying the ACA was perfect, far from it, however, it genuinely helped many people.
This is a really sad story, OP, but it's your fault to die if you know you have a condition and you're not getting an insurance or find any other way to get your operations covered.
You should have really thought things through at this point if you really want to live. Stop blaming Sup Forums for taking away your ACA and unplugging your life support.
So it's more justified to hang on Sup Forums if you don't have a heart condition?
Inevitable more people will die if medical procedures become more expensive. Some people will be able to pay for them, some people won't.
Truth is though the ACA sucks dick and already is under-performing single payer healthcare.
Not everyone has the right genetics to live a long life. We have lots of people (overpopulated), we dont need to spend money to keep any but the most intelligent alive.
These are just the hard facts.
kek will cure you.
>Inevitable more people will die if medical procedures become more expensive.
If healthcare becomes less available will that (as a for instance) stop Americans being the fattest nation on earth? An awful lot of healthcare problems are self-inflicted though bad diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, bad choices.
these digits will cure you, if kek wills it
>liberals that want to spite Trump won't give you shekels for this story.
This is ez money man, don't be such a faggot.
Get a job retard
Healthcare was less available in America than in other countries when they were on their way to fattest country.
The fattest people are also the poorest, wasn't like they were getting coverage before obummercare
This shit needs to stop right the fuck now.
I swear on me mum that aussies are the new leafs
>The fattest people are also the poorest
Two symptoms of stupidity.
You'll be fine.
Guess you better start building your own heart senpai. Get your 15 minutes like that Nicole guy did
I would suggest moving op. It's either that, bankruptcy or death
If your life depends on it then why aren't you rich yet?
You'll be fine.
another fantastic post made by your's truly, from down under.
>If your life depends on it then why aren't you rich yet?
You are correct. The guy faces a choice:-
Be successful or die.
Even the threat of death has not motivated this dude. Thats why I am not in favour of socialistic healthcare, it just keeps the weak alive and costs us more as a society.
This is hilariously easy to say when you're not staring death in the face.
The same psuedo-masculine talk people love to spout but never seem to live out themselves