>you will never live in comfy sweden country side with a aryan pagan gf and a ton of little mini varg children
How do I move to Sweden anons?
>you will never live in comfy sweden country side with a aryan pagan gf and a ton of little mini varg children
How do I move to Sweden anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. Learn Arabic
2. Grow a beard
3. Get a tan
4. Buy a one way ticket to Sweden ($200 or so)
5. Impregnate Swedish qt's with impunity while living off gibs
come home white man. Leave your degeneracy, addictions and old ways behind though.
Why is she so perfect?
>be brown
>tfw you will never cruise through that road on a honda c90
go to finland.
same shit, but no brown people outside Helsinki.
language is harder tho
or race through on an Italian MV Agusta with her holding on tight
Fuck that
My family hails from Sweden and only relatively recently moved to this shithole called America. I want to go back
duno man, why is she? Maybe because her feminine aura is radiating like the sun?
can I come ?! I'm Nord and Med mix. I'll help restore and maintain it.
Varg doesn't live in Sweden & besides, he's retarded.
fuck you, I love varg
>mfw literally a Nord-Med mix of 50% Swede and 50% Spaniard.
>Still can't get foreign citizenship
Just fuck my shit up.
Come to Norway, white man. Sweden is a joke. Feed us your taxes.
Those legit blonde eyebrows. The true master race.
Varg's heart is in the right place, but he's retarded in lots of ways. He thinks we should go back to being vulnerable barbarians in small tribes in the woods grazing like Africans.
If we did that, we'd be conquered like the Visigoths in Spain.
I bet they all have black boyfriends.
Her eyebrows are fake. Eyebrows aren't normally that naturally high up, especially on Nordic types.
>tfw that road is like 3 hours away.
If only you knew what you're missing.
found the mental cuck
But varg is a fucking retard and any chick I've met who was "pagan" was also a fucking retard
In short, you're a fucking retard who wants to hang around other retards and have an eternal mouth breathing, drooling, staring contest
fuck off you divide and conquer shill. muh white women need fixing
white women are perfect!
Just pointing out the obvious, don't shoot the messenger.
Östergötlands län?
No need to be triggered, a few home truths never hurt anyone.
No thanks, I'll be fine here.
Vargs a norskie
>and any chick I've met who was "pagan" was also a fucking retard
Can confirm. They're either Wiccans into matriarchal shit and a weird obsession for wolves, or girls who discovered cheesy metal bands and want attention from all the "low-hanging fruit" bearded men just like that girl who was made into a meme. I knew her from /soc/. She's an attention whore who takes pictures with band members and thinks she's Nordic and got a hammer tattoo on her back even though she's mostly Italian.
stop telling everyone (It's our secret) I'll be there in a few months. once all my paper work and finances are in order
>If we did that, we'd be conquered like the Visigoths in Spain.
Nice try
Well then you have mental issues
>unironically liking a crypto-muslim
her bf is a fucking fag. looks like the type to invite Jamal inside
Mentioning the few positive effects our interaction with muslims had doesn't make him a crypto-muslim, user.
But we would. Varg is against civilization and says only mixed people benefit from it and that we should go back to tribalism where we fear and avoid contact with our next door neighbors. How are you going to stop an invading force if you don't unite, especially if it means avoiding technology?
Å, gir mening. Tenkte bare at det var i nærheten av Linköping, siden det var både flatt og skogete, med hauger.
This makes me want to live on "landsbygden" with 20 dogs and my gf.
But then I remind myself about how bad i am at fixing stuff and that cant take care of the house.
If you invest in property or business you'll have a much better chance. that's the route I'm going through. I was also born in Europe so that might help.
First, learn Arabic and Ethiopian. Then leave your man card behind, since the feminists running the country into the ground get triggered by that sort of thing.
This video says otherwise:
Come home white man
virtue pays later on and you will be a millionaire.
with drugs and alcohol and masturbation, you only feel good in the here and now, and you go into virtue debt
Black eyebrows with blond hair is the true master race.
Nice, offf to the tanning booth, i can pretend i am some kind of gybsie muslim bosnian.
>Buy a ticket
>While here state you want "refuge" from ... well, come up with something clever, like bees. You're fleeing bees.
>Get accepted
>Get free shit from the goverment
Congratulations, you're now another plague upon my country.
Done goofed
You better believe I am, I miss being around my people and soil. You're not alone in this struggle to restore Europa. I'm not coming there to larp or live in seclusion, I want to contribute to our people.
>Black eyebrows with blond hair
mongrel genes
every white woman is beautiful (but this pic is for you)
100% agree - well not "black" eyebrows, but certainly dark-blonde or dark-brown eyebrows.
Where do you have this from? This is great!
Sweden don't live in a cuckshed with dogs
>White women
Good luck, they'll all be brown and male within 20 years.
>tfw Swedish gf
I love her with all my heart and I want to spend the rest of my life with her
I want to learn the language for her
I hated women before I met her lads
Just realised this is close to where I live. Like 1-2 miles away.
It's a comfy area with tons of meadows and a huge lake where you can fish nearby.
I didn't ask for this feel OP...
stfu with your predictions! you sound like televangelists predicting the apocalypse, y2k, etc
*tosses a shekel
now move along
Why would you want to live in a rape farm? The real men left that country a long time ago, all that is left are cucks
What if I told you normal people dont hang around blacks?
It's the retards that does it, and I couldn't give 2 fucks about them.
We normal people are comfy with eachother.
>tfw face is sun scarred from 30+ years of living in the desert
>tfw banished from Valhalla and can never return from the domain of the cruel
Cited the wrong post, was meant for
congratulations user, marry her. keep loving *and* respecting her. don't try to plan for everything, just reciprocate her affection and listen for her needs.
lol, I was reading the original reply and began to worry. but you're completely accurate, I live in a very multicultural city and the people are still segregated and dating within their race.
Im interested in this route. Whats the threshold amount youre required to invest in property?
they're not very specific but it's more of an inside knowledge thing. If you have some funds now would be a perfect opportunity to buy land in Norway because our dollar is over 20% higher then a few years ago.
land prices are not too high either and taxes are very low
I'm buying a few acres soon
Looks beautiful. Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't you guys in pretty much 24 hour darkness 1/3 of the year.
>that previous link was broken
this should work. I hope it auto translates in your browser.
> you'll never suck BBC at diversity research lab
How popular is pic related in Sweden? All we can buy here in stores is General so I have to import any other brands.
So if you run your business online and want to buy some property there is it easy to get setup with a residence permit since you dont need to seek employment? Do houses out in the country rural areas have high speed internet to run said business from?
7 hours of sunlight currently
it's only in the extreme north but the main cities are just like N. America
we are doing our best to get rid of it because eu
hurray us?
Ettan is a common snus amongst countryside people/trash in Sweden. More civilized people snus Göteborgs Rapé. Pic related.
The "best" thing about Swedish girls is that they'll marry anyone that isn't Swedish, ignore the memes, skin color doesn't matter as long as he isn't a barbaric Swede
I buy it sometimes, I like ettan but its taste is so distinctive so i can never use it for too long because i think it gets tiresome (same with göteborg rapé).
But its a nice break from the usual snus like general and grov.
great! how do I into sweden?
t. gyppo
the Norwegian anons would know more on the service providers and quality but it's a very modern country.
here's some more info on residency permit requirements (they're changing some laws because of the refugees , good thing)
>White Large
How the tables have turned! BWC!!
Depends on where in Sweden you live, the northern parts can be anything from 1-3 hours daylight while the southern parts are more about 4-6 hours of daylight.
It's not the same word you are thinking of Ivan...
Nobody wants to talk about snus on here, I have tried it many times before and you get no replies. Swedes bad at marketing or something. Look at how vaporizers have picked up, I have one myself. That is good marketing.
EU ruining things for everyone, no surprises there
I see, how is Skruf viewed? Is it effeminate to use slim?
Yeah, the first time I opened a can of Ettan I genuinely thought it had gone bad. But I still like it sometimes.
1. Remove balls
2. Submit to multicultural feminist jew overlords
3. ???
4. Profit
Just move here you dingus, well I think you need to be a bit handsome if you want the hotties posted itt, otherwise you'll have to settle for a fatty or a bit uglier woman. But please, if you come here, contribute to the Swedish society.
Very popular in Norway at least. All non smokers use it, and many smokers use it as well. We buy it in sweden very often though, since it's cheaper.
Skruf is typically the choice of the academic or the faggot. Nothing wrong with the snus except the flavoured verisions. Slim is socially acceptable if it's "one of the classics".
Time machine.
Behind those bushes a muslim refugee rapes a pagan aryan girl while her cuckold boyfriend masturbates or has run away to escape the islamic blade.
Varg lives in France and is married with a french girl.
don't ever trust a gypsy or encourage them. they'll never contribute anything to your country because they've never had their own. they don't assimilate or adopt a different culture. they are less religious versions of muslims. ask any real Romanian what gypsies are like.
This is what swedish leftists dream about.
We normal people stay away from both leftists and niggers.
Your country sounds glorious besides all the SJW'S and Jamals trying to fuck your people out of existence.
My sister and pretty much all women I know use skruf fresh white. I use general