Why don't they just join the EU and/or NATO?
Why don't they just join the EU and/or NATO?
because nato fucked their borders
They tried to join NATO back when it first started but the USA wouldn't let them join so they had to form the Warsaw Pact.
Russian borders are the same as they were in 1991. what do you mean?
>mfw burgerposting
Because it's an Asian country and is poor.
and join international jewry cabal?
fug dat
You didn't agree
>Russian borders are the same as they were in 1991
Georgia? Crim? They've expanded.
Russia hasn't expanded into Georgia and how does Russia acquiring Crimea equate to NATO "fucking Russia' borders"? Those actions also took place 23 years after founding of Russia.
>Why don't they just join the EU and/or NATO?
Stupidity and being stuck in the 19th century with tsars and serfs.
>Russia hasn't expanded into Georgia
Yeah they did.
Putin wanted to join NATO when he came to power and they told him "yeahh go wait in line after Romania and Bulgaria then we'll review you application".
No, retard. South Ossetia and Abkhazia aren't part of Russian Federation.
NATO was formed to fight and resist the Russians. If the Russians join NATO, NATO has no purpose.
Joining the EU would be a step down for Russia, but they might do it just to guarantee themselves as the only legal supplier of oil and natural gas to the rest of the EU.
We tried in early 00s but were told by EU and NATO to fuck off.
NATO was literally made to oppose it
>NATO was formed to fight and resist the Russians
>Russia didn't exist when NATO was formed
Bcos "the russian threat" is natos reason for existance. Derp
Russian Britain United States is the New foundation user. The seeds have been planted, countries like Saudi Arabia Will not get Sympathy and Gifts anymore, we can trade them for oil and weapons but that's it. Strictly Business until they can keep their people in check, that being said if they're using weapons to wage pointless wars, we will keep feeding them weapons knowing we don't give a fuck about them.. Degeneracy will not be tolerated much longer, Gloablists and EU feel their grasp loosening
Source ivan?
Because western sphere sees us as subhumans and historically treat us with disdain. I understand why that happens, but still. It takes two to tango.
Why didn't the Warsaw Pact just merge with NATO??????
that a man or woman on the right?
> soft silky lips
Photoshopped faces of liberators
Ecли бы вы тoлькo знaли, чтo бeзoбpaзнaя pacплaтa вaш мaлeнький "yмный" кoммeнтapий был o тoм, чтoбы oбpyшить нa вac, мoжeт быть, вы бы пpoвeли cвoй гpeбaный язык. Ho вы нe мoгли, вы этoгo нe cдeлaли, и тeпepь вы плaтитe цeнy, вы пpoклятый идиoт. Я бyдy cpaть бeшeнcтвo вce нaд вaми, и вы бyдeтe тoнyть в нeм. Tы чepтoвcки мepтв, дeткa.
Only the Nazis did. Then you did the whole nuclear cold war thing.. and now you're invading the Ukraine and you invaded Georgia.
Most people just want you to act civilized and stop invading people.
Beликoлeпнoe иcпoлнeниe, пeчaльнo чтo кoнцepты пoпcы coбиpaют бoльшe людeй чeм пoдoбныe мepoпpиятия
>how do i google, guys?
Lies, you just want us to die out peacefully like in 90's. That was coincidentally a height of our relations with the west. You gave us a hug while you lit a lighter behind our back and threw it in our home. And you still tries to do it.
Imaginary of starving Russian who peddles away his family heirlooms just to live another shitty day and prolonging his slow death is like Rembrandts canvas to your eyes.
If you're going to be a stupid faggot about it and not give a source for such claims then feel free to kill yourself.
>Calls names instead of fact-cheking
Georgia was genociding ethnic minorities. Russia was bound by international treaty to intervene and protect the Abkhaz and South Ossetians.
Please, post in English. This shit hurts.
I don't feel that way at all. Trump doesn't either. I like a healthy Russia. Makes me feel better that there is some hope for Whites beyond the West.
What the fuck are you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know, I finished my class vertex in the Navy Seals, and I have participated in numerous secret raids against al-Qaeda, and I have more than 300 confirmed kills. I trained in the gorilla war, and I top sniper in all US armed forces. You never anything for me, but just one more goal. I will destroy you fuck with precision, the likes of which have never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Do you think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, you bastard. As we speak I speak to my secret network of spies across the US and your IP is traced now, so you better prepare for the storm, the larva. The storm that destroys a pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, baby. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in more than seven hundred ways, and it is only with their bare hands. Moreover, I have been actively practicing in the melee, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps, and I will use it to the fullest, to destroy your sorry ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If you only knew what an ugly reckoning your little "smart" comment was about to bring down on you, maybe you would spend your fucking language. But you could not, you did not, and now you pay the price, you damned idiot. I'll be furious to shit all over you, and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, baby.
So Russians honestly believe it was the US that made the Soviet Collapse?
That's because russia didn't try real capitalism but crony capitalism, read Rothbard.
>Lies, you just want us to die out peacefully like in 90's. That was coincidentally a height of our relations with the west. You gave us a hug while you lit a lighter behind our back and threw it in our home. And you still tries to do it.
You did that to yourselves. Something similar happened here, don't blame everyone else for your own fuckups.
The most retarded and delusional ones do. But lets be honest: some actions US took back in the day clearly helped tge dismantling process.
There is also roughly 60 million Americans who feel that Russia was behind Trump's election and think that Russia hijacked and cynically raped your "precious" democracy. Are they going to magically disappear or perhaps, receive some kind of brain waves from Trump so they will suddenly change their opinion?
"""We aren't pretending. By putting Trump in office they have proved themselves our enemy. They have shown themselves indifferent to the suffering they cause us. So we hate their guts. At some point in the future that hatred will cost them. At some point expect war."""
That just quote from some random, VERY active activist. And that line of thinking shared among many of them, AND most importantly among your political and cultural elite.
Trump will inevitably come at odds with Russia btw, so don't expect anything good. If anything, the image of Russia suffered even more greatly after his election.
It was largely our idiocy but Americans sure did their own huffing and puffing to make it sure
Joining the EU is a complex process that requires meeting all kinds of standards of economic, democractic and rule of law.
That is, Russia would have to be a proper liberal democracy, not Putin's personal plaything.
Russia is nowhere near any of those standards, if anything she is moving away, and meeting them would take years.
See: Turkey.
fuck man i thought that was a webm of a man rolling on the floor in laughter because you thought it was so funny :-(
I didn't want to see that :-(
because they are not cucks
what book should i read of his that is about this and international politics/history in general?
Sorry mate, overreacted. I'm just tired of that pasta.
They were already ailing but we finished them off.
Reagan started spending a shitload on the US military all of a sudden, knowing that the Soviets couldn't afford to match us. They spent themselves into a hole they couldn't climb out of.
Because they have their own political bloc
All Capitalism becomes Crony capitalism eventually.
It's sort of funny how libertarians and ancaps are almost clones of Marxists when it comes to this
"b-but it's not REAL capitalism!"
those people lost but the it is also the intelligence agencies that are against you, obv. We have our own plans in Syria and don't want you there.
The Neocons want us to hate Russia, and they are succeeding, much like the propaganda leading up to Iraq War II.
Trump is supposed to prevent WWIII, unlike Hillary or someone like Marco Rubio. Will he succeed?
I'm not gonna fight against Russia in WWIII; fuck that.
Putin initially wanted to join NATO and was told in no uncertain terms that the point of NATO was to grind away at Russia until it fell apart.
NATO is basically a client state system between US and the rest of the countries making it up, sure the client states are well taken care of but they're still vassals.
Joining the EU is just retarded beyond belief.
How are the neocons succeeding? It feels distinctly different from Iraq, everyone is calling them out for being full of shit
Crony capitalism depends on a government.
> 'USSR != Russia' meme
Oh, for sure, it was our own countrymen after all, who stole everything that was not bolted down. Aw heck, they even ripped off bolted down things. We basically destroyed everything in blind, fanatical fervour, drunk from precious western nectar and promises of friendship.
But the important note, West did nothing to stop or prevent stupid Russians, if anything, they encouraged it and then sheltered these thieves after their deeds. Who knows, maybe we just don't deserve it if we can't reach it ourselves.
>bigger joining smaller
That's not how it works. Mind you, it could happened in 90s, maybe early 00s, but you said "no". And now EU has it's own, mainly self-created, big problems and might not survive next 4-8 years.
left is so scared of russia they would rather want 1 million muslims than make a deal with russia
we are so fucking scared its sad, all while our population is getting brown cock all over
>being this retarded
Their capitalism was designed by a bunch of guys from Harvard who were brought in as capitalism experts advising Yeltsin to try shock therapy.
They're the main reason Putin will have an ironclad grip on power for as long as he lives.
Russia is the mexico of Europe. They can eat go eat a dick.
Not everyone. All the liberals in this country have bought in. They literally think the Russians installed a puppet as the American president
May he live long
"not real capitalism" is a joke to mock commies, cheer up.
That's a funny way to spell "Ukraine".
Russia, quit hacking my heart
awwwww, did you not get you're daily dosing of tendies user?
Soviet politburo:
Lenin: Jewish
Trotsky: Jewish
Zinoviev: Jewish
Sokolnikov: Jewish
Kamenev: Jewish
Stalin: Georgian
Bubnov: Russian
>this is what In6EfYRv considers """Russia"""
It's all part of the plan. The west is waiting until it has as many muslims as Russia so they can make a deal as equals.
There wasn't Russian Federation in 1949, idiot.
I wouldn't go that far. But economically they are on par with Italy I do believe so all the hysteria about them is not credible.
Yea but they have the attention span of birdshit. They were all yelling about muh popular vote and recounts and rioting and now they won't even remember as much. The people with the true anti Putin boner are McCain, Graham and Rubio and everyone hates them.
All Trump needs to do is take one quasi tough stance on Russia and they'll start reeeing on about nuclear war and how US needs to work with Russia.
It cuts deep tho. Imagine if someone made fun of Poossolini
Why are Poles on average so based?
There is zero incentive for them to join either.
Why would nation voluntarily give away their political self determination and military control?
They view themselves as a leader along the lines of the US. They don't want to be a follower.
I also think that OP is a faggot as he doesnt understand this
living in a poor shithole hardens you up
We literally defeated their army and then promptly fucked off, everything just in two weeks. Everything was up for grabs but we didn't take anything. Even international observers concluded that Georgia first started with shelling against our peacekeeping troops in Tskhinvali.
Crimea was retaliatory takeover because your seeds finally popped off and resulted in a violent takeover, which installed overwhelmingly anti-Russian government. If we didn't do shit we would be cut off from black sea forever. West then will continue slowly outmuscle us. They still do. That little bit at least gave us the small fighting chance in future. Don't get me wrong, I perfectly understand how is incredibly scary the US is, so our prospects are murky.
Also, if you believe in that Russia was opportunistic and just nudged Americans to elect Trump by abusing long-standing issues inside your country, you will then obviously see the same pattern in Ukraine. Countries generally were getting along, but you in your usual fashion was behind shadows, whispering sweet things in one ear, and condemning everything about Russian in other. We just paid back with your own coin.
That was actually pretty incredible feat from your government, Russia and Ukraine are now at odds for forever and there is nothing to do there. Smart move.
Seriusly guys why do sociaities get more degenerate as they get welthier?
Western euro cucks are dying in islam while poor excomunist states of Eastern europe are slowly recovering from cominism and staying based.
But the thing is that Putin wanted to join back in the 2001. Good thing we was denied. NATO turned out to be a joke, Russia is more usefull as a boogeyman for them. Most of yourop is not very entusiastic to pay muh 2% even now with all the anti-Russian media noise. Imagine them being in the same alliance with America AND Russia.
The EU is already going bankrupt trying to bail little shitholes like us or Greece, you think they can afford to upkeep Russia?
roles have flip-flopped. now west is communist and east is nationalist and christian
It's not a meme.
Even current """""russsian""""" federation is not Russia.
It died in 1918.
Privatization robbery happened in all post-socialist countries, not just Russia (though it was particularly horrible in Russia). It's the terminal symptom of socialist mentality, the final twitch of the dying monster releasing hundreds of smaller parasites, who now that their means of political domination are slowly being removed (in the 90s), use the last of their influence to acquire economic domination.
Everything that was privatized back in the 90s should be subject to revision - if you can't prove you acquired your first million legally, the state seizes ALL your assets and property and those of your family as well.
We are too weak to go after them. Some kind of shaky, shitty cooperation, where at least some breadcrumbs remain in Russia is currently in place. Shitty situation all around.
Why doesn't the EU join Russia?
If only most poles were like you.
You'll win in the end, you're just stalling until we collapse on our own at this point.
>Why don't they just join the EU and/or NATO?
Because the EU has enough problems with niggers, mudslimes and jews without adding free-roaming Russians to the equation.
Equally, Muscovites aren't too bad, but the rural morons from the territories are ignorant, incestuous, inbred fucks that deserve to be gassed.
...and you thought the Roma (Gypo's) were bad.
>Georgia was genociding ethnic minorities
good goy, keep thinking that. The Abkhaz people did totally not cause an uprising and started some bullshit. It was all a plan from the Russians.
>hy don't they just join Mexico and/or Canada?
Russia is European dumbfuck, well technically it's part of Europe and Asia. But 80% of the population lives in the European part, and Ethnic Russians (slavs) are obviously Europeans.
>Georgia first started with shelling against our peacekeeping troops in Tskhinvali.
someone watched too much RT
EU already have Romanians, Bulgarians and Poles. How are Russians any worse? They are all white anyways.
>EU already have Romanians, Bulgarians and Poles. How are Russians any worse? They are all white anyways.
Poles are okay, but the rest of the slavs are scum and should be exterminated.
Don't need Russians adding to the garbage Europe already has.
NATO bombed Belgrade
>anti-russian state = russia
Read about the 90s when we told soviets to fuck off. They tried a coup (1991), we fucked them over
Someone is a good goy. I don't watch MSM, western or not. Do you?