>Decide to give "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" a chance
>Download S12E01
Is anything safe from the cucks?
>Decide to give "Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia" a chance
>Download S12E01
Is anything safe from the cucks?
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show is funny as fuck you need to get over yourself eurofag
that first episode was AWFUL
second one was hilarious though tbqh
dont give up on the show, that episode is LITERALLY the only sjw episode, the rest are amazing
What the fuck are you smoking mane. In that very episode they adopt accents from foreign countries and go super far with the Mexican jokes
Last episode was 10/10
>swallowing the kike agenda just because is packaged in a "funny" show
butthurt Sup Forumsfag trying to spread his dumb meme shit to other boards
go on, post the tweet, you predictable little triggered faggot.
if they do a SJW/BLM episode im all ready for it. im sure theyll slay that shit like the libertarians that they are.
What are you talking about? you seem to be the one that is triggered slit eyed manlet.
BASED thread
>always sunny
>SJW show
Wew lad
>Season 12
Should've ended at like season 7 or 8
It's literally ripped off entirely from trailer park boys and has been since the first season. Only idiots haven't picked up on this.
>w-what are you talking about? i-i dindu nuffin i swear....
transparent as fuck think-skinned right-sjw faggot
Idiot here, pls explain
Be careful don't cut yourself on all that edge.
>shows that are nothing alike somehow stolen from another show
In what world m8
>except TPB you have to wait 20 minutes for 1 laugh
*thin-skinned ;^)
>all that edge
I'm not the fragile infant crying that his tee-bee show triggered his tender sensibilities
grow a pair, u-r-gay
You don't watch TPB for laughs, you watch it for comfy immersion.
It's an unfunny episode, but it's hardly sjw shit. They literally say "we weren't arrested because we're black, but because we were trying to break into a car."
"He didn't call the cops on us because we're black, but because we're harassing him"
Fuck you're retarded.
Dude you have no idea. No way is that show SJW. Just the episode with dennis filming all the chicks he bangs and then grading them would be enough to give any tumblrite a heart attack.
Jackdurden.com did a whole thing about it I'll see if I can find it
>can't even say NIGGA in the show
The first episode of the 12th season was actually really red pilled until the last few minutes or so.
I absolutely love it's always sunny.
It's one of the few shows I can still watch because they are so politically incorrect. They did an episode of them being Muslim terrorist.
Even better, the very first episode of the show is about them being border line racist.
>Should've ended at like season 7 or 8
Felt the same way and pretty much gave up on the show after the past few seasons. However, I decided to give season 11 a chance when it was added to Netflix recently. Maybe I was just in the right mood for Always Sunny, but I thought season 11 was the best season in a long time.
Did not realize there is a season 12 already as well. Hopefully the show does not go downhill again.
s12e1 was a BLM episode and was boring
>starting with season 12
what are you even doing
>decide to start watching new show
>start on season 12 E1
Stop lying for dramatic effect fag
I still don't understand why a dirty proto-beaner from America's Africa is getting so triggered trying to pretend his little tv show isn't right-wing
>implying im going to watch 12 seasons just to catch up to some retarded inside jokes
Oh shut the fuck up faggot
Stop sperging out
No reason to lie.
There is no reason to get upset.
>started watching always sunny
the absolute state of you lad
What about the one where Mac dates a tranny and its all about gender tolerance
Or the one where Dennis wants to have a boat party to fuck chicks and Mac thinks that means rape so there's that whole scene about muh pressure means no informed consent?
Its pretty pozzed but still mostly funny
Youre the idiot REEEing about a show after watching a cherrypicked episode in the middle of the fucking series
>this post
Are you actually stupid or just pretending
Remember kids, never assume that a nigger is a criminal, thats racist.
Just making observations, im not upset.
The first one mainly had the tranny there for comedic effect, the second was Dennis being super creepy as he always is as a character
Its about making fun of mac because hes gay and everyone knows it
What about the episodes where they outright imply that dennis has raped multiple girls
>im not upset youre upset i bet ur so mad aheuheu
>continues to REEE by posting screenshots in every post
>still watching tv
Just can't release those lips firmly latched onto that circumcised hebrew dick, can you?
My GOD americans are stupid
They're nothing at all alike, retard.
I got the complete opposite from that episode. It was about the gang trying their hardest to do what they thought was the right thing, and then failing miserably at it. None of them learned anything by the end of the episode, it was just old black man's dream.
One of their best episodes.
Also, they once dressed up as terrorists to scare a jew, blacked and browned up with full penetration, picked up chicks at an abortion rally. PLUS in the first episode, the phrase "niggers hanging from rafters" occurs.
It's more closely aligned with Seinfeld dipshit
And the "Gang Hits the Slopes" 1980s ski movie parody is fantastic. As is e Suburbs episode that is a parady of The Shining is excellent.
>entire plot lines copied
>alter egos of characters copied "green man"/"green bastard"
>entire premise copied "loser trash do X to ___"/"the gang ____"
>plus way more but I'm on mobile
Sure thing dip shit. Rofl what an idiot. Where do people this stupid even come from?
I've enjoyed most of Its Always Sunny.
This episode was absolute shit, even if you take out the SJW bullshit.
The singing was crap. The plot was poorly constructed and utterly retarded to boot.
>idiot doesnt understand satire
They already had Charlie say it in season 1 episode 1, it was funnier the way they were greeted with it after that long debate, but Devito should have called the white cop who shot charlie at the end a nigger.
Sure, but why did it take black people so long to realize lives matter?
Its not rape if they were just afraid of the implications.
Dee is the only one who has outright raped several people.
>Threads going crazy about STARGATE
>Look into it
>See this
Both the musical episodes were hilarious. Their singing is fine for the most part, except DeVito who is hilariously bad. The fact that they got such a large bird to sing at all is amazing.
>Mac and Dennis get arrested, but thanks to the fact thier black bodies were upstanding members of the community, they receive the best treatment by the police that they have ever received
Yeah dude, ending aside, this episode triggered alot of SJW butthurt over the whole "If you are a upstanding member of society, the police treat you well" lesson .
god that was one of my favorites
Season 10 was great. The Gang Beats Boggs, The Gang misses the boat. All great.
So are you going to pretend they didn't steal this from Four Lions?
Always Sunny is the best live action show on TV. You can watch it from start to finish repeatedly and it never gets old.
its also redpilled as fuck and despite being basic cable its edgier than most HBO shit.
what show hasnt made a 'muslims in a cave making terroristic threats' joke?
>family guy
>south park
its an old meme because its fucking true
Green man and the green bastards are only tangentially similar.
the end of that episode was a black child being shot multiple times for holding up a train and you didn't laugh at it?
there's dozens of examples you troglodyte moron. this is common knowledge. Lrn 2 jackdurden
This show is "edgy" in the same sense that Family Guy is. It's just liberal garbage.
When they make jokes about black people stealing or something similar it's supposed to be "lol what is he even saying lmao what a dumbass" it's not "based".
theres an entire episode dedicated to showing that guns arent as easy as dumb liberals think they are to acquire, i believe thats the same episode where frank is alex jones, doing a bit on the news where he preaches whatever bullshit and tries to sell water filters
"it says you've been taken in for psychiatric evaluation?"
"well yeah but i mean, that was against my will, so that shouldn't even count"
"that's the only time it counts, dee.."
Sup Forums at it again with weapons grade autism