>You will never be jewish.
>tfw no jewish gf
Jewish gf
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw when she takes all your money and leaves you once she taps you dry
>tfw you realize you knowingly let yourself get jewed
>the flag
>the irony
Triggered? :^)
Nope, just mildly amused
Triggered? :^)
Why not? Jewish women are more than happy to racemix and spread their vile pestilence across the globe.
>tfw when she takes all your money and leaves you once she taps you dry
>tfw you realize you knowingly let yourself get jewed
That's all women user
That is Toiv'e Goyim
>tfw no jewish gf
Don't worry goyim. They're getting BLACKED.
I want to impregnate 100 jewish qt girls to be honest.
wtf I love Israel now
> jew wife
Fuck no.
Hey kike, if you are an 1/8th jew, are you considered an israelite?
I don't bitch about Sup Forums's antisemitism even though I disagree, because I don't give a fuck and I'm not a bitch.
Israeli women are the most beautiful women on the face of the earth. Russians are a close second, but Israelis take the cake man. I couldn't give a fuck about western jooz, but goddamn. I want to repopulate the land of Israel with my own offspring.
Jewish qt girls are like a Ferrari
It's beautiful to see and it's very powerful but if , for some unexplained reasons, have one....
Oh vey..... you gonna have a bad time with your patience and your money to keep one
>yfw when your kids will never be jewish
feels goodman
nice attempt at reverse psychology.
don't you know white male is the most desired by jewesses . . . since we are the creators, your dicks are pathetic and you are all complete perverts?
It's all about assimilating the best nuclear DNA into the mitochondrial matrilineage.
which is why I only date white witches so my white magick lineage will stay pure
No... there is hope
well shilled, schlomo
JIDF is working hard on overtime today