Hollywood is a cancer upon the country

>Pussy beta white male who can't fight tries to get out of fighting masculine black male
>Black characters all more masculine than the White protagonist
>Even the White female is more alpha than him- and punches him in the face at one point in the trailer (not sure if it's this one or another one)

Link: youtu.be/naGF-XXjlxY

Who watches this fucking garbage.

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I sense some insecurity in your post.
Try the movie white men cant jump.

Hollywood done be perpetruatin sterotypes u don't like, cracka? Whatchu gon do bout it, white boy? Huh?


Just ignore it

Sure, live with the past and just forget reality, what a burger jeeez.

apparently Charlie Day isn't a jew. Surprised the shit out of me

pretty redpilled movie

black ppl being violent

Face it, black people are in general a little more big, testosteroney... and they are also a little bit less logical/mathematical and intellectual.

Value your strengths and know your weaknesses. Everyone, - including blacks - should do this more. Don't expect the kvetchers behind this film to do that though

Lol fuck off cuck.

Thanks for the analysis!

Uh, nope lol

I find that surprising too

No, im going to Hollywood to confront the writers at their favorite restaurants.

Holy shit you're insufferable. Are you even old enough to see this movie in theaters?

Jesus fucking christ is this shit for real? These hollywood jews have no shame.

Hollywood is pure communist garbage. They are the typical revolutionary vanguard: Spoiled bourgoise brats who would be the first up against the wall if communism ever rolled around in earnest.

I'd be delighted to cut out the middle man, though.

>he doesn't know nords are genetically bigger and stronger than blacks

>wahhhh someone is pointing out blatant cutltural marxism and not just accepting it! How DARE they!

> Not even that bad. Charlie probably directed the movie, like he plays a beta in Always sunny but writes and directs
> ice cube is NWA still regardless if he's Hollywood. Fuck the police
I don't have an ifiriority complex to black people
Hollywood and Porn try to push it but it's funny when you've faught blacks and whites and beat both. And have buff niggas white women begging you to come over to the crib when he's not home and fuck. I'm Alpha by birth, Hollywood can't change that

>a fucking movie about ice cube comedically fighting with Charlie day
Holy shit you are taking this movie way too seriously guy.

Did you mean to say goy?

No. I am talking to you like a human being cause you are one. So guy it is.
If a movie likes this challenges your masculinity so much that you become insecure about it then you should probably put your focus else where.

Looks funny as fuck, and only autistic faggts analyse movies like that.

Dude, you seem to really be serious in your rebuttal of my post, so if you want to get into it we can.
I'm not "insecure" because of a movie. I'm tired of seeing the same old negative stereotypes of White people reinforced in big Hollywood movies again and again and again. The media is perhaps the largest influencer of culture in a society and our media is incredibly leftwing, and incredibly Marxist. What specifically are you having trouble understanding?

I think there would be now a paradigm shift in film, being that the majority of Americans are conservative, libertarian leaning.

I think Beyond the Trailer provided a good analysis on the future of Hollywood.


PS - Cube doesn't seem to age.

>continue negative stereotypes
I already told you to watch white men can't jump you retard. Not all movies are fucking psyop propaganda

Welcome to the Jewish agenda you must be new.

>MFW Charlie pulls a gun and blows gentle giant Ice Cube away

Except it's not just in America anymore, this trash is affecting the whole world

I couldn't give a shit less about your single fucking example of a movie dude. you're on the wrong board.

i agree jews finance this crap for shekels
not all movies are psyop propoganda

well it's true, blacks are more aggressive than whites

How small is that Beta faggot white boy? He must be really tiny because Ice Cub is a tiny 5'8 nigger.

just more propaganda
also Illuminati references at an all time high in movies atm

>he doesn't wanna watch woody harrelson kill it at basketball
You're no fun

Got some examples?

>Looks funny as fuck, and only autistic faggts analyse movies like that.
Really makes me think.

Cancer destroys the host. Don't you get it?
Smart people are Autistic?
Before that idea, you were officially stupid.

Ice cube has that nig head tilt

>Sup Forums finds way to bitch about movie where Charlie Day fights Ice Cube

You people will complain about fucking anything.

>Implying these movies aren't just easy paydays for all of these actors

Just look at how you fags are so triggered about a movie premise, for god sakes, ice cube is the actor version of snoop dogg. Just cut them a check and they'll do whatever you want. Ice Cubes whole shtick is being a stereotype

Want this stupid race baiting shit to stop? Don't watch the movie or talk about it