why are women so degenerate Sup Forums ?
Why are women so degenerate Sup Forums ?
they're rarely adults
Because white males are beta cucks, incapable of satisfying their sexual desires and basic needs.
Because feminism "liberated" them.
Society allows them to be degenerate. Propaganda from (((media))).
Women are easily molded by the media and what authority figures tell them to do. If you want women to not be degenerate you have to control the media to push your own propaganda. The best way to have non-degenerate females in your life is to cut them off from television/movies/news/tumblr/facebook/twitter and other similar shit.
first I wondered why she was taking a picture of her toilet, then I noticed the piece of shit she has strapped to her belly, now I'm confident she does not know how to use the restroom properly
speak for yourself you fucking trap faggot
One of the most disgusting pictures I have seen in a while.
Noone has been able to give them a backhand when they start getting out of line.
60 years of leaving them unchecked has lead to this.
Degeneracy is fucking disgusting.
Pic related is an example of this
Whores, like pic related, really grind my gears
He's not 100% wrong.
Men want to get laid, and even IF some men have the self control in their later 20s to say "wait, I can't make a housewife out of a whore" but it's too late by then since he's made every woman he's met who was willing into a whore for that night.
It's fighting human nature. Hence the anti-slut shame movement, because the last remaining men (probably over 50% at that point, because why else would they need to start shaming men for disavowing sluts if it weren't the majority) needed to be brought into toe the line they drew in the sand.
It's time we crossed that line again gentlemen.
I mean shit, 99% of Sup Forums isn't getting some anyway, at least make it seem like you're rejecting them rather than cracking out and missing three fast balls these carnivorous cunts throw, walk away from the box at strike one and make HER feel dirty for it.
That's what we need to start doing again.
media condition whores who think they are strong and independant.
Until either Tyrone fucks them and leaves them with a precious little dumb niglet or when Tyrone kills the dumb fucking whore. Which he will get a long jail sentence or death row.
Women's liberation means they don't have any standards to hold themselves to
Men have honour, women are free to act as children
Disobeying Gods will. And the pussy men disobeying Gods will not putting them in their place.
And they worship the beast. The second beast in the book of revelations, that is the internet.
Is that a feminist Bush? Or a Grown woman this pussy isn't fucked by random pleb bush? Or a hipster plenty of random plebs tap this idk
Thanks for the fap material btw
This MGTOW shit is actually emboldening women to continue their rampant slutty behavior and act like financial cannibals.
Because the men with the balls to slap the shit out of them are walking away from the table when they're holding a straight flush because they're worried the chick sitting next to them has the Royal.
These mulled half faggots are watered down "alphas" who have the balls to do what needs to be done but instead they're throwing prime, marriage material out to the lions because they're too pussy to take care of business.
MGTOW is working, perhaps not intentionally, with the feminists, not against them... the only way we'd see a change in female behavior is if we all went MGTOW for 6 months to a year, but that ain't going to fucking happen.
We need to grab out balls and put these cunts back in their place. We built the pedestal for them because women can't work wood or stone for shit. We need to be the ones to knock it down.
Lead by example, gentlemen. Women crave, more than anything, male approval. More than we crave theirs.
You can't deny that if one thing Muslims are good at is to take care of their women.
No degeneracy, Arabia Saudi don't let woman vote, they realize how shit they are at politics.
I did that to a stupid bitch the other night.
A 40 year old long past her time whore. That I was hanging out with the other night.
Kept asking me if she still looked young.
Jumped in my arms and made me carry her to the car after leaving one place we hit.
Got back to her place and she wanted to start a fire I told her I didn't I wanted to sleep for work and I wasn't cold and she got mad. Said it was her house! Guess what I can invite people over and be a fucking asshole to them too if I want. Since she was driving I had her drop me off in the street about half way back to my house. Said one last thing as I was getting out of the STERILE OLD WHORES CAR. (HPV is a BITCH AND I DON'T WANT A STERILE LOVE LESS WHORE!)
I said to the bitch. "you have a home you paid for?" "good fucking go to it!"
She may have dropped me off in the street but I am the one who curb kicked that bitch whore mentally. She also earlier in the night said I reminded her of Micheal Bubble. Which she said she thinks he is so HOT + I can sing like a mutherfucker too.
FUCK HER my intention was just to hang out and maybe find a nice girl while we were out that I could truly love. The bitch was cock blocking me all night and standing up in the front while I was singing.
You whores threw me away like a piece of trash in my highschool and college years because they want to whore.
Now its my turn to throw you whores away like the pieces of used up TRASH that you are because that is exactly what you are. FUCKING NIGGER TRASH WHORES!
Enjoy little trayboon. Maybe you'll get a shitty nigger check every month now too since you've aligned yourself with lesser people. THE GOV. MUST NOW REWARD YOU WITH MY MONEY. BECAUSE YOU'RE SUCH A GREAT NIGGER LOVER!
They've been taught wrong.
Even with 'intellectuals' and 'feminists', you have display superiority and a certain level of do inane and aggression.
Obviously you'll be more successful after enough experience.
This is stupid.
Just enforce Sharia law for 5 years, cull both beta males and sluts.