How do we solve the heroin problem?
How do we solve the heroin problem?
Aids needles.
Make it cheaper. Im fuckin cringing for a hit. This shit is out of control!
Do something racist.
I hate hate too.
By giving junkies free access to cyanide laced heroin.
Sell it at pharmacies
>your average Sup Forums natsoc is either an obese manchild living in his moms basement or a highschool dropout drug addict tweaking out for his next hit
why don't addicts just grow poppy? it would be a soothing activity, and they could wean themselves off the opium.
Switch it out for meth
What's your point?
Utopically? with education
cuz you need a lot
easiest solution is usually the best solution.
stop doing heroin
Eliminate narcan
Semper fi tag checked!
no you dont...
Replace it with fentanyl. No more addicts within a few weeks.
I'm kidding of course and the real solution is to create a comprehensive rehabilitation and jobs program. Also, the people I know that kicked things like meth and heroin did two things... they took acid at the peak of their addiction, and realized they had to move away from the people enabling their addictions.
my point is you are fucking untermensch
kys you fucking drug fiend loser, lmao.
Tell the cia to fuck off
not much morphine per plant take a guess how I know
Well, at least this good natured post has a subject and verb
It solves itself
there's enough morphine per plant to potentially harm you, which is why the synthesis of it into a pure substance was important.
degenerat addict retard.
Give people a life worth living without drugs. Strong family and community is the central power that can end rabid drug use in the public.
Much wisdom!
This man would like to have a word with you
In Vancouver we solve it by giving it away for free and giving them safe injection sites
Time to move to Vancouver
Fuck yeah
Ah yes, Vancouver. The city without a drug problem, you know, I've heard of that place
By getting rid of it!
Back when San Francisco had men instead of cry babies
Sounds like welfare to me. Sorry snowflake, but you're not welcome to my wallet. You're going to have to go out there and sweat to earn a buck like everybody else.
More heroin!!!
As stated here drug use is a distraction from reality, a vacation. Create a better reality.
Counter with meth.
By contaminating it with fentanyl and releasing it onto the streets. The problem solves itself after a few years.
Same way we fixed the alcohol problem.
Legalize it.
Heroin addicts only fuck themselves and perhaps those close to them up. A trillion dollar black market and opium trade, combined with all the addicts who can't get their fix without entering the criminal underground, on the other hand, kills millions.
Making drugs illegal just makes the drug problem everyone's problem.
I drink water , sometimes the water has flavors. I take vitamins in the morning with a banana
It feel fucking great , no withdrawl symptoms like this junkie loser