>Socialism doesn't benefit soci-
Socialism doesn't benefit soci-
>free books
>niggers still don't read them
>free books
>Completely and utterly useless compared to the internet
>without socialism we wouldn't have libraries
nigga what?
People who actually read books can afford to buy them.
You do realize that you can also have private libraries simply existing out of charity?
State supplied benefits is not ownership of the means of production by the working class faggot.
Try doing that but with food
says the man posting on the internet
What is that antiquated thing in your picture?
Books are a resource that provides a sustained benefit for a single and cheap investment; you can buy a $30 book and it can be read by 500 people during the next 20 years and it will all be fine and dandy. You can't compare that with things such as free food or free healthcare or any sort of gibsmedats. Fag.
They are glorified DVD rental shops. That's all they are used for, and for the occasional homeless wank on the computers.
Who developed the internet? It was a private corporation right, LOL
>tfw libraries are glorified wifi hotspots
>using libraries
They are too busy browsing tumblr while drinking lattes on their MacBook Pros.
>generalizing millions of people
Not all Nazis gassed Jews!
but no National Socialists browsed tumblr :^)
this. university libraries are the only ones worth visiting.
Shit guys.
He posted a library.
That's it, it's over.
I guess we can just pack it up, Sup Forums is a leftist haven now. Gonna miss this place.
You can gather enough voluntary support from the public to set up a fucking library, it's not hard. Also, pretty much every book is available to download from the internet.
>Muslims and Arabs aren't bad peo-
Library of Alexandria =/= Exists anymore
>Be 10
>Rent a book from one of those book cars that comes to neiborhoods once a week
>bring it back 1 week late
>"I'm sorry user we won't accept it, you have to pay $50 for this decrepid old book, if you leave it on the table and walk away we can't accept it in our inventory and will throw it in the trash"
Because it was part of the city library I can't check out any books unless I pay a $50 fine for a week old book that was shit from more than a decade ago, no exaggeration. I could of literally gone full dindu and murdered people and it would of been cleared from my criminal adult record, but a book? Nope.
Fuck your socallism, I'd rather have real currency and be able to go to Barnes and Noble and buy books from a way better selection for $2 like it's the 50s
public libraries are funded via socialist methods
who fucking goes to libraries anymore?