Across America, quality, affordable child care is hard to find. We should be investing in our kids, not giving the wealthy huge tax breaks.
Across America, quality, affordable child care is hard to find. We should be investing in our kids...
That's great, honey. But the men are talking.
I agree. We should be investing in children instead of eating them.
Fuck off commie.
Feel free to talk to me or my biological son anytime
Invest in your own kids.
I use the disambiguous, we.
Talking to you, pizza lovers.
dumb frogposter
Affordable child care would be nice, but instead of whining about huge tax breaks to the rich how about starting an "affordable" child care volunteer school in your local neighborhood?
obongo had 8 years to do that
>giving people affordable healthcare is litterally communism
>giving out trillion dollars of free shit to the corporations and millitary is not
ok kid
Bernie, who told you about Sup Forums?
Yeah, we should be protecting American business and not taxing the middle class so fucking much both the husband and wife have to work to afford a modest living. No one cares as much about or can give a child as much of what they need when they are young as the mother. Your commie socialism, Op, has destroyed the role of the mother, and that is not a role that minimum wage dindus on crack and meth can make up for in govt. funded child care centers.
Stay home and raise your children in a marriage. Learn to appreciate your provider and put a little effort into your self and relationship.
Why do you think white guys dig Asian Chick's? Submissive.
Use tax breaks to control the wealthy in ways we still get tax money.
Give companies tax breaks that maintain a certain pay standard for their employees. The employees have no idea how to evade tax like the CEO does so in the end the govo ends up with the same amount of tax revenue AND they get to stimulate the economy by putting money in the working class's hands.
there is already 12 years of goverment funded child care, you dont need another 4. especially when the first 5 years of a persons life can be the most formative and therefore the best time to manipulate
based russia bby
which is exactly why retard commies like Op want the poor kids in govt they can be taught stuff like social justice and global warming and interracial breeding.
Gross and expensive. Next!
But most new borns in America are not white.
I'm not a communist