THIRD edition of previous thread of based Ben Swann interview of piazgztae
THIRD edition of previous thread of based Ben Swann interview of piazgztae
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wow really makes you think doesn't it
>guys, spamm the commentsection with everything you got, i made a dump already on there. upvote the ones giving infos, and spread the link
>get ben trending
>Start sharing this and other Swann videos. We need to let people know - especially news organizations - that fair, investigative journalism is what people want and need. Rather than MSM entertainment shit.
>We need to get all eyes on this guy, get him out to social media using our troll alt accounts to get the truth out there.
>call police
>after watching this story on 'reality check' i'm very concerned about the serious allegation and was wondering why are they not investigated by the police?
>an allegation should be enough to, at least, start an investigation.
>We need this to spread!
>Post it on twitter, Facebook, anything!
>If you don't not only will this information due, but without strong public consciousness, there is a good chance Ben Swann will die.
Media lies
spread the shit out of it, dump infos in the comment section, this could be our once in a livetime chance to drop redpills
Someone mentioned that the jewish media would say pizzagate is real at some point.
Not sure why though.
oh yea bump
really makes you think
Reminder that all 3 suspicious logos were made by the same woman
Good concept but it should be a bit more serious. Like a mugshot of that sick subway kike, and get rid of the meme girl. But good message.
Third tweet is fake. Stay accurate
they realize they cant cover it up anymore, trump will take office, so better switch the narrative to seem unbiased again and make trump think they are on his side. could be just damage controll. but im happy about every bit of redpill the normies get
comet ping pong satanists speak in tongues engaged in bizarre and terrifying ritual
comet ping pong satanists call for total destruction of christianity in violent ritual
comet ping pong satanists celebrate anti-value culture in vile debasement ritual
Remember guys, it's just coincidences, nothing bad is happening.
reminder that institutionalized child abuse has been going on in the united states for DECADES
watch suppressed documentary CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE to learn of how corrupt govt officials cover their heinous crimes
holy fuck we need to hang them, seriously.
that one is at the pegasus museum
Lynn forrest de Rothschild on the left, David Brock on the right. Yes, ROTHSCHILD ARE INVOLVED. CPP is the NWO faggots
I don't know how anyone can even insincerely be into this sorta thing. It's disgusting.
>About 2,000 foreign prostitutes - mostly illegal immigrants - work in Israel's £340 million-a-year sex industry. It is estimated 25,000 paid-for sexual transactions take place in the country every day.
>'Prostitution is an important social commodity and anyone who says differently is a hypocrite,' Shklar told the Knesset. The cost of bringing women into the country illegally forces brothel keepers to cover expenses by trading them, he said.
>She was 21, self-assured and glad to be out of Ukraine. Israel offered a new world, and for a week or two everything seemed possible. Then, one morning, she was driven to a brothel, where her boss burned her passport before her eyes.
>''I own you,'' she recalled his saying. ''You are my property and you will work until you earn your way out. Don't try to leave. You have no papers and you don't speak Hebrew. You will be arrested and deported. Then we will get you and bring you back.''
literally all coincidences, nothing to see here
Start training motherfuckers. Get some tactical gear, learn to use it, the kids are counting on you to save them.
Makes me actually want to believe fascism is the answer. What was crime like under Hitler again?
Bullshit. You clearly photoshopped a similar looking woman in there. I can tell by the pixels.
>Mentions David Brock being James Alefantis' former BF
>Doesn't mention Brock's past and DEN
you almost had me CBS
im a leftie though, but i will gladyl join the rightwing deathsquads if i can slay those pieces of shit
not to doxx myself but I was a radical leftest for a long time. Now unfortunately I can only agree with you, I really think that maybe Hitler did nothing wrong.
Ok...? Seems like your typical family friendly pizza joint. What's the problem here?
no hes not compromised, jew Epstein tried reeling him in, luckily Trump is a man of principals and said fuck you and kicked him out of his Mar-a-Lago estate/resort for LIFE in west palm, thats why hes their arch nemesis, (((they))) can't lackmail Trump
Shadows match up.
Idk what you're on about
Provide proof
about brock. ex lover of one of our mainsuspects alefantis.
notice how the shilling increased 1-2 days before election when it was too late for anyone to be influenced? coincidently its the same time pizzagate came up. i believe brock employed fellow pedos from the pizzaparties of alefantis, and when pizzagate came up the job became personal instead of just some normal 9-5.
also brock was blackmailed for $850k, i wonder what that was about
What are the instagram pics he references but refused to describe in any way whatsoever?
its a legit photo user, im sure its archived somewhere too
need more
What if there is an investigation but it's classified?
How is ALEFANTIS top 50 powerful in DC as well? With just one fucking pizza plac3
ok I am 100% kidding about this which I feel I need to say since in the video I just watched he specifically calls out 2 bands
my post is 100% satire about how those descriptions in fact roughly match the songs and/or bands. Most specifically I am 100% kidding that any of them are satanists to my very limited knowledge of being a very huge fan of all 3 of those bands.
They'll tell the public that it's all a ruse.
nevermind David Brock isn't that dude I got the names mixed up
That's possible but we cannot rely on that. Besides there's no gain in it for us not to make this public knowledge.
The finders, user
You will be mildly surprised
hang them. unironically.
reminder to leave Pepe and other memes out of the infographics if you want anyone to take this seriously
this is my favorite one, its a rare. save it while you can, gentlemen.
well I'm seeing The Coathangers in a couple weeks actually so I'd be happy to relay any message of what and more importantly why.
I would never normally go to this length to explain my post but when I posted it just now I had no idea that in that video he targets bands although I of course knew pizzagaters had in the past.
If the tweet doesn't exist, i can't prove to you it isn't there.
Add the version how kids are trained to stick out their tongue for treats. You all know why they need to learn to stick out their tongue...
there is no official explanation for this
everyone just looks sideways at each other and goes, "HMMM"
literally i've not even heard one (((official explanation)))
I will never be posting this again since now 2 bands have been targeted by newtwork news. My post was 100% satire of bands that I am extremely fond of.
all just coincidence..
love how its a different kid in every picture. nothing to see here :^)
Podesta and his cronies will be strung up on lampposts by the end of the year.
God damnit Ben Swann makes this look good
not even the shills were able to say anything about that. he also has another restaurant, and some museum. but how does some random pleb gets money to get into possession of those in the first place
This picture always gives me the shivers
Fair enough
Look for the pig
We need to cull the filth out that's for damn sure, fascism might be the only way. Humans are too fucking weak to let have so much freedom.
if trump is implicated in all of this. will you lads still support him? He's been awfully quiet about this stuff and his close relationship with guys like Epstein could mean that he's a part of the ring or has dirt on him.