Guys there is serious problem,we have to make sure that we dont get cucked like westerners,so we need to use meme magic like Americans did and get moast conservative parties in office in next elections,post memes,of your conservative parties.
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As an african guy that has a Latvian gf, please do. Where else will i get qt whitechix
I will start.
DIE IN HELL negro shit!
Fuck off cunt.
>relevant to anything
kys ex-russian satellite non countries plz
What if i like BBC?
Then you will fall under islamic rule and your national IQ will get close to africa.
low effort thread
What would be high effort thread?
you know who is also low effort, ur mum xd
stop making those threads
stop making those threads
But we have to elect NA.
kek(Pērkons) wills it!
Saved thanks for the memes Eestibro.
You already have US troops all over your country, you think a single politician would oppose Trump?
Really makes the kopek rolling
>not posting the superior lithuanian song
Its not about Trumo silly russkie.
EKRE 2019
>not the best of the best one
i am a mere paint enchanter
Are there Trump analogue candidates in any of the Baltic states? I've got my meme magic catalogue ready to support...
Yes it is.
The Baltic countries are rightful German clay. I want you to kneel.
>balts hate russians
>it were the jews who shitted on balts in USSR times
Really, lads?
>kneeling to a turk
>>balts hate russians
Maybe you could start by getting all the russians to fuck off from our countries you fucking russian garbage can
Merkel BTFO
This guy,he isnt doing to well with russians votes tho,becose he is Latvian nationalist.Its kinda like Trump didnt do well with hispanics.
ur wife is the one that will be doing the kneeling, but not in-front of you Hans
suck my dick, faggot
germany much like sweden is a laughing stock of the world
Don't know, we had parlament elections last year, green and peasant party took most seats and now they're taxing us to hell.
Just try.
Wew, irrelevelnt balts spewing their anger on everyone
Russiam chicks > baltic chicks
Well maybe he should, now that TYrump and Putin are pals.
Any Lithunians on? Do you feel Prussia/Kaliningrad is your clay? I'm not Baltic, but I feel it is. Lithuania looks ridiculous with so little coast line and old Prussians are most similar to Lithuanians, they were essentially Baltic.
>The russians are LITERALLY bringing drugs and aids into our countries
and build wall
Fuck Russian voters desu. That not-swastika is pretty dank
gl m8
Kek has always liked us
Sory germany as mutch as i respect you you are total joke now.
>Russiam chicks > baltic chicks
and then you woke up
Strong mongol genes make them unique cuties
Meh, Kaliningrad is pretty much Russia now, it used to be German clay with a large Lithuanian population.
>Russkie thinks that now that USA has press who isnt as agresssive against russia as others he can now anex Baltic states.
we tankz now!
slav shit
I used to have a qt Latvian friend who I was really close to, but she just disappeared one day. I haven't heard from her since.
How do I find another Baltic qt to fill the hole in my heart?
what if they get too cute to fuck?
You are literally slav. I bet my grandpa fucked half of your nation on his way to the west, braza
Yeah thats Latvian Fire chross from folk,had those for hundreds of years before nazzis.
You pat them, pal
you should just leave the EU and join mother russia again, but you are too scared fags
>Ancestory back to 3 generations
Then we talk
Are you a country?
i am white as a cow milk
Isn't NATO all over your country like a rash?
Sounds pretty cucked
>pat them
Less cucked than having your entire capital filled with pakis and other sandniggers
my sides
Thanks for pic
''csared'' rather disqusted.
Dude do you eaven do History?We didnt have anything to do with Russhits untill 14th of century.And our architecture is proff of it.
you are welcome to save it my friend :)
My edditing skills are crap but this have a potential.
Sent me some cute girls from Estonia
I send you helium tank
This picture is wery acurate representation of Baltic Russians.
I haven't taken an IQ test recently, and if I tried to find one online now, anyone could call it bullshit.
If it helps, I was in the International Baccalaureate program in middle and high school, and I have a perfect GPA now in college.
>Ancestory back to 3 generations
Half English, quarter German, quarter Irish.
Don't mind the flag, I'm actually American.
She was sweet and I loved talking as much as I could.
Yes the slavic soul, truly a modern mystery
Whiter than you, Tatar.
Your fine.But Baltic culture should be though to your children,thats a obligation and Latvian language.
What's This?
Lai atpelnītu 1,3 miljardus eiro dārgu projektu, no kura tikai salīdzinoši nelielu daļu – 347 miljonus – ir apņēmusies segt Eiropas Savienība, Latvijai būtu jānodrošinās ar līgumu par garantētu ne mazāk kā 40 miljonu tonnu pārvadāšanu gadā vismaz 40 gadus uz priekšu. Taču, ņemot vērā ģeopolitisko situāciju un Latvijas valstsvīru tuvredzību, pie pašreizējās tendences pārvadājuma apjomiem ik gadu sarukt, par šādiem dzelzceļa kravu pārvadājumu apjomiem Latvija var tikai sapņot. Vēsturiski Latvijas dzelzceļš un ostas pamatā ir dzīvojušas uz Krievijas kravām. Šobrīd Krievija attīsta savas ostas, un tas nozīmē, ka pakāpeniski tā savas kravas novirzīs uz savām ostām, un, cik zināms šos Krievijas plānus pagaidām neviens nav atcēlis. Tā vietā, lai meklētu jaunus kravu piesaistes ceļus, atbildīgā nozares ministrija bez jebkāda ekonomiski racionāla pamatojuma apglavo, ka elektrifikācija uzlabos mūsu konkurētspēju.
We just love Motherland but goverment fucks everything up
>in order to get a good career you have to move from small, clean, white cities to Moscow
>Moscow is filled with chechens, dags, other inhumans but gives you a chance for success
make up your mind woman
Irish are rats
germans are cucks
british are fags
here you are
>Baltic culture should be taught to your children
Fine by me.
What the FUCK are you talking about?This is unrelated to the topic.
She was at rio olimpic games and some brazilian took photo of her.
Same here,thats why moast russians live in big cities like daugavpils and Riga.
Par plānu elektrificēt dzelzceļu un par kādu tematu te vispār iet runa, visi met iekšā mīmas.
Read, the discription of thread.
What did i wrote?What thread was it?
>that gif
What makes the Baltics so adorable?
shut it down
And what if your conservatism is utterly incompatible with Western/white nationalism?
What if the world is better off without it? What then?
Because it is.
>Litle wariors
are you projecting?
All according to plan.