How to we solve the Jewish problem? Every time someone tries to do something about it, they return twice as strong.
How to we solve the Jewish problem? Every time someone tries to do something about it, they return twice as strong
That filesize.
maybe stop abusing them then
Get jew girls hooked on heroin
Its a good idea, trust me
Ok, the FED is run by jews.
But what about japan central bank.
China central bank.
Europe's central bank.
Britain's central bank.
By first identifying the true problem, by naming it and the people who create it.
"Jews" is not accurate enough to pinpoint the element that has plagued humankind for so long. Zionists? Banking Elite? Still not good enough.
These are still all symptoms of whatever it is driving this force to corrupt and persuade us. We need a new word, a new name that root cause, something that's irrefutable and cannot be easily turned into a pseudonym for other groups.
We need to name the beast, but personally I have no idea what is it.
Rename it the Goyish problem and get whites to stop being so fucking gullible and act smart.
They're run by the FED.
They return twice as hard, then white people get shamed twice as hard
If you can't get rid of the puppet master, at least cut his strings.
>Every time
>they return twice as strong
no they don't, it took them near 2000 years of intensive preparation, only 60 of wich were ininterrupted, to get there.
Once we got rid of them, it's for good. You just have to remember they are parasites, they need a host, and currently this host is the USA. Wonder what would happen if the USA would stop funding israel? This works for every jew ever, spot them, stop funding them and watch them crumble. The only problem being that stopping funding them is made illegal in most place of the world, hence why we need to get back to power so we can get rid of (((these laws))).
The problem is they blamed anything done to them on 'evil Nazis'. If Nazis wanted them dead there would be far less in the world right now.
I dunno about china but japan being colonized it's most like under (((influence))) too.
Europe and britain? Don't make me laugh, the kike is even deeper than in the FED.
so either get shot
or get all your property seized by the government
wow nazis were super fair to the jews
>either gib all your money and women
>or get exterminated
wow jews are super fair to the world
teach whites to act in their own self interest.
stop them from doing things like adopting negro babies because their judeo-marixst masters told them that makes them a good goy.
Pic related.
Ask anyone about Nazi Germany and anyone will respond with the gassing of Jews. It's even become a joke topic in some cases, that's how well accepted it is. Every few years (((Hollywood))) dumps out more and more Nazi movies to keep their grip on our balls. Since everyone is a brainwashed idiot these days, they never actually give any thought to it. They do this to make sure anything like Nazi Germany will happen again--it will be so publicly inappropriate to even suggest implementing Nazi ideologies. They'll keep doing this until the whole topic fades away, or everyone becomes a Nazi just because the topic is so mainstream now, people will see it as normal; just like some people can kill animals and others can't.
you can't defeat them; watch your commercials; consume
Jews are white and based, we should support them.
You can't because you're literal retards. The answer is to stop being right wing
>B-b-but muh libbrrullls!! Muh white powah!!
The right wing is and has always been lousy with kikes. They're only present on the left in the extreme margins, trying to erode society. But that only works on bourgeois scum children who act edgy to entertain themselves (something the right also supports). When people think and live right, jews can't prosper. When they become hypercapitalist neo-nazi shitheads, they proliferate like...well like they do now.
Considering the 1% ran Germany then tried to starve them, I'd say they were safer in camps.
We did the same to the japs in ww2 but we didn't have psycho bloodthirsty fucks bombing our supply lines.
Wrong. This just flares up white males' eternal dog-eat-dog bucket of crabs issues. Whites already have enough trouble with competition. That's why jews play on it to inflame their greed which leads to crony capitalism, which always benefits jews and sociopaths.
It doesn't matter. Sooner or later people won't care just like every masecare in history
Fuck them women, mixed races are projected of them fears.
>don't fight the kike, sleep with it.
>Now THAT will teach him!