Pigs are proof of god
They serve no propose except to feed us, they are very large meat creation and storage devices, with little stubby useless legs.
even so called mini pigs get as big as a loveseat if you fed them.
Pigs are proof of god
most pigs you have seen on TV are not fully grown
Brother may I have some oats..
What are you, a pig farmer?
Alcohol is proof of God
and that he loves us.
You can make Alcohol any place that supports life on the planet, from potatoes (vodka) to rice (sake) to grapes (wine) to rum (island sugercane) to wiskey (grains: barley, corn (maize), rye, wheat) etc
Don't even say it, I got a 3 day ban for that.
no, I am a believer in God
>pigs are proof of God
>post a pic of pig race evolved under human watch
At least post a wild boar
One should almost think that pigs has been selectively bred for thousands of years to be fat and docile.
people taste like pig just so you know.
>american education
a boar is just a uncastrated pig
wild pigs are slightly smaller because they get less food, but just as tasty
Even the Jews?
How do you know this?
You do realize that pigs have no compunction against killing and eating humans if they get the chance, right?
There's even a webm of one nomming on a poo-in-loo child floating around.
>wild pig
>even bigger
>still has the stupid small leg to meat ratio
>every point still stands
/German education
you only see small boars on islands where everything is small or nature preserves that curtail growth by stewardship
This makes me feel better about eating bacon, now tell me about how cows are total cunts.
When I was backpacking through hawaii i hunted wild pigs with some locals, they were huge!
try again stupid atheists
I raise cows...they are good mothers to their calves and docile animals.
They also taste really fucking good
T.never seen a wild pig
selective breeding you twat
>tfw balls so big you accidentally shit on them
noooooooooo ! but really deep down inside they're pure evil right ?
So delicious. So nutritious. Its texture that of the finest Persian tapestry. Its fragrance akin to an eccentric cheese of le cordon bleu. My tounge wrapping gently around its entirety causing my neurons to depolarize by opening ion gated potassium channels in which calcium flows down its concentration gradient to stimulate the corpuscles on my tounge as I separate the skin from the shaft. Ever so gently I tossle his black-cock foreskin between my lips in a fashion similar to tasting a fine wine. This fine wine however is all mine :)
Pigs are a product of selective breeding of wild boars, by humans, over the span of hundreds or even thousands of years.
also before anyone trys it, if you do have an area with no large wild pigs, only small ones, it's because humans kill all the big ones in your area
their meat is BS
farm pigs were literally bred by humans to become what they are, wild pigs are essentially fat angry dogs that eat vegetation tbqh
>amerishart education
that is a shopped picture senpai
now who is the twat?
thats wrong, stop swallowing jew lies, wild pigs will keep growing as food is available till someone kills them, if there is food around no human eats, the pigs eat it before it rots to store it for humans later. You don't see large wild pigs because most pales you go are not really "wild" any more but managed 'reverses'
wild pigs are the same size as farm pigs, get over it
>not much fat
>will try to fuck you up
Yeah they are exactly like domesticated pigs!
school doesn't even teach you to think anymore, did you even think for one second maybe you don't know what real wild boars look like?
You do realize that God created pigs as scavenger animals that were unclean to eat.
Your argument is almost as good and strong as the famous banana argument that proves Christianity and God!
Cows are known to occasionally attack humans, sometimes as a group, but it's usually only when they feel exceptionally threatened. If they eat another animal it's because it's either accidental or desperate.
That said, the evolutionary precursors to cattle, aurochs--the things you see in cave paintings and such--were much larger and had the temperament to match, so take solace in the fact that your distant ancestors domesticated them in bloody battle.
>Rehashed banana argument
you grow more hair when you don't have houses or stys or brothers to keep you warm.
Wild ones are good runners, swimmers and diggers. All this they do with their not-that-tiny legs.
and that is a common hunter's perspective trick to make the animal look larger
are you retarded?
Cows are cool, pigs are total arseholes and would eat you if they had the chance
Thats why they are unclean and god banned to eat them
That image is kinda misleading because those bananas aren't bred, they're modified to have an uneven number of sets of chromosomes.
God did not make pigs, man did. It takes two generation in the wild for feral pigs to select primitive traits like tusks and increased aggression whereas outside of England where no predators exist sheep would simply die out due to predation.
thats a plantain
btw I'm not auguring against evolution or breeding.
humans were unclean and needed a job of hunting in that stage of their spiritual development.
but unclean is a meme really, because in the way you mean it, disease, isn't really a problem of pigs but of sinful humans and their farming and bad human stewardship of their ancient farms
Posting pics of big boars doesn't change anything. We can just add the stupid thing OP said to all the stupid things religious people say when they try to understand nature or scientific theories.
Humans modified some animals and plants over time to make them more useful for them, of course they seem "made for us"
Niggers are proof that god doesn't exist
This is a monster out folklore. It doesn't matter if bigfoot, the loch ness monster, or unicorns do not exist because beasts such as the one in your picture have haunted the dreams of men since time in memorial. In the myth of Hercules one the fabled beasts Hercules has to defeat is a giant pig.
This is on purpose. He does it so the rancher has to clean the shit off his balls. This tells the rancher that though you may some day eat me, for now I am you master. Pigs aren't so different from black people in many ways.
my argument was that the first picture you had sent was shopped, not that wildboars are small
now you have sent a proper one without tricks
What do you do when you kill something this big and you don't have atv to haul it out with? Just leave it there to rot? I would want to at least bring the pelt home with me so I can walk around the house wearing it as a hooded cape.
it was real at one time see
and think pig version.
there is no reason to think the fossil record reflects even half the animals that are gone.
unicorns were real too
>that pic
hey there bby
That said, hybrids are always bigger than wild ones.
Pic is likely a hybrid too. Don't know about Merkan ones, but boars in Europe have thick, wiry fur and they're kind of skinny.
A wild boar is an enormous omnivore with a vicious temperament that can and will happily kill and eat a human. How exactly is that proof of a loving creator?
Oh and I forgot to mention that they are highly intelligent, and they use all that brainpower to cram as much organic matter down their gullets as possible. They are basically fucking demons.
Around here we call them Goyim
Never forget that civilization is humanity's refuge from nature. Outside, there be monsters.
Even the modern wild boars of 400-500lbs you find in the Appalachian wilderness from time to time are perfectly worthy of legend for anyone not armed with a rifle.
implying Europe has wild pigs or real wilds, your biggest forest is like 150 acres
>inb4 you name some preserve created less then 100 hundred years ago, such as bialoqieza that is managed.
'loving' is very complex and hard to see from our perspective, but I'm not going to get into the 'how does evil exist' debates here. But if they are dangerous, that just makes them taste better when you do. also makes you disciplined because they are not /that/ hard to kill, if you plan ahead and keep pointed sticks around and women protected.
>pigs is prof of evolution
pigs are proof of god /thread
Don't forget the horse, a perfect ride for man.
Point being pigs are definitely not made for humans in their natural state. They are a competitor species like bears, wolves, or lions and probably the biggest assholes of the bunch. It wouldn't surprise me if people started eating them because they had to kill them anyway to keep them from fucking shit up. They aren't exactly easy prey.
Which God ? There's so many.
If you said 150000 acres of uninterrupted forest I would've been unsure, but apparently the biggest non-Russian forest in Europe is 5 times bigger than that.
Also, boars are pretty comfortable with mixed habitats, in fact they love to trample down corn fields.
BBC is proof of god
They serve no propose except to breed us, they are very large meat creation and pleasure devices
with muscular legs.
even so called mulatto's BBC get as big as a zucchini if you arose them.
I member when some bangladeshi once told me.that pigs were the jews who disappointed god.
Thats why they can't arch their heads upwards to the heavens and why they are so similar to humans biologically.
I know this is bait but thats not a wild horse, that is a feral domestic horse.
Wild horses are too short and too weak to ride.
They would have looked more like this.
Stupid christfagss it's called artificial selection. kill yourselves
Russia isn't Europe, that is why it won't fall with you. also no shit, Russia is over 10 times as big as any single euro country
>atheist nigtmare
remember Amazing Atheist?
>their meat is BS
Found the kike
What's your point?
Pig causes tapeworm and other shit, why would god give us disease infested animals to eat?
And if you're Christian, God bans Pork in the Bible.
Leviticus 11:7-8
>Even the modern wild boars of 400-500lbs you find in the Appalachian wilderness from time to time are perfectly worthy of legend for anyone not armed with a rifle.
>Feral pigs are wild boars.
>Wild boars being native to North America.
>American education.
Next you'll tell me horses are native to North America.
easy to prepare
easy to preserve
large chunks of lean meat
can be fed with leftovers
cooking with lard is easier on the stomach than any oil
you'll definitely find better tasting meat (nothing beats red deer imo), but pork is practical and economic
>Niggers are proof that god doesn't exist
Incorrect, they served a purpose for our forefathers doing all of the hard work while they were busy building civilization, once freed they now serve as a model for how humans should not act in today's modern age.
>Wild pigs (also known as wild hogs, wild boar, or feral swine) are an Old World species and are not native to the Americas. The first wild pigs in the United States originated solely from domestic stock brought to North America by early European explorers and settlers
try again christcuck
Pigs are God's chosen meat. If you don't eat Pig you don't eat with God.