This is a Finnish propaganda piece to get children to inform on their parents to the police if they dare criticize politics. Literally.
This is a Finnish propaganda piece to get children to inform on their parents to the police if they dare criticize politics. Literally.
noice, back-lash time
Child ask mom why she is insulting politicians online. Police shows up to correct the child's mother. If people don't see this as commie propaganda than i don't know what to tell you... What can you really expect when commies don't want "Old people to vote" *cough brexit
Government framing legitimate policical opinion as hate speech so as to silence dissent via intimidation, same as what they're doing here, it's a disturbing turn of events.
Its the same shit they are pulling here. The EU really is the new Soviert Union
The person in charge is the one you're not allowed to criticise.
Remind me again who took freedom of speech away from Germany?
nazis? jews?
any is valid
lol fuck you finalnd and fuck your Karhu beer
Karhu beer was brewed originally in my town, but some big helsinki brewery bought it and shut down the factories here
Fuck nowadays Karhu indeed
That's one fucking cringeworthy video. Had to close it when they started singing
good song desu senpai
Just another sign of desperation. Yesterday someone shot a round to a refugee center. They are starting to lose control.
Ei saa peittää!
How is it communism when our government is right wing and only works for small rich bourgeoisie elite?
How long do you think would it take to have something like this if I send this magnificient idea to de Maizière's facebook page?
Imagine the cool figures we would come up with.
The police-eagle, the police-teddybear, the police-goat, the police-mole
the possibilities are endless.
Is Finlands media controlled by wealthy Jews too? Seems to be a common theme in Nordic countries.
Well they had good entertainment for kids but now....
Well this is fucked.
We could do a shitposting campaign against this, and maybe get Ylilauta with their massive autism on it.
They are shilling news like this:
Also someone shot at asylum center yesterday in Kouvola
Holy shit you're right. This is just like east germans ratting each other out to the stasi.
Goddamn politicians and jew media trying to ruin this wonderful country.
I don't even know anymore. It's all Pro-Euro / Pro-USA brainwashing bullshit.
Russia is portrayed as an ebil goundry :DD that is always the aggressor. Yet NATO creeps bases closer, surrounding Russia with US mil hardware and troops.
I just want to live in an independent country. :/
>kid rats me out to the cops
>as soon as the cops leave, proceed to beat communism out of the kid
Actually it is worse than that. This is like Maoist China where in the culture revolution the children were brain washed to hate and kill their parents, pleding allegiance only to the socialist maoist regime to become.
Saviour's of Scandinavia.
>Stonehenge, where the demons dwell and the banches live and they do live well.
>I can't play with you sweetie, I'm too busy being politically incorrect on the internet.
Said no parent ever.
A bigger problem is that literally all of the "journalists" have gone through the communist university program of "journalism". Everyone working _for_ the media is literally either a cabinet-communist or a communist. It doesn't matter who owns the media anymore.
Finlan is pretty cucked desu
even our right-wing populists are just cuckservatives that support jewish globalism
Soon Mestari will replace Jytky-Sika
/r/ rule34 from police lion
Its funny how a year ago, 99% of finnish people respected the police, because they were mostly nice people just doing their job.
Now they are not allowed to do their job, so people basically spit on them and treat them like shit. Good job EU
wow, how things have sped up from few last year. we really are trying to catch big Sweden
this is just ridiculous
So it's the same as here then, our public service TV is filled with people like that.
and we currently have right-wing government
can you imagine after the next elections when we get SDP,Kesk,Vihr,Vas,RKP government?
>right wing
cuckservative, with a few top lads like Defence Minister Niinistö
Is this .gif supposed to be ciaphas cain leading his artillery unit?
Man I kek everytiem. You fuckers are always on about 60% :DDDD and you live in the dystopian future before we do. Really made me think.
GG Eurofaggots GG
kek ive never respected the cucklice
This country is corrupt on the highest levels.
Cronyism, backroom deals, legal monopolies.
Yet we are portrayed as one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Why? We made corruption legal. It's happening in the daylight.
When a case comes up when people realize that some shady shit has gone down, nobody does a goddamn thing.
We don't rebel or march. We take it up the ass and hope the next guy is a bit less corrupt.
one might say plutocrats.
Dont worry americuckboi you're still leading in the cuck rankings
>Is Finlands media controlled by wealthy Jews too? Seems to be a common theme in Nordic countries.
If you've lurked long enough, you'd already know.
It's (((them)))
Our police force is one of the best in the world when it comes to actual policework.
No uneccessary violence. No unlawful shootings. Strict orders and rules when it comes to use of force. I've never had a bad experience with them.
But they are forced to do this kind of cuckery. It's the laws that are broken and need fixing. Not the police force itself.
idk found it from some random thread.
Wow. Every month that passes in my life, /pol seems a little bit more sane and honest, and the real world seems a little bit more insane. The memes seem a little more real, the racist stereotypes seem ever more real. Will it ever end?
The Dire Frog is not right-wing because Christianity is left-wing.
Hell, just this morning there was a Rauhan Tervehdys newspaper in my mailbox and on the front cover they had refugees - threw it straight into the trash.
Because you're an obedient and small country that can't really do much in the big picture. They always portray those whitey white countries as being "corruption free" when that's anything but the truth.
If you were say independent or aligned with Russia then you would have lots of leftist rags piling on you.
only it's not about politics at all, it's about harassing people online.
it's still shit, but your attempt at spreading disinfo falls flat Mohammed.
mah nigga
i just watched that video
Another word for disagreeing with.
Guess where they got the money to print that paper and pay for the journalist?
yeah I'm not making excuses for this bullshit but I'm just pointing out that it's specifically about "online bullying".
of course it can and will be abused by leftist shitheads.
>yfw having dissident political opinions is considered harassing
Bonnier owns some shit but not really. It's just that most of the "journalists" are brainwashed women who live in their own bubble where they have to be tolerant and love them poor refugees.
Wonderland. I love Finland!
Ye lets teach our kids that arguing with politicians ideas is bad and maybe illegal.
Lets have a government that you cant criticize sounds like a plan.
Wtf I hate my country know. I'm gonna move to Iceland.
can someone post the fbi doc about pedo-symbols? is this one of these?
the more disturbing thing is that again the state is trying to go through children to get at others in society. I'm from the UK and this sort of thing is rife there.
childrens teachers, school nurses, etc don't have to inform parents about everything and have the power and are encouraged to report children with political views they don't like. or if they have any feeling that the child is abused they can refer them to social services.
police can do the same, doctors as well. so you have all these professionals whose word and assumptions are law.
goes much further than that though, citizens are encouraged to report each other for anything they can be reported for, having a TV without a license, and other petty shit.
I know of people who had their kids taken away and as revenge reported the family who implicated them and they had their kids taken away too.
the worst thing though is when the government tries to get you through your own kids. complete societal break down. part of why I wanted to get the fuck out of there. that shit better not be beginning here.
>doesn't read the thread
ok then
Most of this asinine stuff is produced by women who hold down public sector jobs and don't know any better. In reality it should be done by "workmen" who have more common sense.
WTF thats completely USSR
yes that's exactly what someone I was talking to about life there said as well. they actually lived in the USSR so they would know.
I told ya bro. I told you about the EUSSR
>/r/ rule34 from police lion
You fag know exactly that will end up with the girl getting banged...
can't believe this happening to fucking cousin countries Estonians should have told you fucking horror stories about exiles to Norther Caucasus for making fun of Batyka Stalin. This is even worse imagine a world of 1984. you are living in it.
>Disagreeing with politicians is criminal harrasment
Rape when its a woman.
All media in US and EU are controlled by kikes
Trusting the attentionwhoring OP that is advertising his own channel is retarded.
The video is about "harassing" individuals, ie. telling them to kill themselves and so forth.
1776 must commence in Finland!!
I hear you.
No, that's a random spiral pattern.
Do you think it should be illegal to be mean to someone? Should I be sent to jail for telling you to go kill yourself?
ruispuikulani rispaantuvat
Good goy. There's nothing wrong with telling politicians to kill themselves. Kill yourself.
kaalikääryleeni kipristyivät
Cool cat saves the day!
When you realize 1984 was not a novel, but a manual.
No, but then again telling someone to kill themselves online once is not illegal. Doing it repeatedly and continuously turns it into harassment which by all means is illegal in most Western countries. Why do you care so much about this shitty fucking video made by some police media employee who doesn't even represent the group of people she is working with?
>oy vey muh ad shekels
>stop posting from unofficial channels
>Yes goy, good goy.
Yes, what could go wrong here? We have now people sentenced for hate speech for saying such things as: "Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims". Do you think it is a good idea to make children informants of hate speech on their parents? Protip: who will teach to the children _what_ is considered hate speech tomorrow?
Ebin gif :D:D:DD
>Why do you care so much about this shitty fucking video made by some police media employee
I dont. I care when some cuck who probably supports hate speech laws and thinks saying nigger should mean instant jail time tries to justify it
>Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it. The songs, the processions, the banners, the hiking, the drilling with dummy rifles, the yelling of slogans, the worship of Big Brother — it was all a sort of glorious game to them.
>All their ferocity was turned outwards, against the enemies of the State, against foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals. It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children.
>And with good reason, for hardly a week passed in which ‘The Times’ did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak —‘child hero’ was the phrase generally used — had overheard some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought Police.
Finland confirmed for 1984.
>Also someone shot at asylum center yesterday in Kouvola
Kind of how like someone shot at the pizzagate place, yet miraculously nobody was injured. But we should just shut down the investigation, because one shot was fired and nobody was injured.
>advertising your own channel
>instead of posting the official video so people can go do what everyone has already done and downvote the bullshit.
It's almost like you think people agree with this crap, or that it's any representation of the police force at large.
Systems like this can be destroyed by abusing them until they break.
eg: People making constant false reports
It will be a police-cock for us.
I somehow refuse to believe children will fall for this. Snitches get stitches is pretty universal moral standard.
>Do you think it is a good idea to make children informants of hate speech on their parents
Where exactly is this done, do tell me, because all that happens is the video is the typical childish "Let me tell my parents why this is wrong!" trope that's found absolutely fucking everywhere from recycling to fire safety.
>I tell you goyim its not to supressing dissidents! its about harrassment like saying you disagree with a (((feminist))) that white genocide is great... or not approving of Israel ....oy vey I mean harrasing someone to suicide which totally happens all the time and is a real epidemic
It's not being pushed in the first place, so what would children fall for? The video has 4225 views, with 243 dislikes and 40 likes.
shh just do et