Why are white boys like you comfortable saying the n-word on the internet when you never would to a black man's face?
Why are white boys like you comfortable saying the n-word on the internet when you never would to a black man's face?
Because I don't want a blm rally in front of my house while jessy Jackson screams out for justice.
Rudeness/"rudeness" to strangers and friends =/= overall assholeness. It's why niggers call each other nigga, but chimp out if I'd do it.
I say it openly. I dont say it in poor taste.
Ah, so in other words... fear
Because it makes me feel like a big man.
Why are niggers like you comfortable with being weebs on the internet when you would never discuss K-on! to my face?
I would never say that to a black man's face.
Only to a nigger's face.
OP is a faggot neet who watches anime and thinks he fits in with Americans. Trump didn't win by accident. Nobody likes your kind
Fuck off nigger
The same fear niggers had in the 50's when they tried to date a white girl and the kkk still existed.
Except your kind are the kkk now nigger and you got the zog media behind you.
So it's not worth it calling you a nigger unless you lay a hand on me.
I say it to their faces because black men are no more aggressive than other races and words don't hurt them.
Imagine if there was a word that actually made humans commit to acts of violence. Just imagine.
The political implications of this!
Proof that we brothers run this shit! We can torture your little white boy asses and get minimal media coverage. But if white boy says nigga, he's gon get hanged internationally!
first of all - you're not a nig, you're a white cunt pretending to be a nig.
second - last time nigs tortured someone - they got jail sentence
Because there's no black men around to call niggers.
Tell me your address nigger, I'll fly over and say it to your darkie fucking face.
nigger nigger chicken dinner
Jail didn't mean shit cracker.
They heroes now and they got less attention than an orange man tweeting about diet coke.
>No niggers
Who are you trying to fool?
I have said it to a few black men's faces.
From a small town in the Midwest. We ran a couple black dudes out of town once. They were scared
sure this buddy
I live in Brooklyn, 1271 Yo Mommas house white bitcg! Your mom take black dick!
>this low tier bait
man, Sup Forums is really going to shit
Because taunting felons is a bad idea.
I call coons niggers all the time, best part: they're too fucking off their tits to care here!
>Can't even spell
why am I not surprised? :^)
Stop with the Othello. All of "your" power is merely one side of the racial chess game where they pit you against one another. The Commies need the distinct separation, and fighting. All of you will lose in that game.
>we gain food stamps and we get to riot, and kill each other freely so we win
>jail is a badge of honor, not slavery
Yeah Yeah. Broken slavetalk.
Haha how many bitches you lay with your spelling?
Blacks have anger issues, chips on their shoulders, and inferiority complexes. Smart people are honest with them online because they're too stupid to into the internet
>ey ya nigga, why don't ya go back ta Afreeca now eh?
I would, if he called me a cracker. Par for the course.
On the internet from intelligent people it's used as an adjective to describe someone who conforms to a certain culture that's entirely artificial and entirely designed to disadvantage the poor. It's otherwise called hip hop, but the best way to describe it with the best image created for your audience is simply "nigger."
I would not use the word outside of this topic. Being "nigger" isn't something I'd want to automatically assume about anyone despite skin colour.
He's an Ozzie, you dull twat.
But user.
I have.
nasty word no matter who uses it
where I have worked,,blu collar gigs & in betw phone work in charities,black guys I worked with occasionally used it among the,selves,with black bosses, white bosses,never.
met black girls in sports bars.they hate hearing the word. use of the word by anyone. esp the white guys who believe it ok & anything goes these days.shit
I knew too many absolutely decent people who have more character in the house dustbunnies than 30 whitegoofs, the term use is cultural negative.
Because black people are violent. Are you retarded?
But I have though. Only black guy I know is an old 'nam war vet who hates pc culture or "those hippie fucks" as he calls them. we made fun of those three nigger bitches who drove into a Florida gator pond.
Fortunately, my generation never had any issues with saying nigger in public. It's you pansy fucks that stigmatized it. Even blacks here routinely said "look at that dumb nigger" or "is that nigger for real?" I'd like to thank you all for turning the world into a hugbox for the sensitive and easily offended.
I would.
What's he got there, some ten pounders? Hot damn, Barry. Keep that up and they'll put a statue of you in Philly!
Because niggers are subhuman filth that will kill me and my family if they feel offended and the government will support it.
>Why are white boys like you comfortable saying the n-word on the internet when you never would to a black man's face?
I Do call them niggers in their face, what's your point?
? I don't have to blacks say it to each other all the time
more than any white racist ever will
we dont have negros here
Because in the shithole I live in there's no racist word against blacks.
because they are mayo white boys
Why don't you sign a job application form?
Ah let me guess... fear.
You are Canadian you literally elected a man who worships people with melanin.
I'd say NIGGER to a NIGGER'S face; but not a BLACK PERSON'S face, because the term would not apply
>6,000 years a slave to a word
I want to fuck Cia
Niggers mostly trigger a triggered niggers trigger but not all trigged niggers niggered triggers nigger.
hate speech is literally illegal in canada
Niggers are so soft
Plus there's more light brown people than pure niggers somehow, not sure if that's even a good thing
The same reason you wouldn't stick your arm inside a chimpanzee cage and then tease the chimp. It's not fear, it's common sense. It's already known blacks are highly sensitive and easy to get butthurt.
Thanks to you!!
You elected a white boy who worship black cock and is posing in a gay magazine!
Because it isn't decent but here on the Internet we are trolls and is the wild west so fuck you nigger
I didn't vote nigger
You are your people.
You're still part of the problem then.
I would if he was the only black guy on a street. You fucking niggers have no honor though and gang up on people at every opportunity.
I would but I never saw one in my life and I would like that to not change.
What accent are you trying to type, burger?
It's called racial pride and unity
White don't have that because you have nothing to be proud of, everything to be ashamed of
Played high school basketball. called my teammates nigga all the time to their face. When they weren't paying attention I'd drop nigger
Mick Dundee, or some bastardization thereof.
We collectively had the largest empires in the world. Territory that spanned most of the globe. We fucked you up with weapons you couldn't understand how to manufacture. When all the globalist faggots are dead and their liberal followers didn't have kids we will be unified again. Even in smaller numbers our wealth and invention will make the difference.
I say nigger to niggers all the time.
But i call my friend nigger all the time.
I also call him zwarte piet, he doesn't give a shit
It's called being tribal and primitive as fuck. This is why you are regarded as literal apes, that is what fucking apes do. Blacks have no honor, integrity, or morality.
I think you are a faggot but I dont go around calling everyone I see a faggot either.
Regarded as apes?
Not by white women.
Not by young people, who are the future.
I don't go to the zoo and provoke apes either because apes are violent but they're still apes. That's what you niggers are, apes. And you belong in the zoo.
one time i sperged out after a nigger bumped into me while i was walking home drunk and i called him a nigger and all he did was go AY FUCK U MAN and walk away from me really quickly
i thought i was supposed to get punched so i could feel something for once
>he thinks there is a difference
mfw aaaaaall this butthurt, these guys in particular:
get more butthurt... please
because you're a racist and I have no respect for human garbage like you.
wait, what part of initial D is this from?
I am young people dumbass. And guess what loads of people still have prejudice against you fucks because your communities are garbage, and in return all you do is protest bullshit and ignore the crime capital which is made primarily by blacks.
Because of the liberal hounding that would ensue. It's ok for them to say white people are the problem and should all be castrated at birth at a press conference but call one shoplifting black guy a nigger and that's not ok...
I wasn't racist either until I learned some facts about black people. The more mixed the country gets the more they will realize just how much they hate black people. It's usually you live in a vast majority black neighborhood or a vast majority white neighborhood. Really people are inherently racist and it shows when you look at individual neighborhoods.
more fake news, keep it up sergi they are almost buying it
Everyone sage this fake niggers bait thread. He ain't even a nigger he's probably some chink pretending to be a chimp.
Where are you? I'll call you a nigger to your fucking shitskin face if you're within 2 hours.
Keyboard warrior
Why are blacks scared to say they are in control of their own peoples destiny to a news camera?
I can walk down the street and have any black cry on live tv about how a few white men control them......
The problem is that black man are much stronger and bigger than white boiz.
OP is a nigger.
nah they are a victim class and therefore protected. This is all officially on paper as well.
Excellent point
But then again...you might end up stimulating some of these people to actually do it. Don't trust the sanity of people who come here.
>implying I go near niggers
Our social circles don't intersect faggot.
>black people are violent
>ayo I bet u not say dat to muh face
I do it regardless bitch.