Was Jesus an Aryan?
Was Jesus an Aryan?
oldest panel painting of jesus, 6th century mount sinai, egypt.
No, he was Semitic.
Jesus image is Catholic, that means universal.
Jesus can be portray in many ways.
In Africa for example, sometimes Jesus is portrayed as Black.
He's nothing but a hebe, a penny-pinching scum,
He never had a job, another jewish bum,
We'll crucify the hebe, it'll be no fucking loss,
We'll nail his hymie ass to the fucking cross.
Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew,
If we were in Auschwitz, i'd give him a tattoo,
Jesus was nothing but a fucking kike,
Let's nail him to the cross with ten-inch spikes.
He's nothing but a hebe, a penny-pinching scum,
He never had a job, another jewish bum,
We'll crucify the hebe, it'll be no fucking loss,
We'll nail his hymie ass to the fucking cross
Jesus was nothing but a fucking jew,
If were were in Auschwitz, i'd give him a tattoo,
Jesus was nothing but a fucking kike,
Lets nail him to the cross with ten-inch spikes.
You fucking kike!
No. He was a slight of hand magician and blew everyone's fucking mind. They called him the son of God and wrote the new testiment about the first David Blaine.
he looked like a jew or arab
nobody knows so they all portrait him how they want, in Ethiopia they paint him weird and shiet
Still doesn't make it accurate.
Makes me kek every time
He wasn't a real person, dude.
I've noticed a few consistent features of Jesus, namely high cheekbones, long thin nose and long hair. He looks ectomorphic, so he may have been tall for his time.
What if the image of Jesus actually is accurate? The Catholic church could have an agenda in ensuring Jesus is recognisable, especially if they believe he'll return one day. What better way than to keep his image as true to the original as possible?
He wasn't Aryan (Aries) but Piscean (Pisces)
Jesus was a cuck, so probably.
>high cheekbones
yes, people make him conventionally good looking. That's common in portraits of famous people across the world and throughout history, you dumbo.
Ethiopia is home to the oldest sect of Christianity.
>King of Jews
Jewish so the story goes.
Hold on a sec
>*chomps doritos*
So you're telling me
>*licks fingers*
That Jesus Christ
>*chugs mountain dew*
Was an aryan and stuff?
He was a middle eastern Jew.
According to this book when was the early church created and who was it's first leader?
Not necessarily, plenty of actors are short manlets with low cheekbones and essentially that jaw face (just the best way to describe it). Actually, ectomorphs aren't all that attractive, especially when they're too thin like Jesus probably was.
If you read revelation, reinterpret the keywords to fit modern times, then if the prophecy is true and if Jesus is currently alive, then he still is.
The whore of Babylon isn't getting paid to fuck, she's simply a non virgin girl with a lot of social media followers, maybe a big YouTuber.
too much holy bread
There was no "early church" nor was there "a" leader, just a lot of widely divergent religious groups and squabbling leaders, most of whom are lost to history.
Jesus was neither aryan nor white. He was dark skinned with dark brown eyes. White devils try to make him out to be white but what can you say.. devils gonna dev.