I've been speaking to other folk in England about a second independence referendum and I'm struggling to find anybody who wants them to stay.
How do the rest of your feel about a UK without Scotland? In other words:
I've been speaking to other folk in England about a second independence referendum and I'm struggling to find anybody who wants them to stay.
How do the rest of your feel about a UK without Scotland? In other words:
scotland will eat you alive, anglo ahmeds
I don't know if or when Scotland will leave, but I hope the last two members of the UK are England and the Falklands.
Forever and a thousand years my white friend.
i give a fuck about those islands
scotland will kill your shitskin countrymen, rape your shitskin women and esclavize your shitskin children
Thanks for your undying support argie. Is Scots can't wait to stomp English cucks. I bet their girls can't wait to get JOCKED.
IDK about scots, but UK should fuck off from rightfully Argentinian Falklands and rightfully Greek Cyprus, where they openly support roaches.
> shitskin children of your wife
The funny thing is the girl with the Scottish flag around her isn't even Scottish
Yeah she looks English
Guess who gave her this flag.
rat born in a stable isn't a horse now is it?
Give the rest of us a vote to kick em out and there's no fucking question, Scotcunts out reeeee.
If the rats have taken over the whole stable they may as fucking well be.
Support here is lower even after Brexit since Sturgeon is a retard and thinks anybody cares about the EU, and the dead Oil prices
You cucks were begging us to stay last time.
You have no idea how civic the cities here are matey
I can't wait to watch them disappear up their own arse.
Fuck Scotland.
I want the united kingdom to stay united. I like Scotland and I like our shared history.
Cull the snp voting population and keep the rest i say
This desu.
>tfw you were born in Scotland
It's weird. I've spoken with several Scots and none of them can be arsed with an other referendum and will probably just vote no because they know SNP is fucking useless and would just fuck everything up.
You are better off without Scotland.
Let the Scots leave if they want to. If they stay then 'Muh United Kingdom', otherwise they're just a burden anyway.
That being said, I don't think there's a good enough reason for a second referendum, to prevent (((their))) shenanigans there should be no second referendums in any case for an arbitrary time period.
No hate, I honestly think a seperation is in our best interests. They have repeatedly made it clear in elections and in the referendum that they want completely different things to the rest of the Kingdom; We vote right and they vote left, we want to leave and they want to stay.
It is in our best interests that we go our seperate ways.
But the real question is how do we get them to leave? They've lost their bottle since the first referendum. Perhaps if we antagonise them enough that they don't have the stones to do it that will spark their nationalism.
The snp fucked itself, there were over a million leave voters in Scotland, a good proportion of those had to have also voted SNP. SNP has turned around and stabbed those guys in the back, the media won't show the large number of people that distrust them here now.
I think that The Telegraph is the most sane paper in England as well as Conservatives is the most sane party, especially in their fair attitude toward Jews.
Until the question comes to the Russian Federation. What a paranoiac bull shit do you write? Are you really think that you're the centre of the universe, and Putin do nothing but thinks how to conquer the UK? Putin doesn't give a fuck about Britain at all.
Dunno man. We're just chilling, don't really give a fuck about much.
that's why I'm proud to be polish and get the fuck out of here when shit hits the fan.
Let Scotland go.
>How do the rest of your feel about a UK without Scotland? In other words:
scotland and northern ireland are the only good parts of UK
the rest is literally filled to the brim with niggers, mudslimes and white trash.
Why not invite more polish friends into england instead? Poland going full battle of britian mode.
But Diane Abbot told me you guys would stay and become British :(
I'm Scottish & past caring what happens, whatever does happen is bound to be worse.
Stop cleaning toilets, get skills, get a skilled job and get a Tier 2 visa. It's normal if a country doesn't want toilet cleaners from poor countries, Poland also doesn't want migrants who do nothing useful but steals jobs and rise demand on houses.
>mfw Britain lets part of their country leave and their ok with it
All you colonials look the same
Thank you my Brazilian brother. Is it true you kill people for a pair of shoes?
Thank you my commie killing comrade.
Except they weren't able to in the pass, can't do it now, and won't ever be able too. So calm the fuck down before Chile decides to fuck you.
Another referendum would fail I think and we would just get more SNP virtue signalling about transgender toilets and refugees.
Scotland, for gods sake will you just fuck off already?
Us English are long tired of paying for your methodone, insulin and beta blockers, and sending your 'women' to free spinster training camps. But most of all were just sick of your fucking whining. Cat died? BLAME ENGLISH. Car wont start? ENGLISH. Wife fucked by a Somali? YEP, YOU GUESSED IT...
Just leave and stop your autistic screeching.
I'm doing a PhD in UK
If the people within it want to govern themselves that is not only amicable but even commendable.
Then again I don't suppose a federal nation of 500 million people could understand this concept.
>Tfw your post is an autistic screech
Nah I like your free money.
Tier 2 visa is your chance to stay in this country. What do you do with you degree in a shit hole?
I wish they would fuck off already, but the spastics voted to stay.
Imagine if you as a yank paid for all of Canada's free shit, and then Canadians voted for you not to have the same free shit, then they bitched about you endlessly and tried to pull away from you, while still billing you for their free stuff.
Would you not want to just let them fuck off too?
>They have repeatedly made it clear in elections and in the referendum that they want completely different things to the rest of the Kingdom; We vote right and they vote left, we want to leave and they want to stay.
Because we're consistently taught to hate England and blame them for all our misery, why else would a joke of a party like the SNP get into power? 90% of their voters have no idea what they stand for they just see the N and assume it's good.
Scots are fucking retarded and the SNP is capitalising on it.
Tier 2 visa in the UK or h1-b visa in the USA are only the sane choices for a hi skilled worker for firing on all cylinders.
If Scotland fucks off they'll end up like Venezuela because they have nothing else besides oil. With no EU to get gibs from they'll just starve.
not Scots are retarded
the concept of equality is retarded
why the fuck would I want to live in UK/US?
Poland will be perfectly fine once the west fucks off being busy having a civil war
Kek, we should set up salt mines in England and use the funds to lobby for more refugees to enrich the Anglo
>Losing 6 million leftist welfare leeches
>watching them go bankrupt and become VZ 2.0 since the SNP admitted they need >$120 a barrel oil to break even
I'd be sad too if I had to cuck myself to keep us Scottish NEETs happy. I think the English enjoy it deep down though
You're dramatising things, it will be ok, they're LGBT faggots, they can't war, maximum what they can is to bully Jews on AIBs.
>giving up more of your Empire
That's why you guys have the problems you have today.
I was brought up feeling British, and felt quite affectionate towards the Scots.
But they're so retarded and anti-English that I'm sick of them. They're almost as anti-immigration as the rest of the UK, but are willing to vote in the biggest lot of pro-EU pro-immigrant spastics around. They ought to throw they're lot in with the rest of the British, or fuck off. I feel sorry for the Scots that don't want independence, but Scotland is what it is.
Build that wall.
I like the Scots, they are inclined to become emotional in the presence of Scots identity or alcohol or both. Even so, there is a grounding of common sense and goodwill in most ordinary Scots. What they choose to do about the union is their decision. The land itself, the logistics will cause them the most problems. It's empty, less than half the population density of England. The reasons being so much of it is un liveable and climate. People won't go, despite better benefits than England. An independent Scotland would survive, but would it survive well is another matter.
Their problem is Muslims, they're brainwashing them encouraging anti-Semitism. The USA is the most Jew-friendly country has the strongest economy in the world.
Jews are the problem.
>anti-Semitism is bad
Good goy
I wish I was dramatizing.
I haven't seen as many niqabs in Turkey or UAE as I've seen in Manchester.
Go see some western cities an you will love Maчeхa Poccия
>Depopulates Scotland through land reform
>Removes industry
>Scots move to colonies and London en masse for work setting up multinational companies
>Calls the ones that remain in the ancestral homeland welfare leeches
Never change eternal Anglo.
They don't even have oil. Their predictions for reserves are dwindling, oil price is a pittance, and its only 'theirs' in so far as its in 'their' fishing waters (secured with the might of England). Their oil industry was financed by English money.
Good luck defending 'your' waters with the Scottish army and navy. Which is 2 sheep with grenades strapped to them, and a pedalo captained by alex salmond. Not that anybody would want your trickle of oil anyway.
>Free uni, free prescriptions etc all paid for by the English taxpayer
>not leeching
Listen here, Evita. I swear to allah that I will break the back and stir the haggis of any scotcuck that tries to mess with me, inshallah.
>(secured with the might of England
>Good luck defending 'your' waters with the Scottish army and navy.
Scots in the British army are overwhelmingly unionist too, they'd have essentially no military.
We still have your nukes tho don't forget.
I think what would happen is they would sincerely go hungry and beg to come back to the UK after a time. Their gibs wouldn't help them and no one else wants irn bru because it tastes like piss.
It's bad. If some Jews made bad things, it doesn't excuse hatred to Albert Einstein or Sergey Brin. They're smart and talented it's common. Some are bad, it's individual. You're making them scapegoats in your posts here.
The ones the SNP wants removed ASAP?
The SNP are cucks.
>Scotland leaves UK
>Haggis and irn-bru consumed en masse
>Prime Minister Nicola "Braveheart" Sturgeon gives speech on how Scotland has freed herself from the shackles of the union and will join the progressive nations in the European Union
>Scotland applies for EU membership
>Doesn't satisfy required economic sufficiency
>Literally no industry apart from oil which is set to run out in the near future
>Would become a gibsmedat state on the levels of Eastern Europe
>Bad credit rating means that Scotland would struggle to form international trade deals
>Can't even form a decent bilateral agreement with the rest of the UK.
And to top it all off
>Spain vetos Scotland's membership
Meanwhile in the United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Island
t. Benedict Arnold
An independent scotland would be a near one party state.
Iron brew tastes like freedom.
And tooth decay.
Even the British hated Benedict Arnold. He died in poverty because he was seen doubly as a turncoat opportunist. That's basically the SNP in a nutshell.
Except I don't believe we should get handouts from the government. If the Canadians in this case voted against giving MORE welfare to the American people I would agree with them. Although I know that isn't what the Scots do. The Scots just want gibs.
I know, that's why I've given up caring, it's fucked whatever.
Haggis will be the greatest loss if Scotland leaves.
>The Scots just want gibs.
And what gibs would these be exactly ?
That would be the happiest day of my life. Fucking Scots.
I don't like the SNP desu m8, gotta shitpost for Scotland through when we're being slandered as beggars though cos of the SNP...
I voted to leave UK in first indy ref. But the SNP have just fucking went full retard regressive left. The Snp were only meant to be a coalition of people with different views but wanted independence. Now they full blown sjw tards that get offended by anything.
They used to be called the tartan tories, what the fuck happened?
The question that really should be asked, does Scotland really want to be ruled by Nicola Stirrgeon?
As an American with some knowledge of English history but almost none of Scottish history, why does Scotland seem to just kind of relatively suck or lag behind England so badly?
They've been so seemingly intertwined with England since 1707, and historically there have been so many mathematicians, philosophers, etc. that have come from there that it can't have been a dump or anything, J.C. Maxwell, David Hume, Alexander Graham Bell, etc., don't get me wrong England produced a ton and a lot more but has a lot more people too. When did it all go wrong for them?
It's very complicated, I would like them to go independent in all honest (no hostility here), but not right now. It's not a good time (for them mainly) as hard as it is to believe I wouldn't like to see them fall flat on their face which is what would happen if they go down the path Sturgeon is taking them. I have respect for the Scots for the reasons you noted, for their population they have produced great things and that should be respected. I think the wise Scots see through what the SNP are and what they've done.
Now this is the only compliment the Scots are getting this year, it's back to hating each other.
Tfw Scottish and have more sympathies towards UKIP than anything in Scotland
In all honesty, the majority of Scottish peoples attitudes towards the SNP is "shut the fuck up about indyref2 and just get on with it". Nobody i know likes them anymore and see through their pandering bullshit. I am expecting either a tory or labour landslide next election most likely Tory if i am honest.
Why Tory? I thought Scotland had a huge Labor base.
It did but Labour seems to have just fizzled out of existence in Scotland due to their inability to make decent change. Now the SNP are on the same path